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Spanish Conference ID = 1638


Zoom Meeting





Meeting ID: 995 4146 4383
Passcode: 1Jxu$wd7W.


Action Items: EN

Transcript: EN EN, ES

Zoom Chat: EN EN             

Recording: EN EN, ES

Zoom Recording: EN


Dial out Participants: 

EN:  Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Maureen Hilyard, Sandra Hoferichter 


Apologies: Maureen Hilyard

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Melissa Peters Algood, Michelle DeSmyter(only available for first 30min)

ES Interpreters:  Marina and Lilian 

Call Management: TBDGisella Gruber 





  1. Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (


    2 min)

  2. Adoption of the Agenda - Hadia (2 min)

  3. Review of the Action Items from previous  Action Items from previous call- Hadia (1 min)

  4. Debrief of the Intercultural Workshop: Small Talk Part 2 Workshop held Tuesday 15 February at 19:00 UTC - Hadia, Sandra & Melissa (30min)

    1. What worked well 
    2. How to improve participation 
    3. How to make more interactive
  5. Review and discussion on jamboard takeaway tool kit from the "Art of Small Talk Workshop" - Melissa Allgood (15min)

  6. Preparation of next Workshop: The Art of Persuasion within the context of ICANN - 11th April, time TBC - Melissa Allgood (10min)

  7. Next Workshops

    Review of NCSG Webinars

    - Hadia and All (



  8. AOB - Hadia (5 min)

  9. Next Call - Hadia (2 min)

    1. TBC (Thursday

  1. 3
    1. , 31 March

  2. or 17 March
    1. at

  3. 19
    1. 18:00 UTC

  4. - depending on next workshop scheduled.
    1. )?