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00:28:48 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): could you please scroll the screen
00:29:13 Lilian Ivette Deluque: my dial out is gone please re dial me
00:31:07 Michelle DeSmyter: noted, thank you Lilian
00:31:12 Michelle DeSmyter: Welcome Abdulkarim!
00:31:17 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): makes perfect sense
00:31:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: agreed makes sense
00:31:59 Natalia Filina: Hello all, My apologies I am late
00:32:12 Michelle DeSmyter: Welcome Natalia!
00:32:22 Natalia Filina: Thanks Michelle!
00:32:26 Gisella Gruber: Link to wiki page: At-Large Capacity Building Webinars Survey Results - 7 December 2020
00:33:50 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): Hi natalia
00:33:53 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): welcome
00:34:14 Natalia Filina: Hi Hadia, thanks!!!
00:36:07 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): we need a couple of lines describing the webinar
00:36:08 Natalia Filina: thanks Lilian, I will happy to join to this work
00:37:24 Michelle DeSmyter: Welcome Heidi!
00:39:46 Natalia Filina: It is the right way to invite Youth to this work, they know even more about SoMe ways-)
00:40:38 Natalia Filina: Thank you Lilian!
00:40:57 Lilian Ivette Deluque: agree natalia
00:41:29 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): social media platforms
00:43:37 Lilian Ivette Deluque: exactly hadia
00:43:45 Natalia Filina: yes, with happy
00:43:56 Lilian Ivette Deluque: i am happy natalia
00:44:59 Lilian Ivette Deluque: this experience is very important Natalia
00:45:57 Lilian Ivette Deluque: i talk about this channel with evin
00:46:05 Jonathan Zuck: And we should simulcast our webinars to the YouTube channel
00:46:52 Natalia Filina: Definitely, video is the best way
00:47:02 Jonathan Zuck: Pretty easy to produce. I can do a webinar on how to make them…
00:47:18 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): +1 Jonathan
00:47:36 Natalia Filina: Jonathan, great idea!
00:48:43 Natalia Filina: We can cut the best moments from existing videos and make super promo videos!
00:48:45 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): @Jonathan this is an excellent idea
00:49:13 Heidi Ullrich: Should that be an AI?
00:50:48 Jonathan Zuck: Yes, internal, more quickly might make sense
00:51:15 Lilian Ivette Deluque: agree jonathan
00:51:26 Jonathan Zuck: Happy to do it twice.
00:52:33 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: promo video has good chance of wider impact. +++
00:54:35 Gisella Gruber: We need to confirm interpretation if required as there will be a cut off to interpretation services prior to ICANN70
00:54:43 Gisella Gruber: Prep week is 8th March
00:57:21 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, Gisella. I understood JZ’s webinar was to be held the week prior to prep week.
00:57:41 Heidi Ullrich: as there were other At-large webinars to be scheduled during prep week.
00:57:58 Heidi Ullrich: @Hadia, how do define ‘internal’?
00:59:49 Jonathan Zuck: I guess I”m saying, we could spend a call on it in Feb or something. Up to you, of course.
01:01:08 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): Ok Jonathan let's discuss on our next agenda item
01:01:13 Heidi Ullrich: To confirm, JZ’s webinar on best practice on presentations will be a CBWG webinar - scheduled on 1 March.
01:01:39 Heidi Ullrich: Which would make it the first of the 2021 series of webinars.
01:02:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: 2nd SoMe one is Feb
01:03:46 Hanan Khatib: yes please reminders e mails is very important
01:04:01 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, Cheryl. The days, weeks and months blur...
01:04:27 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I hear you Heidi
01:06:09 Natalia Filina: openness and defence
01:06:10 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): for promotion
01:06:44 John More: Registers work well to protect. Requires management.
01:06:53 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): could we send out surveys to them
01:07:02 Joanna Kulesza ALAC: +1 for registrations. I did have concerns sharing the links to the euralo roundtable
01:07:05 Heidi Ullrich: It might be more efficient allow staff to handle the set up and announcements. They have a quite a bit of experience ;)
01:07:16 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and that is useful follow up
01:07:42 Heidi Ullrich: I believe there is a SOP re set up and post work.
01:07:58 Natalia Filina: + @John
01:08:02 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): sure
01:08:25 Lilian Ivette Deluque: i agree too
01:09:51 Heidi Ullrich: I thought 1 March for the video webinar
01:10:17 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): 15th feb
01:11:11 Heidi Ullrich: Is this the internal or the public webinar?
01:12:09 Heidi Ullrich: Yet JZ is speaking at a quick webinar vs another webinar
01:12:38 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): fast one on the 15th Feb
01:14:36 Maureen Hilyard: So we have the quick video creation webinar in Feb?
01:15:04 Maureen Hilyard: And then as a prep for presentations WEBINAR in March before the ICANN meeting?
01:15:50 Heidi Ullrich: @JZ, what is the title of the Feb webinar?
01:16:06 Jonathan Zuck: Sure. So early March is the new and improved version of the previous presentation webinar I gave before ICANN69
01:16:23 Heidi Ullrich: So we may now have three total webinars on presentation - Feb and April for CBWG and one around ICANN 70 ?
01:18:35 Maureen Hilyard: Clarification about the different webinars. Sounds great.
01:19:20 Maureen Hilyard: I thought Natalia was suggesting a new topic.. August?
01:19:39 Maureen Hilyard: Its a great topic.. ccNSO
01:19:55 Natalia Filina: maybe August, yes!
01:19:55 Heidi Ullrich: @Hadia, to confirm there will. Now be two CBWG webinars in April
01:20:17 Heidi Ullrich: @Natalia, what is the topic /title of the ccNSO webinar?
01:20:20 Natalia Filina: thanks. Yes, in email
01:20:28 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: 1 per month seems a better cadance
01:20:30 Heidi Ullrich: June is ICANN71
01:21:08 Heidi Ullrich: @Hadiia, if one per. Month we have two in April
01:21:09 Heidi Ullrich: We a already have the. Consensus Playbook webinar in April
01:21:10 Natalia Filina: @Heidi maybe "country code domains and marketing of DNS"
01:21:24 Heidi Ullrich: so if add JZ’s that will be two in. April
01:21:25 Natalia Filina: correct my English pls-)
01:21:34 Heidi Ullrich: @Natalia, thanks.
01:21:46 Natalia Filina: Thanks @Heidi
01:22:07 Heidi Ullrich: We a also have JZ’s webinar in April
01:23:10 Claudia Ruiz: Abdulkarim is on the call
01:23:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: time check
01:25:23 Claudia Ruiz: 04 Feb @ 19:00 UTC
01:25:26 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: this time will now constantly clash with GNSO Council meetings ok for me but Hadia as Liaison shadow might need to consider
01:25:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Council calls are fixed now
01:26:44 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: whatever
01:27:00 Claudia Ruiz: 18UTC?
01:27:17 AK Oloyede: 18:00
01:27:19 Gisella Gruber: Not 1700 UTC as we have the ICANN70 call
01:27:24 Gisella Gruber: So 1800 UTC will work
01:27:30 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: slightly more human for me
01:27:38 Joanna Kulesza ALAC: Ok
01:27:58 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: bye
01:27:59 Natalia Filina: thanks Hadia and all for the great call! Bye and take care
01:28:03 Hadia Elminiawi (ALAC): bye
01:28:06 Lilian Ivette Deluque: great call bye