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Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the At-Large Technology Task Force Call on Monday, 13 February 2017 from 15:00 - 16:30 UTC.

  Evin Erdogdu:Agenda:

  judith hellerstein:Welcome all to the call

  judith hellerstein:Glad we have some new people

  judith hellerstein:Welcome all

  Evin Erdogdu:The agenda page will be up shortly (edits just finalized!) Welcome all.

  Alfredo Calderon:Hello to all! Saludos a todos!

  Vanda Scartezini:hi all just in listen mode.. out of my office, very noise region

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:LOL

  Satish Babu:Hi Mario!

  Alfredo Calderon:Hola Mario, bienvenido!  Welcome Mario.

  Vanda Scartezini:welcome Mario

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:unsync agenda please

  Vanda Scartezini:bienvenido

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:thank!

  Mario Aleman:Thank you! Gracias,

  Ariel Liang:

  Evin Erdogdu:

  Alfredo Calderon:@Dev, I agree with Olivier.

  Alfredo Calderon:Did and it did not work.

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:yes thank you for testing this Alfredo

  Alfredo Calderon:It worked at some point, before.

  Mark Segall:I'm taking notes for the dev team

  Alfredo Calderon:@Dev, that would limit calls to a at a time.

  Alfredo Calderon:opps, one at a time.

  Satish Babu:Not fully fixed...

  judith hellerstein:Others in the NCUC also noticed it as well but did not know they had a place to complain to

  Satish Babu:Yes, that will help

  Carlton Samuels:Howdy all: Quick question, would the provider not have the evidence of the failures?

  Evin Erdogdu:At-Large Budget Development Workspace:

  Carlton Samuels:Let me be blunt. If ICANN pay for a service then there should be a Service Level Agreement. If the service is substandard then there is no reason to meet with the provider other than to exercise the terms of the SLA.

  Carlton Samuels:If there is no SLA then that is a failure of management.  That is what must be fixed.

  judith hellerstein:Yes Carlton, that is what Josh was saying

  judith hellerstein:that is why Josh wanted to get people to file complaints with them so they can presentit to the provider and they can fix it

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:AC working terribly today

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:it was very slow to open

  Carlton Samuels:@Juduth: I'm sorry. Might have missed it since I joined late.  I'm simply going ack to my experience as a senior technoly service manager and provider.

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:

  judith hellerstein:However, it seems that message has not gotten to the other consittituencies as people i talked to in those constituencies do not know where to file these complaintes so perhas that needs to be broadcasted out to all consitiuencies again

  Ariel Liang:Doc unsynced, so you can scroll on your own

  Evin Erdogdu:Uploaded now!

  judith hellerstein:@carlton, it was not this time, but much earlier

  Carlton Samuels:And why can't this p[latform render a page consistent with the display characteristics?  If it can't adapt then its time to dump it!

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:

  judith hellerstein:@mark, can you look into this.  it seems every since we switched over the adobe our interaction with adobe has gotten worse instead of better

  judith hellerstein:ICANN is paying a lot more for this service but we seem to be getting less for it

  Carlton Samuels:@Judith: YOu just lurched into the truth!  This is a management problem!!!

  Carlton Samuels:Question for Staff:  Can we see the SLA associated with this service?

  judith hellerstein:@mark who is handling the Adobe issues that Josh had handled?

  Alfredo Calderon:Not seeing what she is talking about.

  judith hellerstein:it is because the page is not unsyched

  Andrei Kolesnikov:sorry got to go :(

  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you for participating Andrei!

  Carlton Samuels:@OCL:  While I sympathize with the statement, I have to say we are complicit and share the blame.  We have given to majoring in minor administrivia matters as response to accusations of being without 'value'! to the community  We drank the kool aid  now spin a lot of wheels to demonstrate we deserve being 'funded' !

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks Andrei for attending

  judith hellerstein:HI Tobia, we are running a bit behind

  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome Tobia

  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome Lorenzo

  Tobia Castaldi:Hi Judith... no problem

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:@Calrton: we are all guilty as charged. Automate all of this. Robotize it.  Make sure the Robot does the work so we can all concentrate on work instead.

  Lorenzo Miniero:Hi everybody

  Satish Babu:yes

  Alfredo Calderon:Yes

  judith hellerstein:HI all we are running a little behind. We will be at the meet echo demo  shortly

  Amal Al-saqqaf:Does the channels connected to the WGs' mailing lists?

  Mark Segall:To close the loop on @Carlton's request via SLA.  I've noted for discussion with our Meetings Technical Services Team and will provide an update.

  Lorenzo Miniero:waiting to find out how we can unmute :)

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:yes

  Satish Babu:yes

  Evin Erdogdu:Should be unmuted now, Lorenzo.

  Evin Erdogdu:Great!

  Corinna Ace:I need to drop off for another meeting. Thanks all

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:usea  headset, perhaps?

  Ariel Liang:thanks Corinna

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:yes we can

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks Corinna

  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you Corinna.

  Alfredo Calderon:It does not seem to work with Safari in iOS in my iPhone.

  judith hellerstein:alfredo it will not work on IOS on phone or tablet since currently apple does not support the web rtc standard

  Alfredo Calderon:it uses WebRTC-enabled browsers.

  Alessandro Amirante:WebRTC is not currently supported by Safari, and is not supported on the iOS version of Chrome and FireFox either!

  judith hellerstein:We found that out Friday but they had said that hopefully apple will be changing this soon and start supporting it

  Alessandro Amirante:Anyway, as Tobia is going to say in a while, we can implement a custom workaround for you which can allow you to join the audio part through phone and just watch to the shared screen also from iOS devices

  Alessandro Amirante:Of course things are moving toward that direction, and we do expect Apple to join the WebRTC arena in the near future

  Alfredo Calderon:Could work if one is at office or home, but if out of the office will not be able to see screen.

  judith hellerstein:they can do a work around this and if a person shares their screen than you will shared screen in your browser

  judith hellerstein:the audio will be thru for adigo

  Lorenzo Miniero:it's Alessandro, actually :)

  Lorenzo Miniero:I haven't spoken so far

  judith hellerstein:Sorry Alex

  Evin Erdogdu:Whoops! Sorry about that, Lorenzo!

  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you Alessandro. :)

  Lorenzo Miniero:no problem!

  Ariel Liang:The meetecho room link is:  

  Justine Chew:Can Alex tell us who else is using Meetecho apart from IETF?

  judith hellerstein:ACM?

  Lorenzo Miniero:yep

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:yes

  Alfredo Calderon:Yes

  Evin Erdogdu:MeetEcho Room:  

  Lorenzo Miniero:Tobia is already speaking and showing his video in the Meetecho room

  Alessandro Amirante:Just be sure to be muted on Adobe, as otherwise you're going to generate a lot of echo! :)

  Evin Erdogdu:Thanks Lorenzo

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Attention all: we are testing MeetEcho conferencing solution with adigo now redirected to the Meetecho solution

  Evin Erdogdu:Thanks, Dev.

  Carlton Samuels:Dropping off!

  Carlton Samuels:Bya all

  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you Carlton!

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks Carlton

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks so much to the interpreters

  Mark Segall:All... It's my turn to drop off.  Thank you for the Meetecho demo

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:They will be stopping now

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks Mark

  Ariel Liang:thanks Mark and Carlton

  Evin Erdogdu:FYI all, our ES interpreters David and Claudia are still with us.

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hi,  David, Claudia - you can certainly stop

  Vanda Scartezini:llooks interesting .... thanks to all Meetecho people.

  judith hellerstein:Thanks for everyone for staying on

  Alfredo Calderon:Thanks to all!

  Vanda Scartezini:see you around thank you all

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:thank you all

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone

  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you everyone!

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all