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Spanish Interpreters:  Sabrina and David



A G E N D A:   



1. Introduction Roll Call, adoption of Agenda (Olivier Crépin-Leblond- 4 minutes)



IANA Update - Implementation Status (Olivier and Alan Greenberg - 10 minutes)



Work Stream 2 Update (Olivier and Alan - 40 minutes)

a. Diversity - Cheryl, Sebastien, Seun, Tijani

b, Guidelines for Good Faith - Cheryl and Avri

c, Human Rights - Avri, Bastiaan, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Leon, Seun, Tijani

d. Jurisdiction - Avri, Christopher Wilkinson, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Tijani

e. Ombudsman - Sébastien (rapporteur), Alberto Soto, Carlos Vera Quintana, Cheryl, José Arce, Siva

f. Reviewing the CEP - Alan, Avri, Siva

g. SO/AC Accountability - Cheryl (Co-rapporteur), Alan, Avri, Christopher W, Jean Jacques S, Sébastien, Seun, Siva

h. Staff Accountability - Alan, Cheryl, Seun

i. Transparency - Alan, Avri, Cheryl, Jean Jacques Subrenat



4. CCWG Accountability (Alan Greenberg -  50 minutes)

Discussion of Bylaw review and other current issues.



. Any Other Business (Olivier Crépin-Leblond -


6 minutes)


----- older entries below ---


More References: Meetings of the CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability

we spend a little time on IANA just providing a very quick update on the implementation status and then spend the majority of the call on Work Stream 2 topics. We have representatives on most of the topics:

Workstream 2 topics
(and At-Large people involved as active participants)
Pick from these, so we can let them know in advance we need their update on the call.
Cheryl, Sebastien, Seun, Tijani
Avri, Cheryl
Avri, Bastiaan, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Leon, Seun, Tijani
Avri, Christopher Wilkinson, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Tijani
Sébastien (rapporteur), Alberto Soto, Carlos Vera Quintana, Cheryl, José Arce, Siva (Reviewing the CEP)
Alan, Avri, Siva (SO/AC Accountability)
Cheryl (Co-rapporteur), Alan, Avri, Christopher W, Jean Jacques S, Sébastien, Seun, Siva
Alan, Cheryl, Seun
Alan, Avri, Cheryl, Jean Jacques Subrenat