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  Nathalie  Peregrine: (11/16/2015 08:53) Dear all, welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce meeting focussing on the Tor Project, Monday 16 November 2015
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:27) Agenda page:
  Alexis Anteliz Internauta Venezuela: (15:44) Good morning, greetings from Venezuela thanks for the presentation will be in Spanish audio
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:46) @ Alexis, the audio will be in English only for this session. We will aim to have the trasncripts translated in FR and ES
  Alexis Anteliz Internauta Venezuela: (15:51) Thank you very much Nathalie then I'll be more attentive to the presentation and then read it in Spanish. Excuse my English
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:54) My pleasure Alexis, and apologies for the lack of interpretation on the call!
  Alfredo Calderon: (15:57) Good morning, Afternoon or evening to all!
  Maureen Hilyard: (15:57) Hi everyone
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (15:58) Welcome all!
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:58) Hello everyone
  Carlos Watson: (15:58) Hi all,
  Harold Arcos <Internauta Venezuela>: (15:59) Hi all
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:59)
  Glenn McKnight: (16:00) Hi Harold
  Glenn McKnight: (16:00) Hi Alfredo
  Alfredo Calderon: (16:00) @Dev Great!
  Jimmy Schulz: (16:04) Hi all
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:05) Welcome Jimmy!
  Jimmy Schulz: (16:08) sorry my connection ist horrible, I´ll have to reboot mey Router. I´ll be back ASAP
  Glenn McKnight: (16:09) Ok
  Alexis Anteliz Internauta Venezuela: (16:09) Comment: Please as they can link with the presentation to socialize
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:10) The slides will be posted on the wiki
  Glenn McKnight: (16:10) The  email for  David  Goulet is
  Glenn McKnight: (16:10) We will post the slides on the TTF  website
  Terri Agnew: (16:11) Welcome Satish Babu and Paul Bigner
  Alfredo Calderon: (16:11) In Puerto Rico I and teachers use it at schools.
  Glenn McKnight: (16:11) @Alfredo  and Eduardo  we will arrange a workshop in PR
  Satish Babu: (16:11) Thanks Terri!
  Glenn McKnight: (16:11) Hi Satish and Paul
  Paul Brigner: (16:11) Thank you!
  Terri Agnew: (16:11) Welcome Amal Al-saqqaf
  Satish Babu: (16:11) Hi Glenn!
  Amal Al-saqqaf/ ISOC-Yemen: (16:12) thanks Terri!
  Glenn McKnight: (16:12) @Satish Please  contact  David at    about your  project in India
  Satish Babu: (16:13) Will do, Glenn
  Terri Agnew: (16:13) Welcome Stuart Clark
  Carlos Watson: (16:13) where can I download the ppt?
  Glenn McKnight: (16:14) The slideshow  will be on the TTF  site.  We will provide the link one minute
  Alexis Anteliz Internauta Venezuela: (16:14) Thanks
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:14) It is on the agenda page
  Glenn McKnight: (16:14) Thanks
  Glenn McKnight: (16:15) @all   Nathalie has posted the  slideshow on our  TTF  slideshow
  Carlos Watson: (16:16) Thanks Nathalie
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:16) my pleasure!
  Jimmy Schulz: (16:23) i´m back
  Glenn McKnight: (16:23) @Jimmy  the slides are  posted on the  TTF  site
  Glenn McKnight: (16:23)
  Glenn McKnight: (16:28) lost  audio
  Alfredo Calderon: (16:28) Lost audio
  Carlos Watson: (16:28) i can't hear someone has the same issue?
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (16:28) back now for me
  Carlos Watson: (16:28) it's back
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:28) back now for me also
  Glenn McKnight: (16:29) back now
  Maureen Hilyard: (16:29) Whew I thought it was my system
  Glenn McKnight: (16:29) @Maureen I had to leave and come back in
  Alfredo Calderon: (16:42) DuckDuckGo, is it true that it is advertised as good for Schools and private groups?
  Glenn McKnight: (16:43) @alfredo  David isn't on the Adobe  so he doesn't see the question
  Alfredo Calderon: (16:43) OK!
  Glenn McKnight: (16:44) Please feel free to email David
  Alfredo Calderon: (16:44) Will do.
  Satish Babu2: (16:44) Glenn, can I ask a question on chat?
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:44) Certainly, Satish
  Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (16:45) we'll have q & a after he concludes his presentation
  Satish Babu2: (16:45) Thanks Dev, I'll paste my question. Pls read it out to David.
  Satish Babu2: (16:45) Yes, during Q & A.
  Glenn McKnight: (16:48) What is your  question Satish?
  Satish Babu2: (16:48) Thanks for a great presentation, David. Here's my question:I've been a ToR user for several years. I believe it is extremely valuable and that it saves lives. You mentioned last week's CMU/SEI action jointly with Law Enforcement. This seems to make ToR appear vulnerable.  Is this a slippery slope? What do you think this portends for ToR users (for hidden services & anonymous users)?
  Alexis Anteliz Internauta Venezuela: (16:49) Comment: Valuable information that multilingualism be incorporated if we want to overcome this obstacle in participacipón
  Paul Brigner: (16:49) that was really outstanding!  thank you!
  Carlos Watson: (16:50) I'm leaving but this presentation was so great, good content good presenter no words to say how helpfull it was, thanks everyone
  Harold Arcos: (16:51) Thanks David
  Glenn McKnight: (16:51) Thanks  all the attendees
  Alexis Anteliz Internauta Venezuela: (16:52) Comment: Thank excellent presentation I think we should do much more because their knowledge can help the most responsible and safe use of the network
  Glenn McKnight: (16:52) @Alexis on your  question  please contact  David on email on your  question
  Vernatius EZEAMA: (16:52) Mcknight thank you too.
  Glenn McKnight: (16:52) @  Dev  lets go to Lutz
  Satish Babu2: (16:54) Thanks very much, David & Glenn.
  Glenn McKnight: (16:54) Your  welcom  Satish
  Glenn McKnight: (16:54) We aim to please
  Satish Babu2: (16:56) If there's time for a second question, here is one more: How scalable is ToR? If many more users start using it, and the number of nodes are roughly the same, will performance start degrading? Also, is there anything us volunteers can do to save the situation?
  Glenn McKnight: (16:57) @Satish  I will ask it
  Glenn McKnight: (16:58) @satish please provide your  organization in the chat
  Satish Babu2: (16:58) ISOC-TRV
  Glenn McKnight: (16:58) no the open source org
  Satish Babu2: (16:59) I've moved on from now just an open source advocate
  Glenn McKnight: (17:00) ok
  Alexis Anteliz Internauta Venezuela: (17:00) Thanks Glenn
  Satish Babu2: (17:02) Thanks!
  Satish Babu2: (17:02) I am. For about 5 years.
  Glenn McKnight: (17:03) yes
  Glenn McKnight: (17:03) Please  click on Agree
  Glenn McKnight: (17:03) or noting
  Glenn McKnight: (17:03) nothing
  Amal Al-saqqaf/ ISOC-Yemen: (17:04) thank you Dev! it was an interesting presentation on interesting topic
  C 2: (17:04) useful and interesting presentation thanks
  Satish Babu2: (17:04) Thanks David & Dev!
  Glenn McKnight: (17:05) We plan on ICANN staff to be on the future call on Conferencing  tools
  Glenn McKnight: (17:05) Please provide your suggestions for future calls
  Maureen Hilyard: (17:05) very interesting
  C 2: (17:05) moving to something open not adobe would be good
  Glenn McKnight: (17:05) Please  provide suggestions
  C 2: (17:06) Sure.
  C 2: (17:06) is there a use case to match to?
  C 2: (17:06) or just a clone
  C 2: (17:06) ?
  Glenn McKnight: (17:07) any good  alternatives
  Alfredo Calderon: (17:08) Look at
  Glenn McKnight: (17:09) Thanks  Alfredo
  Harold Arcos: (17:10) @Alfredo +1 . I recently tried this tool
  Glenn McKnight: (17:10) @Maureen and I are  producing two  Ebooks
  Glenn McKnight: (17:11) The books are  focused on the Capacity Building Capacity Building webinars on  WORKING GROUPS
  Alfredo Calderon: (17:15) Let's try alternate times.
  Maureen Hilyard: (17:15) 2200 - 12 noon for me
  Alfredo Calderon: (17:16) My sense is that more and variety of people can participate.
  Gordon Chillcott: (17:16) +1 @Glenn
  Maureen Hilyard: (17:16) 5am current tim is OK
  Amal Al-saqqaf/ ISOC-Yemen: (17:16) 13 UTC is a good time I think
  Glenn McKnight: (17:16) @Maureen  you slept in?
  Maureen Hilyard: (17:17) LOL
  Glenn McKnight: (17:17) no
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (17:18) correct
  Nathalie  Peregrine: (17:19) Confirmed, transcripts will be translated into FR 7 ES
  Satish Babu2 2: (17:19) Thanks and bye!!
  Glenn McKnight: (17:19) thanks
  Maureen Hilyard: (17:19) thanks all
  Glenn McKnight: (17:19) bye
  Lutz Donnerhacke: (17:19) Thanky ou
  Alfredo Calderon: (17:19) Thanks to all!
  Harold Arcos: (17:19) Thanks to all
  Amal Al-saqqaf/ ISOC-Yemen: (17:19) Thank you all! Bye