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  •  Alan Greenberg to lead a small group of volunteers to 1) create rules to help clarify the ALS certification process (e.g. due diligence) while protecting the privacy of applicants; 2) review and refine the ALS criteria and expectations; Alan will draft a call for volunteers message to be sent by staff to relevant mailing lists on 26 November 2014. 
  •  Olivier Crepin-Leblond and At-Large staff to work on an update of ATLAS II recommendations for ICANN staff (i.e, Fadi) to report to the Board

    Ariel Liang to follow up with Eduardo, Jimmy, Hadja, Rafid re the vote on Seun for attending the LTP


    ALT and the IDN WG to select the ALAC Rep to the WG to Review IDN Implementation Guidelines by   


    ALS Criteria and Expectations TF to have weekly calls. Calls will rotate if appropriate. 




  1. RALOs to decide on one representative to participate in group call with ICANN Legal regarding the RALO Bylaw changes the RALOs are considering
    1. Referred to RALOs and Secretariats
  2. LACRALO to put the questions it has developed onto the ALAC-Registrar [wiki: [Ideas for future ALAC-Registrar meetings|] ([Ideas for the content of educational materials to be developed by At-Large & Registrars|]) and have a call on each one of the RALO teleconferences for this to happen. But the question may be a little unclear.
  3. ExCom members, during their RALO meetings, to encourage ALS observers in various meetings. ExCom members, during the various meetings, are to encourage all RALOS to mention the fact that meetings are open to all.
  4. ExCom to consider having interpretation on calls in which only 1-2 members request it.
    1. In progress:  Overall strategy for archiving with interpretation/translation must be discussed at some point in future.  (Of course, ICANN operating language is English.)
    2. Note:  Even if interpretation not requested, must consider its usefulness for future archival purposes; it is true of translating transcripts, wiki and mailing-list work, etc.
  5. Future ALAC Statements, which are lengthy, are to include an executive summary.
  6. Staff to update list of Cross-Constituency WGs on ALAC AG wiki page
  7. Cheryl to manage winding up and archiving WGs to be closed, Matt to schedule time to work with Cheryl on this.
    1. Wiki pages:At-Large Engagement in ICANN WGAt-Large Naming Issues Taskforce WGFuture Structure, Accountability and Transparency of ICANN WGccNSO / At-Large Coordination WGAt-Large IRT Process WG


  1. Board Consultations - in progress
    1. ALAC to refine its goals regarding its advising of the Board (for possible inclusion in 2012-15 Strategic Plan and/or Board paper). Focus on how the Board accepts and responds to advice from the ALAC.
    2. ExCom to develop a template for policy Statements, which might include executive summaries.
      1. Does the Board have a preferred template for Statements?
      2. Does the Board have a preferred template/format for the Chair's report at the meetings?
    3. At Large Improvements - in progress 
      1. ALAC to refine its goals regarding its advising of the Board (for possible inclusion in 2012-15 Strategic Plan and/or Board paper).
        1. Include metrics regarding how much policy work ALAC does
        2. Include way of prioritizing ALAC statements for Board (possibilities include marking statements important enough for Board action, sending Board monthly/bimonthly list of ALAC statements, establishing list of topics about which the Board should consult with the ALAC)


  •  Alan Greenberg to create a motion for the ALAC to approve by April 30, 2015; the motion aims to document ALAC position regarding country and territory names and codes 

    Staff to work with Alan on making the monthly reports more accessible



  •  Staff to remind Tijani Ben Jemaa on organizing the potential webinar on GNSO Policy Processes 
  •  Staff to organize a potential single issue call discussing At-Large as an aspect of civil society. Jean-Jacques Sahel to be invited. 
  •  Alan Greenberg to start a discussion on the ALAC list with regard to whether to close the inactive Working Groups, to replace the inactive WG chairs, etc. 
  •  Staff to gather a list of CCWGs where At-Large members are active
  •  Ariel Liang to create a survey monkey questionnaire with regard to potential guests to invite for ICANN 54 ALAC meeting sessions; the questionnaire will be distributed to the ALAC list ASAP
  •  Ariel Liang to update the Working Group lists (names & links) on the old At-Large website website after decisions are made with regard to the inactive Working Groups