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  Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the Selection Committee for Accountability Cross Community Working Group members on Thursday 4 December 2014 at 1600 UTC

  Gisella Gruber:Agenda:

  IMRAN:It may be if you do not login with a user ID... just a guess

  Glenn McKnight:hi

  IMRAN:Can you hear me?

  IMRAN:I am :-)

  Glenn McKnight:The  webinar is going now

  Glenn McKnight:Can we have a link to their  slides

  IMRAN:But someone else's line is noisy

  Glenn McKnight:Tw0 from  NARALO

  IMRAN:I request all to Mute except speakers...

  IMRAN:very noisy

  IMRAN:mute microphones i mean

  Glenn McKnight:called via  Adigo too

  VANDA:hi all I am not at my office so please I can not talk much

  Glenn McKnight:Hand up on procedure

  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All

  Ariel Liang:The candidates we have:

  Glenn McKnight:Le Marie Thompson is calling in

  Terri Agnew:Le-Marie Thompson has joined

  Le-Marie Thompson:on the right call now

  Ariel Liang:13 ppl

  IMRAN:TY IAT. Thank you I appreciate that ;-)

  VANDA:welcome all

  Ariel Liang:Here is the straw ballot result:

  Humberto Carrasco:Hello

  Humberto Carrasco:I apologise for been late

  Glenn McKnight:Hi Humberto

  Humberto Carrasco:yes

  Glenn McKnight:yes

  Terri Agnew:Humberto Carrasco has joined

  IMRAN:Hopefully fire not started by candidates who did not get picked ;-)

  Le-Marie Thompson:lets hope not

  Terri Agnew:Straw Ballot Elimination Process - Accountability CCWG:

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Terri

  VANDA:no I am ok with it

  Humberto Carrasco:me too

  Glenn McKnight:looks  good

  Glenn McKnight:Normally  a voting  happens  again with the top three

  Glenn McKnight:agreed

  Glenn McKnight:Only one  per region

  Glenn McKnight:Two  from   North  America now

  Le-Marie Thompson:Is go balance the normal corse?

  Glenn McKnight:Either  geo  balance  vs  talent 

  Holly Raiche:We usually try for regional balance, but did discuss getting the best people

  Fatimata:Please call me back

  Terri Agnew:dialing back out to Fatimata

  Glenn McKnight:We only have  one  female in the list?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Glenn yes

  Holly Raiche:I think we first have to decide whether we are going for one from each region or the 5 best

  Glenn McKnight:@ Holly has  a good  proposal

  Fatimata:@Holly, +1

  Holly Raiche:It wasn't a proposal - it was a first question before we decide

  Fatimata:I would prefer geographical balance

  Humberto Carrasco:Perfect

  Humberto Carrasco:a poll

  Glenn McKnight:i did

  Fatimata:I did

  Humberto Carrasco:i did

  Glenn McKnight:ok

  Le-Marie Thompson:What else does Alan have on his plate?

  Le-Marie Thompson:I'm not familar with all his reponsiblities

  Fatimata:May be we should vote again for NARALO

  VANDA:ii use the mic before since I had an empty room at that time. sorry

  Glenn McKnight:Alan is the new  Chair for  ALAC

  Holly Raiche:@ Le-Marie - Alan was specifically asked about the time he has for this

  Glenn McKnight:He has alot of his  plate

  Glenn McKnight:perhaps  too much

  IMRAN:Vanda we can hear you

  Glenn McKnight:Evan  has much more  time and less  responsibilities

  IMRAN:I say Evan then, Glenn.

  Glenn McKnight:It's  tough  but  i know that  Evan has lots more  time

  Terri Agnew:Barrack has rejoined on audio

  Fatimata:When Alan was asked about his availability, he said he will devote the needed time...  

  Holly Raiche:I think a related question has been the participation of each in the email discussions - not included in the voting, so relevant?

  IMRAN:It is up to us to make an objective and pragmatic decision rather than what a candidate thinks they can do

  Barrack Otieno:Hello Olivier

  Barrack Otieno:Sorry i dropped out

  Le-Marie Thompson:So Evan's ramp up may take more time that Alan's jumping right in? 

  Fatimata:Welcome Barrack!

  Holly Raiche:@ Ollivier - this is really about choosing the best candidate

  Fatimata:+1 Olivier

  Le-Marie Thompson:For the responsiblities that's needed for the committee, who would be the best to represent?  I'm can only go off of the Wiki details.  For expereince Alan seems resonable, for time commitment Evan.   But what's best for the committee?

  Barrack Otieno:I preffered Alan but i am not sure if he is too busy

  Barrack Otieno:I would also like to see some regional balance

  Holly Raiche:@ Barrack - if the choice is beween Evan and Alan, the choice is between people from NARALO

  Barrack Otieno:thank you Chair

  Barrack Otieno:thanks Holly, noted with thanks

  Glenn McKnight:@Holly  I rather  let  everyone  decide on Evan vs  Alan not just us  three from Naralo

  Glenn McKnight:They will  represent all

  Holly Raiche:@Glen - that's what I thought we are doing

  Le-Marie Thompson:With the dinamic of the other individuals on the list, is there anyone else that has Alan breath of expeirence on the topic?

  Glenn McKnight:I think  Alan  has  more  direct  committee  experience

  Holly Raiche:@ Le-Marie.  Actually, both Alan and Evan have HEAPS of experience with ICANN.  The point I was making is that Alan has been involved in the ATRT to -rocess - which was about ICANN accountability, so on this issue, Alan has very significant experience

  Barrack Otieno:then maybe we should stick to merit

  Glenn McKnight:good  point  Imram

  Barrack Otieno:merit+regional balance

  Holly Raiche:@ Barrack - Both have talent.  What Alan has is experience on this issue

  Glenn McKnight:Muted my mic

  Barrack Otieno:exactly Holly, i think we need that experience

  Le-Marie Thompson:Well lets see what these numbers come out to be.  This would be based on what the votes where. 

  Barrack Otieno:indeed Le Marie

  IMRAN:Alan then

  Holly Raiche:For me, the real issue was question 3 - on accountability on which Alan was ahead

  Le-Marie Thompson:There is its, Alan.

  Barrack Otieno:Lets go as per the vote

  IMRAN:Dial in again

  Terri Agnew:@Barrack, your audio is poor, we will have adigo dial back out to you

  Barrack Otieno:we give merit a chance

  Barrack Otieno:Olivier

  Holly Raiche:Looking at the chat, I think the preference is Alan

  Barrack Otieno:i wanted to propose that we go as per tthe vote

  Barrack Otieno:to simplify the exercise


  IMRAN:Is there a record kept of how active or present someone is

  Humberto Carrasco:yes

  Humberto Carrasco:please


  Humberto Carrasco:a poll

  Glenn McKnight:ok

  Fatimata:Yes for a poll

  Glenn McKnight:voted

  Fatimata:I voted

  IMRAN:I voted

  IMRAN:Let us debate this now


  Terri Agnew:Barrack has rejoined audio

  Holly Raiche:Well done

  VANDA:looks a gvery good group!!

  Le-Marie Thompson:Are there other oppertunities for those not selected to be involved? or encouraged to participate in alternative to being on the committee?

  Holly Raiche:All that is necessary is the outcome

  Holly Raiche:@ Le-Marie- trust me, there will be plenty of opportunity to participate

  Fatimata:Good job Olivier.  Thank you and bye to everybody.  I have to leave now.

  Le-Marie Thompson:Great, I just would'nt want anyone to be discourged from preparing themselves for another oppertunity

  Humberto Carrasco:thank you

  Le-Marie Thompson:Thanks

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All.

  Holly Raiche:Thanks Olivier

  Ariel Liang:Thank you all!

  Humberto Carrasco:bye