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  Terri Agnew:Welcome to the At-Large Summit II Thematic Groups Coordination call on Friday 06 June 2014 at 2000 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page:

  Rafid Fatani:Sorry I'm late

  Rafid Fatani:has the meeting finished?

  Terri Agnew:Hi Rafid, Fayre has ended

  Terri Agnew:Thematic will start in 30 minutes

  Rafid Fatani:super - thank you

  Allan Skuce:Greetings.

  Holly Raiche:Why 30 minutes? - or was that written 25 minutes ago?

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello, I'm joining the call and will try the audio link in a few seconds.

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Hello, I've just tried the audio link, could anyone hear me?

  Gunela Astbrink:Good morning everyone

  Heidi Ullrich:HI all

  Silvia Vivanco 2:Hello all

  Heidi Ullrich:we will be putting the final allocation spreadsheet up momentarily

  Holly Raiche:could I be redailed - don't know what happened- thanks

  Terri Agnew:We are dialing back out to you Holly

  Alan Greenberg:You just don't like us Holly!

  Holly Raiche:not true

  Fatima Cambronero:hello everyone

  Seth Reiss:I cannot hear, is the audio working?

  Alan Greenberg:Hong, it is an honour to have you here at 4 am!

  Holly Raiche:@Alan - that is the joy of living in the AP zone

  Glenn McKnight:Hi  Ene

  Allan Skuce:Just you

  Gunela Astbrink:I got in OK

  Wolf Ludwig:Can we come back to this later!

  Seth Reiss:I dialed in so I am OK

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Dev Anand

  Rafid Fatani:sorry - internet issus! I keep disconecting

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Konstantin

  Alan Greenberg:Raf, clearly your Internet does not like you. Therefore, I guess it does not meet net neutrality criteria.

  Konstantin Kalaitzidis (SFBayISOC):Hi Terri

  Rafid Fatani:HaHa! I'm not important enough! @alan

  Heidi Ullrich:To remind you of the breakout room sizes: Hilton 1 & 2, 3 & 4 , 5/6 rooms do NOT have interpretation. Each room has a U for 24 pax.  Viscount has interpretation French and Spanish ONLY  150 classroom with 15 head table Windsor is ALAC room with French and Spanish ONLY  U for 39 and theater for 108

  Heidi Ullrich:The Hilton rooms can go up to 30 people

  Fatima Cambronero:@Heidi, which Thematic Sessions have interpretation?

  Heidi Ullrich: @Fatima, that will be decided today.

  Heidi Ullrich:It will be the two largest TGs

  Fatima Cambronero:I have invited a lot of people from LACRALO to the Thematic Session number 3. I hope we have interpretation :)

  Heidi Ullrich:Currently, the two largest are TGs 1 and 3 :)

  Fatima Cambronero:great! :)

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Evan

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:you have to fill the rooms

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so there will be 20 people in the room

  Heidi Ullrich:All, please note that flip charts, post it notes and pens will be provided for each group

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:small rooms = 20

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:large rooms = 56 & 57

  Heidi Ullrich:so you can go into smaller groups to discuss questions

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat 2:Because my audio has strong annoying echo, I'll have to log out and log in again. May take a few minutes.

  Eduardo Diaz:Yes

  Eduardo Diaz:@Alan: yes

  Eduardo Diaz:@ALAN: 15 + 5

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:I'm back, audio now normal.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so effectively the room capacity is the number quoted plus 5 for eacdh?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:= 62, 25, 63, 25, 25 ?

  Eduardo Diaz:@Olivier: yes

  Gunela Astbrink:Yes, @Cheryl. that is a good technique

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so in total we are 200 people?

  Eduardo Diaz:No olivier, The numbers that you are seeing include the 5 running the meeting

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:exactly. so it's not 20+5

  Eduardo Diaz:Total is 175

  Glenn McKnight:I thought  these  sessions  were  public ,  It could  be  much more  attendees

  Eduardo Diaz:@Olivier: you are correct. Look at the top of the table after the comments table and you see the totals there

  Fatima Cambronero:I prefer a big group, the we can divide and work in sub-groups

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:62+25+63+25+25 = 200, not 175

  Glenn McKnight:If  public  the numbers  could  be much  more

  Fatima Cambronero:*the we can divide...

  Fatima Cambronero:*then

  Eduardo Diaz:57+20+58+20+20 = 175

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok -- so you said earlier that it was 20+5

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:aaah -- 15+5

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok. I don't count the SMEs, moderators etc. as special for room allocation. We just need to deal with numbers

  Eduardo Diaz:You need glasses or is too late (ja!)

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I've got allocation sorted. I'll speak later

  Glenn McKnight:@ Evan didn't you say  the public  is allowed at our  sessions?

  Evan Leibovitch:It is my understanding that all ATLAS sessions are public; however during the thematic sessions, At-Large will always get speaking priority

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:we will work with staff later today/ tomorrow sure. but we will focus on our group people first  ;-)

  Holly Raiche:I was assuming that the public is invited -

  Fatima Cambronero:agree with fishbowl

  Wolf Ludwig:Excellent -- thanks Cheryl!

  Evan Leibovitch:who made this chart?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:we will do large group bowl to start then break into questions smaller groups , we have put a short how too on the technique together for our group so people can look at that reference sure

  Eduardo Diaz:

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:will be easy to pick up on however...

  Eduardo Diaz:@evan: which chart?

  Evan Leibovitch:the one on the screen

  Evan Leibovitch:the list of people and languages

  Glenn McKnight:If  breaking into  smaller  groups the  reporting  becomes  more  difficult

  Glenn McKnight:The  smaller  groups  need  to  have  summaries for the  reporters

  Evan Leibovitch:Glenn is right. Reporting can be done on the overall discussions, but not easily on any breakouts

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:needs to be modified bowl technique. of course as this is primarily used for a number of educations purposes.  but easy to work with adults of different experiences and skill sets in communications and group dynamically

  hong xue:me OKay

  Heidi Ullrich:@Cheryl, does this technique have the smaller groups staying the room, or going outside (coffee? ) and then re-convening in a certain amount of time?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup it is the best Breakout system to use in a packed room

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:you just turn chairs to face each other in 2 rows of any size 'circle'

  Heidi Ullrich:great! So they will get a change of scenery

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:do NOT need tables though

  Fatima Cambronero:only chairs. For me that sessions are useful to start the discussions and to allow all the participants speak

  Heidi Ullrich:I believe that all rooms will be in U-shape

  Heidi Ullrich:but can the smaller groups go outside?

  Wolf Ludwig:@Fatima: Don't expect that most participants will step in and contribute before London.

  Heidi Ullrich:What was done during the AC/SO leadership orienation in BA, was that the small groups (when in the larger room) to set up chairs on each side of the U

  Heidi Ullrich:in small groups

  Holly Raiche:Do we need to rearrange - even out the numbers to make sure everyone can fit in rooms?

  Heidi Ullrich:@Holly, I don't believe we can change the rooms

  Holly Raiche:The question wasn't changing rooms - it was changing numbers to fit rooms

  hong xue:@

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I suspect so Holly

  Fatima Cambronero:@Wolf, Unfortunately, you're right. People not contributes and only criticizes the work we do other...

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:load balance

  Evan Leibovitch:I agree that some kind out of breakout tactic should be ready, but would prefer for the Moderator to get a "feel of the room" to see to what extent breakouts will help

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:should be just the basics nothing fancy required but will be more complex with rooms that require interpretation

  hong xue:hi, tg4 leaders, could you copy your organization plan with smes? thanks

  Heidi Ullrich:@TG leaders, please let staff know ASAP after this call when you would like to have your coordination calls

  Holly Raiche:No teacher EVER has students sitting in the same place for a long time - breakouts and different formats will be essential

  Heidi Ullrich:We have set up mailing lists for all of your groups

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:@evan of course and it is likely to need a system that draws people in to ensure engagement

  Rafid Fatani:sure

  Rafid Fatani:yes One

  Evan Leibovitch:WHEW!

  Holly Raiche:Why is Avri listed in TWO groups

  Gunela Astbrink:Happy to do that

  Fatima Cambronero:yes, Wolf. We are discussing some issues with @Gunela now

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Yes, I agree.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:no call required for TG2 we will have some homework set though... the Leadership team might want a short call arranged though we had hoped for this week to do that but will want to arrange a quick call for next week sometime probably

  Fatima Cambronero:we will share that ideas with all the groups number 3

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:need a doodle

  Glenn McKnight:Judith  can not  volunteer  for  Saturday's

  Heidi Ullrich:@Wolf, should the proposed columns on this page  be delated:

  Glenn McKnight:My  name is still on the page,

  Glenn McKnight:it's  the link  provided  by Heidi

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:

  Glenn McKnight:Am  I reporting  or  not

  Glenn McKnight:The  wiki  space  has  Judith and Me  still listed 

  Alan Greenberg:So is Chester Soong in TG4 or not?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:who are the session reporters for TG3?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Chester was listed as TG4 yes.

  Heidi Ullrich:@Olivier, Chester is in TG4;

  Glenn McKnight:Just  answer my question  Am I  on the list  for reporting or not?

  Alan Greenberg:ok. Confused because Wolf said he was moved to a differnet one.

  Heidi Ullrich:Glenn and Judith are currently in TG 3 - Glenn is main reporter

  Heidi Ullrich:Judith is assistant reporter

  Glenn McKnight:What  is wolf  saying,  he  says  Judith and I were  removed..  

  Glenn McKnight:Judith  is n

  Glenn McKnight:@Heidi  I see the  chart  and link but  it  doesn't  match with what  Wolf  is saying

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so if Judith & you were removed, who are the reporters for TG3? Again

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:That's exactly my point

  Glenn McKnight:Lets   remember   Judith is  religious  not  part time for not doing  Saturday

  Fatima Cambronero:do you share with all of us the table that we see now in the AC?

  Heidi Ullrich:Glenn, are you avail Sat and Sunday?

  Holly Raiche:@ Hong - I think you,Avri, Alan and I should cooperate on the session off line/on the wiki

  Glenn McKnight:I  am  availble  both days

  Heidi Ullrich:I believe that Wolf would like you to be the main person for both days

  Evan Leibovitch:look at the current membership in TG1.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:aah ok. So you are the sole reporter for TG3 then?

  Heidi Ullrich:as sharing might not be a good idea, Glenn

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:in which case this needs to be update don the WIKI

  Evan Leibovitch:Bill Drake, Adrian Carballo, Alejandro Pisanty.

  Evan Leibovitch:Hall these could easily be SMEs!!!

  Evan Leibovitch:All

  Evan Leibovitch:Adam does NOT need to go looking far for backup.

  Wolf Ludwig:Again: Job-sharing makes no sense at all for crucial functions!

  Fatima Cambronero:Evan, we offered to them the possibility to serve as SME, but they didn't want

  Fatima Cambronero:at least to one of them...

  Evan Leibovitch:I am saying that they are all possessing of the expertise even if they don't want the title of SME.

  Heidi Ullrich:Please refresh this page:

  Heidi Ullrich:I think some of you may be looking at the wrong columns

  Fatima Cambronero:but the problem is that the people didn't understand that they are ROLES, All the participants can discuss, make inpunts, etc

  Evan Leibovitch:When I originally suggested the idea of SMEs rather than "leaders" pro "presenters", I envisioned SMEs who would assist the discussion without leading it.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I also understood that, @Evan

  Evan Leibovitch:So in TG1 we have plenty of that expertise and organizational history, even if they don't have the titles.

  Gunela Astbrink:I thought that the reporting on Saturday afternoon would be minimal as it's an intro session. So therefore wouldn't Glenn be the main reporter?

  Fatima Cambronero:@Evan, I am not expert. I am in that group to collaborate and facilitate the discussions and outcomes

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:@fatima in out TG we already know that some o our SME input is onlynavailbale for a limited amount of time... That is OK we can work with that but if the participants nate notbenegaged that IS a huge issue IMO especially on the Sunday

  Evan Leibovitch:@Fatima Exactly. Moderators don't need to know the topic but must be skilled in guiding the conversation.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:are we going to load balance the size of groups at all?

  Evan Leibovitch:Reporters need to express the conversations and outcomes.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:EXACTLY/evan

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:2 groups @56 people. 3 at 20

  Evan Leibovitch:All the roles are fairly distinct

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:dictated by size of the rooms

  Heidi Ullrich:Moderators and Reporters have critieria for their activities

  Eduardo Diaz:and intrepretation facilities

  Heidi Ullrich:the criteria are on -

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:understand the logistics. but a 20 capacity room needs 20 allocated I would think to lower load on the larger ones

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Wolf, your conclusion about TG3 is noted: you and Gunela as Moderators, Glenn and Judith as reporters. Thank you.

  Fatima Cambronero:@Evan, do you think I am in the incorrect role? I can help in any role

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:also one About

  Heidi Ullrich:@Olivier, Eduardo has allocated everyone!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:we have Mohommad as well inTG2

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr: TG2 can take EN speakers

  Eduardo Diaz:Carlos gutierrez speaks EN fluently

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:all our listed ESL are fluent I thought in EN, but we have room for more

  Evan Leibovitch:I can do French ... badly ... if pressed :-)

  Evan Leibovitch:Fatima, you pick the  role in which you are most comfortable... expertise in the subject matter or a focus in keeping the discussion running inclusively and smoothly

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Cheryl: so miguel can speak English?

  Evan Leibovitch:They are very distinct roles

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:our group will effectively be only 9 on the Sunday  so can take more up to 20 just allocate EN speakers. we have no other limitations IMO

  Alan Greenberg:I really have to go very soon.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:EN is listed as a Working Language. so I assume yes

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok then there's no problem with your group Cheryl. So that's TG1, TG2, TG3 all fine

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:you can switch him out sir OCL but our group should. not be too small would prefer the full 20 slots filled

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:we'll fill your group with the poeple that did not respond to the survey Cheryl

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:@Heidi and @Wolf: by Monday, I will send the TG3 agenda outline to the members of the TG3, and to you.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:remember 63 people are to be allocated

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Yup EN people :-)

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, JJS.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:understood

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:sorry 65 poeple are to be allocated of which 41 English speakers

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so don't wirry we can pad your group :-)

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr::-) :-) :-) :-)

  Rafid Fatani:Thank you Wolf

  Eduardo Diaz:GRacias wolf

  Evan Leibovitch:bye!

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all

  Fatima Cambronero:thanks everyone! bye

  Jean-Jacques Subrenat:Goodbye all!

  Gunela Astbrink:Bye

  Rafid Fatani:bye all

  Allan Skuce:Thanks. Bye