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Title of Proposal and Request

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Comments  by FBSC Members

FBSC Notes and Decision


ALAC FY24 ABR for an End User Campaign Playbook

Google doc of proposal



A key objective of the At-Large Community, over the next few years, is the increased fluidity with which the community, as a whole, is mobilized for feedback and message amplification. To that end, a “playbook,” which outlines a framework for mobilization, peculiar to the At-Large organization. Such a playbook would outline the various types of mobilization and the processes for initiating each one. Furthermore, the playbook would outline a  standardized set of ‘key messaging’, communication ‘best practices’ and techniques for engagement that are most suitable or ‘bespoke’ for the ICANN Multistakeholder model.  It will aid in the alignment of activities to a common or agreed upon theme (or set of themes) or ‘agreed upon approaches’ that in turn are clearly both within ICANNs’ remit and tied to any current phase of strategic planning.   


The design and development of the proposed At-Large End User Campaign Playbook aligns both specifically with one of the primary purposes of ICANN At-Large and the RALOs as a conduit between ICANN, Domain Name Registrants and Internet end users (including consumers) as well as relating to several of the current ICANN Operating Initiatives  outlined in the FY23-27 Operating and Financial Plan and the FY23 Financial Plan and Budget particularly: 3. Evolve and Strengthen the Multistakeholder Model to Facilitate Diverse and Inclusive Participation in Policymaking; 4. Evolve and Strengthen the ICANN Community’s Decision-making Processes to Ensure Efficient and Effective Policymaking;  7. Promote the Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email Addresses; 9. Evaluate, Align, and Facilitate Improved Engagement in the Internet Ecosystem  and 10. Improve Governmental and Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Engagement and Participation in ICANN Through Targeted Engagement

In its role as an advisory committee, the ALAC is tasked with representing the “interests” of individual end users, within the various ICANN policy development activities. The identification of these interests includes rigorous discussion, interest balancing and, where possible, research. The At-Large community is unique in the depth of its “bench,” given the structure of regional organizations and At-Large structures. Ideally, the identification and balance of interests would involve soliciting feedback, on particular policy topics, from a broad spectrum of At-Large community members. A standardized set of processes and procedures for obtaining this feedback will increase the efficiency and frequency of such outreach.

Furthermore, the At-Large community is tasked with public education on ICANN remit, policies and initiatives. Establishing a framework and set of best practices around message amplification will facilitate increased efficiency and reach of those efforts.


  • Outreach
  • Research 
  • Training


Audience is ‘General’ but designed for existing and future ALAC/At-Large Membership use across all RALOs and Regions primarily in their outwards facing interactions beyond the ICANN Community, but may indeed have utility for ‘inreach activities’ and  should be 

applicable for use across many demographics, but within the proposed Playbook sectoral specific ‘best practices’ should be identified. 


Such a playbook should provide for both the more effective setting of goals or objectives in a standardized  S.M.A.R.T way and therefore provide more meaningful and useful metrics and measures of outcomes.

In addition the use within ALAC/At-Large of a well designed Campaign Playbook (including templates) and standardized resources and messaging in outreach and engagement activities will both ‘professionalize’ the plans, mechanisms and tools utilized and allow for local language use as required, with fewer risks to messaging outcomes; as well as generally enhance the overall image and reputation/trust of ICANN At-Large. 

Total Support being requested: $25,000 USD (estimated)

FBSC recommended to look at a more detailed cost estimate and reduce costs where possible. 

Approved to submit with  revisions. 

Yes - 1

Yes with revisions - 7

No - 0

Submitted to ICANN Controller via Online form on 30/01/2023

Support for O&EWG resource development for community outreach

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At-Large has an important role in disseminating ICANN policy and general information within their regional communities. The information that goes out is mainly general and currently, usually in a formal presentation. The Outreach and Engagement Working Group has been given two tasks:

  • To focus its capacity building activities on key messages about key ICANN policies that specifically target end-users (for At-Large, key areas include DNS Abuse, IDNs and Universal Access, Applicant Support, et al)
  • To encourage the development of creative and innovative online as well as hard copy resources that ALS and Individual members can use during workshop sessions at local community events. These resources will aim to enhance community understanding about the importance of ICANN and its work on key end-user policy issues and to physically engage them in the learning process about these topics

 In connection with Outreach and Engagement, APRALO Policy Forum is developing activities and resource material that will create a toolkit that will be introduced to their general membership at their General assembly during FY24 to support their core policy interests – IDNs, UA and DNS Abuse. Progress of these developments will be shared with other regional O&E teams as part of the WG’s on-going development of O&E community-based resource kits.

This resource development and capacity building activity would build on the development of the At-Large End-user Playbook which would set out a consistent summary of the key policy issues that are important to At-Large and serve as a contextual resource on which the O&E WG could create outreach assets. These would then contain meaningful ICANN-based educational content for use with communities in their regions.

While we would encourage creating online assets that people can use to engage community members to learn online in a fun way rather than as a formal learning course, the main objective would be to create a learning asset that could be used in a group activity to encourage participants to learn more about ICANN content through their interaction and discussion with others during the activity.

The purpose of the budget request is to provide an adequate fund which can support the production of prototype samples of these outreach assets which after the project feedback, could be assessed by the O&EWG for use during community events for production for trial. The activities must engage community participants to learn about what ICANN does and ultimately become informed enough to be able to contribute to discussions on the topics during their events, but also to join RALO and eventually ICANN activities on these topics.

 *The APRALO and AFRALO General Assemblies at the end of 2023 will be an opportunity for regional members to trial developed resource material for potential use within community outreach interactions.

Any completed prototypes could be trialed at the AP and AF General Assemblies at the end of 2023.


This activity addresses the strategic risk within the area of geopolitics where lack of community understanding about important issues
relating to ICANN’s remit, can potentially create a barrier to inclusive engagement between ICANN and regional communities about common relevant topics. For At-Large, these end-user topics could include: the work of ICANN itself, DNS Abuse, UA and IDNs, and new GTLDs, for starters.

Encouraging greater understanding about these topics and creating resources that our At-Large members can share with local communities will help both the RALO participants and their communities learn more about these important end-user topics and be more informed and willing to offer an opinion or view on it when asked.

Thus, ICANN would be fostering successful and mutually beneficial relationships with local, regional and global stakeholder groups through the At-Large members, to ensure knowledge building about ICANN and its mission continues. (Strategic Plan 2021-2025, p 25)


  • Outreach
  • Research
  • Capacity Building


This activity aims to be a capacity building activity for the O&EWG within the context of their learning and understanding more about policy issues - to ensure that they research their topics well enough to produce appropriate and accurately presented learning assets. These assets will cater for different learning styles and strategies, as well as targeted demographic groups (adult/youth,  gender, backgrounds in relation to ICANN, knowledge levels, etc) so that there may be multiple resources based on the same topic. During their development, each developing asset will be critiqued by the O&EWG end-user members themselves to ensure that the asset meets its aims and can appropriately fulfil its purpose and outcome/s. These activities could also complement other work that is being done by the Capacity working Group or even ICANN Learn.

While it might be argued that this activity could be served by funding from discretionary funds which are assigned to RALOs, the reason that this request is being made is to allow RALOs to make their own choices about how they may want to use their discretionary funds which may not have anything to do with resource production. This fund would provide for the physical outputs of this O&E activity. The At-Large Outreach and Engagement Working Group) should have its own financial resources to produce specifically created outreach assets that have been created by the O&EWG members themselves and will be worked on and critiqued by cross-RALO groups to ensure that they are universally acceptable and useful. It is hoped that APRALO and AFRALO could be targeted to receive the first versions of completed assets to trial at their 2023 General Assemblies.


For each resource asset, a team must provide:

  1. The title and the key learning features of the resource (its purpose)?
  2. How the resource can add value to the work of At-Large and ICANN – the content of the resources and its relevance to At-Large and ICANN (its formal outcome/s)
  3. A plan for how the development of the resource is to be undertaken – how many people involved and their roles in the development of the asset (its methodology)
  4. What specific components will be produced - what policy area is being developed and how is it being expressed within the resource – within management and development plan (its outputs)
  5. How will the resource be used to convey the messages about ICANN and its roles with regards to maintaining its focus as an independent, trusted multistakeholder steward of the internet’s DNS (its implementation)?
  6. How the asset would be evaluated as a useful resource for further development (monitoring and evaluation)
  7. A complete report on this production activity will be provided to the O&E Co-Chairs at the conclusion of the activity (report)

 Ideas that have been suggested already, include both online and physical assets: brochures, flash cards, card or board games, a book of puzzles, crosswords, find-a-word, etc. – activities that will help to reinforce understanding about policy concepts and issues in a variety of ways, and to hopefully initiate end-user interest in contributing to policy discussions on these issues. Perhaps ICANN’s communication team might reproduce some of the really good ideas that come through with the ICANN logo attached. 

The timeframe for this activity would be to start on the activities during the first half of the year and any samples of resources that are completed and have been assessed by the working group for production of the prototypes, can be readied to be trialled during each of the APRALO and AFRALO General Assemblies at the second half of 2023.

Total Support being requested: $15,000-$20,000 USD

Call of 19 January 2023

Approved for submission.


Call of 12 January 2023

Pilot to be developed in APRALO. Can be trialled for FY24 AFRALO and APRALO GAs.

The playbook and the Resource development for community. 

Small groups would be developing the policy topics and then materials would be developed to help support them in the community. 

JZ noted that the ICANN comms team could work on the development of prototypes so At-Large could develop them on their own in the future. 

Final Decision:


Approved to submit with  revisions. 

Yes - 3

Yes with revisions - 5

No - 0

Submitted to ICANN Controller via Online form on 30/01/2023
