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Details of Positions as stated in the LACRALO Operating Principles 

See Title IV - About LACRALO Leadership Positions

 7.1.       LACRALO shall adhere to the following principles on the election and performance of leadership positions:

  • Rotation among countries/sub regions;
  • Continuity and opportunity to learn from experienced leaders;
  • Process simplicity;
  • Weighted Vote Principle - Percentage proportionality of votes according to the country- based active ALS index to ensure all countries stand on an equal footing;
  • Favoring consensus-based agreements whenever possible;


  • Only active members, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure, are entitled to vote for, or be elected to, these positions.

LACRALO members who are interested in running for leadership positions shall:

a)   State that they do not have any of the following conflicts of interest, which are incompatible with LACRALO leadership positions:

  • Have a close family relationship with ICANN employees (parents, siblings, spouses, partners, children);
  • Be under a financial contract with ICANN;
  • Hold leadership positions in registries, registrars, ISPs or the chambers that specifically represent these business interests;
  • Be in a decision-making position on behalf of a government (e.g. a Minister of State, Deputy Minister, Secretary, or equivalent position);
  • Act as a country representative to the GAC (or other Advisory Committees/Supporting Organizations).

b)    Declare other possible conflicts of interest and explain how they will handle these conflicts once they take their leadership position in LACRALO.

7.2     – The rotation principle for leadership positions shall be based on the following:

7.2.a      – The region is divided into four (4) subregions comprising the following countries:

A)  Central America and Mexico: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico and Panama.

B) Andes: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.

C)  Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, St. Lucia, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Suriname, and Trinidad andTobago

D) Mercosur: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.

7.2.b       - LACRALO Leadership Positions are as follows: Chair and Vice Chair (Chair-Elect); Secretary and Vice Secretary (Secretary- Elect); ALAC Member (2); ALAC members elected by the NomCom (1).

7.2.c          - LACRALO shall adopt the ongoing and pre-arranged, sub region-based rotation principle as a mechanism to hold leadership positions.

They shall be governed by the LACRALO Rules of Procedure.

 7.2.d      - No outgoing member shall be entitled to run for the same position. However, they shall be eligible for any other position according to the Rotation Principle, and respecting the candidate appointed for their sub region.

7.5. In accordance with the Rotation Principle, if a region is represented by two leadership positions, these positions shall not be held by members of the same ALS or from the same country.

Title V - About LACRALO Representatives to the ALAC

16. LACRALO shall elect two (2) individuals to serve as representatives to the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) pursuant to the Rotation Principle and based on the terms set forth in the ICANN Bylaws. Each representative shall be elected at the same call for elections, and because of the preference arising from the respective election results.

17. The elected representatives to the ALAC shall be LACRALO members with their effective residence in different sub-regions.

18. The representatives shall be responsible for the duties set forth in the ICANN Bylaws regarding the ALAC and shall periodically report to LACRALO on the topics addressed within the ALAC.

19. LACRALO representatives to the ALAC shall have a two-year mandate and may not be reelected for a subsequent period.

Elections and other issues related to this position shall be governed by the LACRALO Rules of Procedure.

Title VI - About LACRALO Representatives to the NomCom

20. LACRALO shall recommend one (1) member to serve as their representative to the ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) in accordance with the principles defined by the ALAC for these positions and the Rotation Principle, under the terms set forth in the ICANN bylaws, and pursuant to the criteria established by both the ALAC and the NomCom.

21. The representative shall be responsible for the duties set forth in the ICANN Bylaws regarding the NomCom and shall periodically report to LACRALO on the topics addressed within the NomCom.

22. LACRALO shall recommend a representative to NomCom to serve for no more than two consecutive years.

23. The representative shall be recommended through a call for elections, and because of the preference arising from the respective election results.


Detalles sobre las Posiciones se encuentran en los Principios Operativos de LACRALO,  título IV- Sobre Posiciones de Liderazgo de LACRALO