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12:58:28 From davekissoondoyal : Hello everyone
13:00:27 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All.
13:01:16 From Heidi Ullrich : Action Items will be noted at:
13:04:20 From Michel TCHONANG : Hi all
13:04:48 From Judith Hellerstein : @michelle and @heidi you can also put my travel presentation I gave to the CPWG in here as well as I cover much of the details in the google doc
13:05:06 From Judith Hellerstein : This may be easier for people
13:05:16 From Heidi Ullrich : Noted, Judith
13:05:41 From Judith Hellerstein : @heidi let me know if you need it again
13:07:55 From Heidi Ullrich : The Google doc with the draft responsibilities is at:
13:09:42 From Judith Hellerstein : Can we get comment access to the document
13:10:16 From Judith Hellerstein : We might also call this governance policy statements
13:12:54 From Heidi Ullrich : @Judith, Ricardo has aged to open the Google doc for commenting.
13:13:42 From Heidi Ullrich : Aged = agreed...
13:20:58 From Judith Hellerstein : I agree with marita
13:21:21 From Judith Hellerstein : Yes @marita you are correct
13:22:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : as things evolve there will need to be both adjustments and dillegence to properly adjust specifics of the effectiveness and working(s) of this plan...
13:25:22 From Judith Hellerstein : I am sorry I was just too busy at that time and had no time to contribute that time
13:26:15 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Note we have also seen increase in the QandE participation I suspect this *opportunity* will also open the issues to more not less of us, and of course like any SC or WG it can also run a cadence to suite its work plan as well as use Small Teams, Work Tracks, Drafting Teams and other tools to address these important matters... ALSO don't forget there can always be çross over work and activities, between all the 3 primary groups as well as ALAC/At-Large
13:28:42 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : deliniations of Members and Participants is a fairly well defined thing in ICANN now since CCWG and CWG, as well as within Policy Development
13:29:42 From Judith Hellerstein : I think it will be clearer if we rename the committee
13:31:55 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Time is a personal decision. I guess you have to decide as to which group you belong to.
13:32:02 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : What is in a name? Really??
13:32:22 From Ricardo Holmquist : Also, CPWG is once a week, this will be once a month
13:32:50 From Alfredo Calderon : I am guessing that as the scope of the group is redefined more individuals might be interested.
13:33:27 From Judith Hellerstein : I agree with marita
13:34:18 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : But the CPWG didn't want to discuss this "stuff"
13:34:24 From Judith Hellerstein : I know I have been introduced to many policy issues such as sub pro and genames that I normally would not know about
13:34:25 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : which is why we got it
13:34:36 From Judith Hellerstein : geonames
13:35:20 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : We just have to make sure that the CPWG are made aware of our topic focus for each monthly meeting..
13:35:52 From Marita Moll : Yes, cross-fertilization to avoid barriers -- that will be the key
13:37:20 From Ricardo Holmquist : Maybe we can have a AOB prior to the FBSC on the CPWG informing what is going to be discussed here
13:39:15 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Ricardo or the FBSC might be given 5 minutes on each CPWG call
13:39:38 From Marita Moll : @OCL -- not divisive, but maybe dividing
13:40:08 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Noted @Marita
13:40:12 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Finance, Budget and Operations sounds good. Thank you Cheryl
13:41:06 From Judith Hellerstein :
13:41:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : @Marita *Yes* in chat I specifically noted that need to as is fit for purpose cross over work will be a boon
13:41:17 From Ricardo Holmquist : @Hadia: thanks, good idea
13:41:38 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : +1 Hadia
13:42:10 From Michel TCHONANG : +1 Hadia
13:44:27 From Michel TCHONANG : Fully agree Judith
13:44:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : actually I would suggest an occasional or standing Agenda opportunity for updates on each of the three main pillars of OandE, CPWG and FBO-SC would we a wise move
13:45:16 From Jonathan Zuck : +1 Cheryl
13:45:18 From Marita Moll : +1 on that idea OCL
13:45:36 From Marita Moll : oops -- CLO
13:46:05 From davekissoondoyal : +1 Cheryl
13:46:27 From Michel TCHONANG : or sometimes with great restraint
13:46:46 From Ricardo Holmquist : @CLO +1 for the FBO-SC nice!
13:47:07 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : my full per diem is normally spent on travel to and from airports (because) I live in a rural area and there is no public transport option (even if I could use it) so YES I am concerned with how other volunteers can manage this type of impost...
13:47:41 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : screen synchronization
13:48:26 From Adrian Schmidt : In my case I live 160km from the airport and I either drive there and leave the car, or have somebody drive me twice so the expense is considerable.
13:48:39 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : IF the travellers *have medical insurane* of course not all do
13:48:46 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : insurance
13:48:54 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : thanks
13:48:56 From davekissoondoyal : Yes travel insurance is important and should be taken care directly by ICANN Constituency travel
13:49:07 From Ricardo Holmquist : +1 Dave
13:50:00 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Exactly @Adrian
13:51:26 From Hadia Elminiawi : + 1 CLO FBO-SC
13:52:46 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : some time a price proposed of fly by Travel Agency is very high from normal price. I did some experience of benchmark on skyscanner .... so I have let them know .
13:53:05 From Adrian Schmidt : One more issue not sure if that is on the document - is from some countries people comes without credit card for securing the room and then they end with a blocked credit card for "incidentals" - not my case but have seen people suffer through this
13:53:10 From Michel TCHONANG : good work
13:53:12 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : CHeryl is far less able to spenf that these days For the Record ;-) Retired now
13:53:27 From Hadia Elminiawi : :)
13:53:32 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks Judith
13:53:45 From Hadia Elminiawi : Thank you Judith
13:55:44 From Michel TCHONANG : Your observation is relevant Bashar, it is necessary to take precautions on this subject
13:56:02 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank againg Judith
13:56:17 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : A good idea Marita for this group to assist with the distribution of a survey about insurance issues as well as costs to get to an international flight sorry Ricardo.. going public From Michel TCHONANG to Everyone: 08:55 AM A good idea Marita for this group to assist with the distribution of a survey about insurance issues as well as costs to get to an international flight
13:56:30 From davekissoondoyal : +1 Cheryl
13:57:30 From Marita Moll : It comes down to valuing volunteers -- that could be added to the document -- +1 Cheryl
13:57:54 From Hadia Elminiawi : +1 Cheryl
13:58:03 From Ricardo Holmquist : In my country 15 dollars is 5 months salary
13:58:18 From Hadia Elminiawi : Ricardo ??
13:58:23 From Ricardo Holmquist : and credit/debit card are not valid outside of the country
13:59:35 From Michel TCHONANG : Not easy Ricardo
13:59:41 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Indeed @Ricardo
13:59:44 From Heidi Ullrich : Deadline for the statement is 20th April.
13:59:50 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : I had to negotiate how much a hotel took out of my card at a non-ICANN meeting where we don't get a perdiem.
14:00:08 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : at ICANN66 hotel asked me a credit card that I have enough money that they need but they told me that my card is not working so after that I gave them cash as guaranty.
14:00:32 From Heidi Ullrich : @Judith, we work with Siranush and CT
14:01:09 From Alfredo Calderon : The same rules applied for Fellows as with funded individuals.
14:01:23 From Hadia Elminiawi : @Judith but you get the cash back
14:01:25 From Adrian Schmidt : In some countries if they transfer the money to their national banks, then they need to spend in USD, they get a big bite from their government - Tax for foreign money expense - so in that case cash is the best for them (usually USD)
14:01:40 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : ok Noted Judith
14:01:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : OR they have no such thinga as all they read the 450 USD hold but had not received their perdien to do so, the dame incident I refer to meant I had to give the person USD cash I carried to feed themselves over the weekend until they got their "per diem" *SIGH
14:02:04 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Hotels take funds out of your card immediately but can take weeks to reimburse you
14:02:29 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : legally in a Debit card UP to 60 -100 days on returns
14:03:06 From Hadia Elminiawi : Happy Passover to everyone celebrating
14:03:33 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Judith
14:03:35 From Marita Moll : It is a very committed community of volunteers that puts up with these kind of travel issues
14:03:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Indeed @Marita
14:03:50 From Heidi Ullrich : Action items are at;
14:04:04 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : the rate of my bank are very high about us dollar with local cuurency when I received perdiem .
14:04:07 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : thanks
14:04:26 From Jonathan Zuck : Great presentation Judith!
14:04:32 From Judith Hellerstein : thanks
14:04:47 From Michel TCHONANG : Great meeting
14:05:34 From Judith Hellerstein : Thanks @ron for being on and relaying our comments to the board finance committee meeting
14:05:58 From Adrian Schmidt : Thanks my first meeting on this group - good job all of you!
14:06:12 From Ron da Silva : yw Judith.. good to listen in.. Board shares some of these same challenges too when traveling
14:06:21 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Bye for now then... Thanks everyone!
14:06:25 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks, everyone?
14:06:26 From Hadia Elminiawi : Thank you all and bye
14:06:26 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks and bye to all. Stay Safe and Happy Easter
14:06:43 From silvia.vivanco : Thanks all
14:06:50 From Michel TCHONANG : Bye bye all stay safe
14:06:58 From Marita Moll : Bye everyone. Good meeting and great presentation Judith
14:07:12 From Bastiaan Goslings : bye, and thanks a lot