00:17:48 Jaewon Son: hi everyone!
00:18:17 Claudia Ruiz: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
00:18:40 Gunela Astbrink: Hi everyone
00:19:44 herb waye ombuds: Greetings all… nice to hear voices and see names. Hope everyone is safe and healthy.
00:21:03 Marita Moll: Hi Herb. Good to see you here too.
00:23:06 Glenn McKnight: greetings all
00:23:16 hadia Elminiawi: Hello all
00:23:38 Glenn McKnight: Article 19 folks are very active with IEEE on this issue
00:24:13 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: And some of us who know it well, having worked in getting the IS's through
00:24:45 Glenn McKnight: NCUC has Neils Ten Overs( spelling) who works on this issue
00:25:23 Glenn McKnight: Eleanor Roosevelt
00:25:33 Holly Raiche: Wonderful American leader -
00:25:56 Glenn McKnight: FYI ken burns did a doc the Roosevelts
00:26:32 Marita Moll: Right Glenn, available on PBS
00:26:34 Holly Raiche: @ Glen - there is a HUGE body of work on the Roosevelts - to my mind, she is the more impressive
00:27:03 Glenn McKnight: I mention it since they high her in the documentary
00:27:11 Glenn McKnight: highlight her
00:27:38 Jaewon Son: human rights and end users rights! love this presentation:-)
00:29:22 Glenn McKnight: link to the report?
00:30:06 Glenn McKnight: thanks Joanna I will convert it to a Ebook
00:36:05 Joanna Kulesza: Thanks @Jaewon, @Glenn. Fully agree @Holly!
00:36:34 Maureen Hilyard: Hi all. Just popping in, in between meetings
00:36:59 Joanna Kulesza: @Glenn here's a link to the report: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/summary-report-hria-15may19-en.pdf
00:37:00 Marita Moll: This is a great idea. From things I was reading, it seemed as though NCSG was of the opinion that we didn't care about this issue
00:37:31 Joanna Kulesza: Thank you @OCL - I'll be taking notes.
00:38:23 Greg Shatan: @Marita, I think that reflects more on the NCSG’s “attitude” than anything true about At-Large.
00:39:06 Marita Moll: Indeed @ Greg. I know we care about this, just figuring out where end users fit it.
00:39:06 Joanna Kulesza: @Alan, happy to elaborate, not sure we have time and space for this here. I fully agree though this is a crucial point. The HRIA does not address this directly though - quite the opposite.
00:39:14 Roberto: Hi - sorry for the delay - this is a difficult week, with ESOF 2020 going on in Trieste.
00:39:40 Glenn McKnight: Here is Niels video I shot on IG and Human Rights
00:39:41 Glenn McKnight: https://youtu.be/SO7OA2VxM_k
00:40:16 Joanna Kulesza: @Alan I'd say we might want to use this framework to more effectively protect their interests, but happy to discuss this further - I do share your concerns wrt to jurisdiction.
00:40:28 Glenn McKnight: the Article 19 folks might some folks with NCUC .. We are having Robin Gross speak to NARALO on this topic
00:40:32 Joanna Kulesza: *to protect end user interests
00:41:15 Joanna Kulesza: great questions Hadia!
00:41:19 Joanna Kulesza: Happy to answer given the time:)
00:41:22 Holly Raiche: My question - the extent to which ICANN should - or can - go beyond its technical mandate
00:41:43 Yrjo Lansipuro: One of the working groups of the GAC is WG on Human Rights and International Law (HRIL). They have been interested in cooperating with At-Large.
00:41:50 Joanna Kulesza: @Glenn Article 19 is an EURALO ALS>
00:42:11 Joanna Kulesza: The CCWP-HR cochair is Article 19 rep in AtLarge
00:42:46 Roberto: @Holly - or want?
00:42:49 hadia Elminiawi: @Jonathan - Stephanie is a good choice
00:42:59 Holly Raiche: The session is a good start to the discussion
00:44:55 Joanna Kulesza: @all I'd be happy to pick all of these issues up, thank you for all your comments. I believe the bottom line whether we can and want to use this narrative as another useful tool to protect end users.
00:46:46 Joanna Kulesza: @Greg thank you, most informative. Is there a way for us - AtLarge - to weigh into this process in an end-user beneficial way?
00:46:48 Holly Raiche: @ Joanna - it is a discussion that is important to have - regardless of what NCSG does
00:46:50 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: @Greg: unfortunately some parts of ICANN refuse to charter this group
00:46:53 Glenn McKnight: https://online.fliphtml5.com/gnel/oopm/
00:47:06 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: ++ 1 @Greg I am in the same camp and experience set
00:47:11 Joanna Kulesza: +1 Holly, I really appreciate that @OCL and @JZ included it here.
00:47:30 Glenn McKnight: Designing a Human Rights Impact Assessment for ICANN’s Policy Development Processes
00:47:35 Glenn McKnight: converted to ebook
00:47:54 Holly Raiche: Thanks Joanna - it is an important discussion - quite apart from ICANN politics
00:48:03 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and Yes they are important issues and IA's are important going forward! we worked hard to make that so
00:48:19 Alan Greenberg: There is a certain amount of arrogance associated with the a single part of the GNSO calling itself a CCWG. There is no wrist slapping because it is not really a CROSS-COMMUNITY Group
00:49:03 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: it's a CCWP
00:49:08 Holly Raiche: Please - has the discussion descended down to titles!
00:49:43 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: ICANN is all about labels @Holly :-)
00:49:46 Joanna Kulesza: Thank you @Greg, most informative and appreciated!
00:50:21 Holly Raiche: @ OCL - sadly so true
00:50:24 Greg Shatan: This about misrepresentation (and lack of representation...), not about titles.
00:50:36 Marita Moll: Maybe it would be too hot, but sounds like Greg's points should be address
00:50:41 Marita Moll: ed
00:51:15 Joanna Kulesza: Duly noted @Marita. I keep wondering how we can follow @Greg's suggestion on "taking this bull by the horns".
00:51:25 Holly Raiche: @ Greg - maybe true - but I think the larger issue is the extent - if at alll - we should be involved
00:52:03 Judith Hellerstein: Sorry to be late. lost track of time
00:52:25 Joanna Kulesza: @Holly I look at it from the other angle - can we use this discussion to more effectively represent end users?
00:52:46 Holly Raiche: Could we have a link to the webinar - or maybe an email with the link?
00:53:07 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Correct @Hadia that is the Coulcil approach
00:53:33 Holly Raiche: @ Joanna - a much more helpful approach
00:53:42 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: GNSO We binar on EPDP Phase 2 tomorrow Thursday https://icann.zoom.us/j/95587891940?pwd=TXhucGZsTkN6cHRpVmU3bUJDcVBOZz09
00:53:52 Greg Shatan: Holly — agreed — but involvement how and in what? @Joanna, I agree that we need to show up and speak for the end-users. Not sure what type of participation that should result in.
00:54:00 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: all details are actually in your email
00:54:11 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Hadia sent a reminder to the CPWG mailing list
00:54:14 Eduardo Diaz: Come to our next NARALO monthly call on September 14, 2020 @ 19h00 to hear more about the EPDP process. What worked, What did not, Why. etc, etc. Alan Greenberg is presenting.
00:54:26 Holly Raiche: @ Joanna - the next question would be the extent to which human rights can be factored into the discussions
00:55:13 Evin Erdogdu: INFO: "Webinar in Support of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Working Group’s Draft Final Report" to take place Monday, 14 September at 20:00 UTC. If you are interested in joining, please email gnso-secs@icann.org.
00:55:54 hadia Elminiawi: @Eduardo thank you for the invitation, looking forward to it
00:56:47 Holly Raiche: Thanks Evin
00:59:18 Evin Erdogdu: @Holly you’re welcome - hope many in the CPWG join the webinar.
01:03:06 Jonathan Zuck: Clarity is always good
01:05:28 Marita Moll: This is a tough one!!! @ Justine
01:05:38 Jonathan Zuck: Yes
01:07:26 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Indeed @JZ!
01:08:45 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Correct @Alan, good point!
01:09:21 Yrjo Lansipuro: Alan +1
01:10:34 Holly Raiche: @ Alan - I think that was my point - while we represent end users, we do not represent the ‘community’ . so we should have standing as End users - not the actual community applying
01:10:34 Marita Moll: @Alan -- that is an argument that makes sense. If we have standing we have a right to object -- period.
01:10:42 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I would agree to that push as well @Alan
01:11:21 Justine Chew: ALAC should be in same position as IO for Community Objections. okay, got it.
01:12:02 Maureen Hilyard: Leaving for another meeting. sorry.
01:12:25 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That is exactly what @Alan I and others argued for in the last iteration of the AGB so yes from me @Justine
01:12:44 Alan Greenberg: Also leaving for another meeting.
01:12:52 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: +1 @Justine
01:13:42 Greg Shatan: I will need to leave at the top of the hour as well.
01:27:01 Nadira AL-ARAJ: why ALAC?
01:27:14 Nadira AL-ARAJ: on behalf of whom
01:28:06 Nadira AL-ARAJ: ok
01:28:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: A very *extensive process!
01:30:34 betty Fausta: it's pretty clear Justine
01:36:43 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The aim is to offer predictability and reduce the pressure to apply just in case
01:37:40 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: it put ICANN into a perpetual motion machine
01:37:57 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: the wheels will keep on turning :-)
01:38:26 Lutz Donnerhacke: As long as it rains money ….
01:38:33 Greg Shatan: the wheels are the cogs on the printing press printing money
01:39:04 Roberto: @Lutz :-)
01:40:24 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Queue closed after Greg, please.
01:40:24 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: LOL
01:40:38 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: safety valve is there for a reason @Greg
01:41:11 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: yes avoid the FOMO is essential to allow for better review and processes that DO effect Internet End Users
01:41:47 Judith Hellerstein: @greg love that comment
01:42:57 Greg Shatan: OCL, you should have closed the queue during Greg!
01:43:00 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Excellent worg again @Justib=ne!! huge thanks!!!
01:43:10 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: typo sorry
01:43:42 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: @Greg: LOL
01:44:42 Evin Erdogdu: INFO: "Webinar in Support of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Working Group’s Draft Final Report" to take place Monday, 14 September at 20:00 UTC. If you are interested in joining, please email gnso-secs@icann.org
01:45:14 betty Fausta: thanks Evin. Receive the mail of the webinar
01:45:29 Greg Shatan: 28 Days on SubPro!
01:46:10 Justine Chew: I have attempted to conduct consultation via the CPWG mail list in addition to presentations at calls.
01:46:17 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: in the "public comment for decision regarding LGR"" -- there have been questions in the IDN working group and no response from IDN WG participants
01:47:03 Justine Chew: @OCL, actually Bill Jouris has replied
01:47:15 Evin Erdogdu: You’re welcome @Betty
01:47:39 Heidi Ullrich: Please cc Staff when writing to Yrjo.
01:47:41 Evin Erdogdu: Thank you @Yrjö
01:47:52 Lutz Donnerhacke: Please ask the GAC when they want to Keep their dirty fingers from the Internet infrastructure for political reasons?
01:47:59 Heidi Ullrich: So we can work with GAC support.
01:48:34 Yrjo Lansipuro: My email: Yrjo_lansipuro@hotmail.com
01:48:37 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: it is EPDP p2
01:48:43 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: not SubPro
01:49:01 Hanan Khatib: thank you all
01:49:01 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye for now Team
01:49:02 Michelle DeSmyter: Next meeting: Wednesday, 09 September at 13:00 UTC
01:49:11 herb waye ombuds: Goodbye all… take care and stay safe
01:49:11 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks and bye to all
01:49:15 Heidi Ullrich: Bye, All.
01:49:17 Alfredo Calderon: Stay well and safe.
01:49:57 Bill Jouris: I can do that
01:50:00 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I read them and well do we need to draft this at all
01:50:12 Bukola: thank you all, bye
01:50:16 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: bye ,thanks
01:50:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: we do not usuall comment on LGRs
01:50:26 Marita Moll: Bye all
01:50:48 Jaewon Son: thank you!
01:50:53 hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all - bye for now

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