00:16:17 Silvia Vivanco: Hello all
00:18:01 Alperen Eken: Welcome everyone
00:18:24 Michelle DeSmyter: Welcome to Heidi on the phone bridge.
00:28:06 Nadira AL Araj: There is no bottle neck as in some ALSes
00:28:58 Michelle DeSmyter: Welcome to Gisella on the phone bridge
00:30:23 David Mackey: Thank you Roberto. Well said.
00:31:47 Bill Jouris: Other than this new group, are there any "At Large structures" which are *not* Internet Society groups?
00:32:45 Judith Hellerstein: @bill yes many of them
00:32:52 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: the dreaded scroll issue ;-)
00:33:41 Judith Hellerstein: For example there was a new group in afralo that joined called—Liberia Information Technology Student
00:33:57 Roberto: @Bill - yes, there are quite a few non-ISOC ALSes. Maybe Staff can provide the exact numbers, but I am under the impression that there are more non-ISOC ALSes than ISOC.
00:34:04 Judith Hellerstein: There are many such groups, my ALS is not an ISOC chapter
00:35:09 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: last time I checked (and that was a while back but is no doubt indicative) it was not more than 40% of ALSes that were ISOC Chapters
00:35:19 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: could be less these days
00:35:50 Maureen Hilyard: Hi Bill. I am a member of two ALSes- one is a regional ISOC group (Pacific Islands Chapter) and the other is my IT-related NGO in the Cook Islands -
00:36:19 David Mackey: At-Large Structures official list … https://atlarge.icann.org/alses
00:37:30 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: saves reinventing too many wheels @Roberto
00:37:55 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and there should be I assume some degree of parity between many points in both outcomes
00:38:25 Maureen Hilyard: +1 Cheryl
00:39:16 Jonathan Zuck: Not to play into the cliche we fight so hard against but are there sufficient incentives for anyone to be motivated by our expectations?
00:39:56 Nadira AL Araj: +1 Cheryl, and thanks to Alan for not only having the voting approach and even the decision of how to come with censuses
00:40:42 David Mackey: @Jonathan - internal motivation … “Make the world a better place”
00:40:43 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: satisfying a passion for policy in ICT @JZ ?
00:41:07 David Mackey: or what Cheryl said too, lol
00:42:53 Jonathan Zuck: Yes, we are all motivated by our own masochism but I wonder if that is sufficient for anyone to care whether they are meeting OUR expectations. Who are we to judge them?
00:44:48 Silvia Vivanco: 135 INDIVIDUALS
00:44:48 David Mackey: yes
00:44:51 Nadira AL Araj: https://atlarge.icann.org/individual-members/apralo 29 in APRALO
00:45:00 Alan Greenberg: 136 plus 19 observers (transitioning ot unaffiliated)
00:45:23 Silvia Vivanco: + 19 LACRALO(Observers) who will be considered individuals soon
00:45:29 Alan Greenberg: It's shown on every monthly ALAC monthly meeting agenda.
00:45:51 David Mackey: ty Alan and Silvia
00:46:37 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: So if you assume at least 1 active from each ALS (and that is quite an assumption for some ALSes! it is about 50% of the possible active parties to our At-Large
00:48:51 Nadira AL Araj: Would be also to have one active unaffiliated members from each RALO (-LACRALO because they don't have unaffiliated individuals)
00:50:18 Roberto: +1 CLO
00:50:49 Roberto: @Nadira - agree
00:52:26 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: In addition I assume some work will be attempted or managed in between meetings as well ;-)
00:52:30 Esther Patricia Akello: I agree with Allan
00:52:33 Nadira AL Araj: what about of having consensus by the voting members ?
00:52:35 David Mackey: Time limit on each individual voice is good for the productivity of the group
00:52:38 Roberto: Of course, CLO
00:52:55 Sarah Kiden: +1 Alan the ALS Mobilization WP has worked well
00:52:59 David Mackey: consensus is a different thing
00:53:10 Maureen Hilyard: +1 Sarah
00:53:40 Judith Hellerstein: +1 david mackey
00:54:06 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Vote is a tool of absolute LAST resort IMO
00:54:27 Bill Jouris: We designate some as "voting members", but we don't believe in votes? I'm confused
00:54:39 David Mackey: “the right to have the voice heard” +1
00:55:01 Maureen Hilyard: I think that we decided that the members are not to do with voting because we would prefer consensus decision making. It is to do with ensuring regional participation and hearing these voices
00:55:03 Alan Greenberg: I personally think we should not even use the term VOTE. We need consensus. It will be particularly important to have consensus of the appointed mMembers, because they are the ones that have to carry the messages forward.
00:55:11 Seun Ojedeji: @bill the vote i believe will be used as a last resort
00:55:24 David Mackey: Bill … “consensus” is confusing ;-)
00:55:38 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: the term consensus is defined as =>": a general agreement about something : an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group." so
00:55:52 Bill Jouris: I'm fine with working by consensus. But if we are going that way, we ought to come up with a different name for members
00:56:13 Alan Greenberg: But even if you do actually vote, 50% +1 is not going to be enough to get it past the ALAC and RALOs. A pretty strong consensus will be needed (not necessarily unanimity).
00:56:20 David Mackey: @Bill, background on IETF consensus process
00:56:22 David Mackey: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7282
00:56:50 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: :-)
00:57:06 Sarah Kiden: Perhaps instead of “voting member" we can just say “member”
00:58:03 Maureen Hilyard: We actually dont say voting members. It should be just MEMBER
00:58:14 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: And I guess the what we ever vote on comes to my mind!!
00:58:37 David Mackey: the focus should be on “consensus” not “voting”
00:59:10 Maureen Hilyard: +1 David
00:59:13 Silvia Vivanco: @Roberto it would be important that the membership of this WG goes back to their respective RALO and reports on this WG progress and gets some sort of endorsement from RALO leadership at the end when decisions are made
00:59:25 Sarah Kiden: @Maureen I think the call for participants said “voting Member or a non-voting participant”
00:59:35 Alan Greenberg: @Seun, you will be seeing the "appointment" request very shortly.
01:00:42 Seun Ojedeji: @Alan oh okay thats fine then
01:01:51 Alan Greenberg: The call went out for participants before we had really firmed up the working methods.
01:01:58 David Mackey: “The Spirit of At-Large” is a cultural pillar that plays into a successful consensus process at the working level
01:02:02 Seun Ojedeji: Though i am not sure a formal appointment is necessary, i think we should just work with members that have volunteered and move on. The draft will still go to ALAC and the RALOs anyway
01:02:46 Silvia Vivanco: The WG members could report at each RALO monthly call on the progress of this group
01:02:52 Alan Greenberg: @Seun, that may be fine for regions where there were a bunch of volunteers, but for some regions that is not the case. Thus the need for appointments.
01:03:09 Maureen Hilyard: @Sarah.. OK that was confusing perhaps. But as the ALS Mobilisation group worked better by consensus it makes better sense that the members should focus on participation, not voting.
01:03:21 Alan Greenberg: RALO Chairs wil be given the list of current volunteers and you can pick your appointees from that list.
01:04:31 Sarah Kiden: Agreed @Maureen! TBH I found the work style in ALS Mobilisation worked well. And as Silvia mentions, WP members can report to our RALOs.
01:04:36 Hanan Khatib: sorry for being late. one of my relative died suddenly yesterday
01:05:06 Roberto: @Hanan - sorry to hear that
01:05:12 Esther Patricia Akello: Its a pity @Hanan
01:05:12 David Mackey: Condolences @Hanan. Welcome to the call. :-)
01:05:20 Silvia Vivanco: sorry to hear that Hanan, condolences and welcome the call
01:05:41 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Condolences ans sympathies for your loss Hanan
01:06:00 LAC-chapters Zoom: Sorry for being late. Time mixed up.
01:06:28 Eduardo Diaz: Jus so you know - This was Eduardo
01:06:55 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: the Work Party *8HAS** Open Membership!!!
01:07:08 Nadira AL Araj: My condolences Hanan
01:07:28 Judith Hellerstein: @hanan sending in my condolences
01:07:38 Sarah Kiden: Condolences Hanan
01:07:43 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and max 7 mins of Agenda ;-) so tracking just fine
01:08:15 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: He is Foundation to it all!
01:08:38 Nadira AL Araj: +1 Alan
01:08:45 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: were in excellent hands
01:08:46 Robert Nkambwe: Hi everyone....condolences Hanan
01:08:56 Seun Ojedeji: +1 Alan agreed
01:09:00 Maureen Hilyard: This group is in excellent hands
01:09:09 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Indeed you did
01:09:12 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I was there
01:09:25 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: fun times!!!
01:09:28 David Mackey: wow, that’s impressive :-o
01:09:33 Silvia Vivanco: Impressive experience Roberto
01:09:51 Esther Patricia Akello: Impressive, we are in good hands
01:09:59 Alan Greenberg: Participation IS open to EVERYONE
01:10:20 Seun Ojedeji: One suggestion on timing, lets not have multiple calls in a month unless we have a clear completion timeline of this work
01:10:58 Alan Greenberg: The group really does nood to be done by (or near) the end of the year. It is part of the Review Implementation.
01:11:06 Eduardo Diaz: Is there a timeline for this group to end its work of its it an open ended WG
01:11:11 Nadira AL Araj: Would be good to have, some discussion on the mailing list. to save some time during the online meeting.
01:11:18 Bill Jouris: Just not this specific time. (I've got a different ICANN meeting this hour. It just got cancelled this week.)
01:11:26 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: short time frame work does require at least weekly calls IMO
01:11:52 Maureen Hilyard: Unfortunately the weekly calls will be necessary to complete what has to be done by the end of the year
01:12:00 Seun Ojedeji: @Cheryl if the understanding is that this is going to be a short timeframe work then i agree to weekly call
01:12:05 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and if fixed time is needs to be optimal one to not disenfranchise some regions
01:12:20 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: HAS to be short time frame
01:12:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: this is left over work from ARIWG
01:12:31 David Mackey: sounds good
01:12:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: All Goof my friend
01:12:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: good!
01:12:58 David Mackey: nope, good start! thanks Roberto!
01:13:02 Maureen Hilyard: thank you Alan
01:13:04 Seun Ojedeji: Thanks and cheers!
01:13:08 Esther Patricia Akello: Thanks
01:13:12 Judith Hellerstein: Can we have this start after ALS working group finishes
01:13:14 Eduardo Diaz: Not good luck but success!
01:13:17 Sarah Kiden: Thank you!
01:13:30 Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary): Hello all, I'm sorry, my train was delayed, I didn't arrive on time. Will read the chat and listen to the record
01:13:36 Sarah Kiden: :-)
01:13:36 Nadira AL Araj: ;))))
01:13:40 Alan Greenberg: Chairs like good wine benefit from aging.
01:13:44 David Mackey: LOL!!
01:13:45 Esther Patricia Akello: :)
01:13:47 Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary): -))))
01:13:57 Nadira AL Araj: wise man
01:14:20 Silvia Vivanco: Welcome Natalia
01:14:30 Esther Patricia Akello: Thanks for the call - cheers to the wise man and everybody
01:14:33 Silvia Vivanco: thank you for joining all
01:14:50 Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary): Thank you Silvia. Funny part of call I took-)
01:15:02 Silvia Vivanco: :) :) yes Natalia
01:15:07 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Excellent! Bye for now :-)
01:15:26 Maureen Hilyard: Thanks everyone for your contributions.
01:16:13 David Mackey: Bye All!
01:16:15 Jonathan Zuck: As much as we hate “voting,” we SHOLD be doing more “polling” for those less inclined to speak up
01:16:24 Nadira AL Araj: Thank you
01:16:30 Filina Natalia (EURALO Secretary): Bye all! Thank you!!!

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