00:29:53 Alberto Soto: OCL, you are running??
00:34:30 Jonathan Zuck: that’s right
00:36:10 Sebastien Bachollet: I am supporting Alan proposal regarding EPDP phase II
00:40:58 Hadia: answering the charter questions today means that we are basically doing all the work that needs to be done over months now
00:41:53 Hadia: This is different than the triage report done in phase 1
00:42:42 Jonathan Zuck: Is it “of” or “or”
00:45:20 Hadia: @Jonathan I support rewording the purpose which I find necesssary but as Alan said mayeb it is better to wait
00:46:20 Jonathan Zuck: @Hadia, as long as we keep it on our radar. It feels like trap in its current form
00:47:54 Holly Raiche: I am happy to go with the current statement
00:48:25 Hadia: @Jonathan I totally agree
00:48:32 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: As long as it goes in on Friday
00:49:50 Hadia: Thanks Alan
00:51:41 Sebastien Bachollet: Can you give us the link to the wiki?
00:52:05 Michelle DeSmyter: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/2019-06-19+Consolidated+Policy+Working+Group+Call
00:52:36 Glenn: The Curator notes will ask volunteers to summarize each of the sessions
00:52:43 Glenn: shared notes
00:53:07 Justine Chew: @JZ, I have already started to use these talking points in respect of SubPro :)
00:53:33 Glenn: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FbO6YKhoUJ8eSt0Czg2oXxF3I0gwm3s-Ycau4gfyb3I/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
00:53:54 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: Our effort is to report on ALL the sessions that At-Large/ALAC goes too. These can be included as part of this report.
00:54:14 Glenn: https://www.canva.com/design/DADTVSgIOes/share/preview?token=qC8KlRH9fbwlms_Qt5rWcA&role=EDITOR&utm_content=DADTVSgIOes&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton
00:55:06 Glenn: Similar to the curated notes we did at the NARALO GA, NASIG and INSIG
00:55:08 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Who is the We in this pilot?
00:55:59 Justine Chew: @CLO, ICANN65 travellers
00:56:25 Hadia: ok great
00:56:31 Glenn: Short summaries of the sessions
00:58:38 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: Outreach and Engagement
00:59:21 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I must habe missed that agreement in that meeting then
00:59:42 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Back to trying to Juggle my calendar
00:59:55 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well I have been assigned an ALAC Meeting!!!!
01:00:08 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: thus MY problem
01:00:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I am rarely in that room this trip
01:00:19 Justine Chew: Actually, I think what Eduardo's and what Jonathan is saying are two ends - rapporteuring session vs sharing At-Large/ALAC talking points (where feasible).
01:01:30 Holly Raiche: In times past, people have had to report back on the sessions they attended - this looks like a variant - and a good idea - but tie it in with Jonathan
01:02:27 Holly Raiche: I do like reporting back - at least there is then a record - or should be - of what was said - apart from talking points
01:02:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: As a Chair I instigated session Reporting WAY Back
01:02:50 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and it is something I support but...
01:02:53 Jonathan Zuck: Great minds
01:03:21 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I report back in my capacity as GNSO Lisiaon
01:03:27 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: the schedule is not set in stone. If people are going to other sessions then they can report on those. Simple.
01:03:31 Holly Raiche: @CLO - that is what I am referring to - to get a handle on what people actually yard/said in meetings they attend
01:03:55 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well I do that Holly not that any one listens
01:04:13 Justine Chew: I proposed to Eduardo a 4th question: [4] Were/are there specific issues or actions that At-Large/ALAC should consider taking up, and if so, how?
01:04:13 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That is the session I am supposed to report on Maureen
01:04:20 Holly Raiche: What is missing in the page on which we all filed reports
01:04:59 Jonathan Zuck: She’s chair
01:05:00 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: @Holly: reporting page is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hOMkGG-e9qq3QyhIXDDC1LVETd5s7UMF/edit#
01:05:28 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: again I will be writing a blog with Pat that none of you will read after the meeing re ATRT3
01:05:29 Jonathan Zuck: We’ll figure out the right session for CLO, with her input. Perhaps a high interest session
01:05:41 Holly Raiche: Thanks Ed - so how many reports are there - I stopped putting any after everyone else did. Great idea to start it up again
01:06:15 Jonathan Zuck: I’ll read it CLO!
01:07:07 Hadia: @Cheryl I'll read it too
01:07:25 Glenn: As a frame of reference its similar to the type of reporting down for IGF via Diplo for their curators. Short reports
01:07:40 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: @Justine: excactly
01:07:49 Holly Raiche: Why blog - why not every report on the same page - unless the blog is where everyone puts their report
01:08:03 Hadia: @Glenn ok
01:08:07 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: This is your question: [4] Were/are there specific issues or actions that At-La
01:08:11 Jonathan Zuck: We’ll copy it
01:08:22 Glenn: It will be on one document that will be editted with pictures etc , links etc
01:08:23 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: [4] Were/are there specific issues or actions that At-Large/ALAC should consider taking up, and if so, how?
01:10:14 Holly Raiche: @ CLO - I am less concerned WHERE the reports are - only that they are all in the one place - wherever that is
01:11:20 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: Let’s take this off-line. But it will be a report on what we did during the meeting. Geared to be read by whomever is interested.
01:11:24 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I see a main benefit to Meetrics actually ensuring that funded travellers at least DO something accountably for their attendance
01:11:26 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): I think the report could go into regional newsletters to indicate to those who were not at the meeting to get some understanding about what the session provided for At-Large
01:11:30 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Metrics
01:11:42 Jonathan Zuck: Yes, CLO
01:11:56 Justine Chew: At-Large/ALAC readouts
01:12:10 Justine Chew: +1 Metrics
01:12:16 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: We also tried a period of real time rappoutering into the Meeting Skype chat
01:12:46 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Overengeneered it then ;=)
01:13:05 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well how would he know what sessions I am in of course!
01:13:32 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Don't get me wrong I am ALL for this reporting
01:13:43 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: for Metrics if nothing else
01:14:33 Jonathan Zuck: We’re over discussing this at this point. We know the issues
01:14:37 Justine Chew: +1 Glenn. Although I can't attend the sessions that I am supposed to attend. Good trial for ALTAS III supported traveller obligation.
01:14:44 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: I used pilot with the purpose of doing it going forward. It is a collaboration effort.
01:15:19 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: 16
01:15:43 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: One paragraph per person should not be a burden
01:17:27 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): Id like these types of reports and anything associated with each ICANN meeting, attached to the dashboard related to that meeting so that people can refer back to the types of inputs that we as At-Large make to a particular meeting
01:17:32 Holly Raiche: Agree with Alan - my vision is taking notes during the meeting and then reporting
01:17:40 Justine Chew: I would have thought it's for people in the room to report and for people not in the room to have access to/read.
01:17:41 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Especially if we are sitting at the table as presenter Councillor etc., @Alan Yes
01:17:52 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: One paragraph should not be a burden. However, nobody is being forced to do it. It is a collaboration effort.
01:18:38 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: Reports are to be done after the meeting
01:18:43 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: Not during
01:18:49 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: LEt’s take this off-ine
01:20:38 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I will stay in the Audio channel but need to join another Zoom room now for my next meeting....
01:21:56 Carlton Samuels: Is the ALAC down for comments on the Non-Contracted Party Election Procedure? And if so why is it the At-Large business what they kill and eat?
01:21:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: If I interupt to ask for the que apologies in advance
01:24:11 Alberto Soto: @Eduardo: will not be in ICANN 65, so I think everyone should fill out three sheets as a report. I think I'll be in ICANN 66, there it seems to me that with three lines it will be enough
01:24:13 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): Dont forget Carlton we don't necessarily advise or comment on all the public comments that arise. :)
01:24:52 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: Have to read the whole document.
01:25:22 Holly Raiche: It is also something I want to look at
01:26:11 Holly Raiche: Sorry - have to leave this call. See you all in Marrakech
01:26:26 Carlton Samuels: @Maureen Glad to hear we on the same path. Maybe I was hearing/interpreting badly.
01:27:31 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: Teh end-user can be capture bu applications like facebook, google and such
01:28:00 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: Or worst, the end user can end up paying for using it
01:28:51 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: Teh technology is great is the implementation what we should worry about
01:29:02 Justine Chew: Apologies, I have to drop off now. Got to work!
01:29:36 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): @Justine. Thanks for calling in
01:31:04 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: centr has published an interesting paper about DoH. www.centr.org
01:31:24 Ricardo Holmquist: this one is very good
01:31:36 Ricardo Holmquist: RSSAC also is very good
01:31:49 Hadia: @Ricardo agree
01:32:02 Evin Erdoğdu: Noted
01:32:38 Olivier Crépin-Leblond: I spoke to Peter van Roste, centr CEO about this today and they are happy to help with understanding the issues with DoH
01:34:16 Alberto Soto: Thanks, bye bye!!!
01:34:34 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: @Olivier: Will be nice to understand the different type of implementation and see how each affect the end- user. Important to is if there are ICANN policies that need to be revised due to those implementation too.
01:34:35 Evin Erdoğdu: Wednesday 10 July at 21 UTC?
01:35:43 Evin Erdoğdu: 13 UTC?
01:36:36 Hadia: Thank you all - bye
01:37:14 Ricardo Holmquist: bye everyone, see you soon
01:37:29 Evin Erdoğdu: Thank you all!
01:37:30 Gordon Chillcott: THanks and bye for now.
01:37:46 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: GEMS is Tuesday night
01:37:49 Evin Erdoğdu: Smooth travels!
01:38:22 Hadia: bye
01:38:26 Glenn: bye

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