Rules of Procedure WG & Metrics Sub Committee

Monday 28 May 2012


Summary Minutes:


Roll Call.

1. Welcome & Roll Call (2 min... CLO/Staff)


2. Review of Action Items from 16 April Meeting (3 min... CLO)


Action Item:




3. Discussion and Review continuation of Section by Section (40 min... WG)


CLO: Summarized the Metrics and the ROP minutes of the last meeting.

We should be looking at the expectations of the ALAC members.

We should then move to what the ALAC is and the members and expectations and followed by the appointments and what we expect from them.

Then we would go to a cluster of rules that would be more administrative in nature. For example, rules of recourse, how meetings are conducted, etc.


CLO asked the group how they would like to proceed.


OCL: Suggested to proceed on a rule by rule basis and go or no go.


Alan: Some of the problems we will not see until we see the obvious.

Carlton: Asked for a creation of a separate group for the elections and rules around it.

OCL: With regards to rules, perhaps we can allocate one person to specifically track things that are in a specific part of the document.

Fatima Cambronero: We should be working on general principles and then go rule by rule.

CLO: We will go from the top with go and no go, should do, could do.



1.1 .

AG: Does not like the idea of calling it "rules" rather a procedure manual.

Definitions: CLO we will have a definitions page, is that were you would like to define what the ALAC is?

Sergio Salinas Porto: ALAC should be at the very beginning not in the glossary.

Fatima C: When it comes to the definiitons we should define ALAC and they should be at the beginning. The Latin American countries have Roman law and a different way to regulate from Common Law countries, for us the rules are defined by itself and therefore we do not need a defintion section.

Topic  for the breakown Session: Approaches of Rules vs. Procedure documentation and how we work in a multi -jurisdictional world.

AG: When we read a contract, the definition section clarifies the texts and the document also contains the rule. Definitons are things we need to know.

CLO: By Prague we should have a rough draft.

We may be setting up a template which could be very useful.

Tijani: Does not have any problem calling rules what they are "rules".

ACTION ITEM:  CLO: Asked staff if we have a very good remote participation for our workshop on the ROP and Metrics. Asked staff if we could use "break out rooms" within the AC system.

CLO: At the moment the ALAC talks about a very restrictive leadership. Or are we going to have a cross regional representation as an Executive Committee.

Under 1 we can have the definition section as well as the

ACTION ITEM: AG will gather together documentation and links from EXCOM previous meetings on the ALAC .

We need a new WIKI which will agregate all of these materials which we will be the foundation of the ALAC Excom Resolutions.  

Section 1 Definition and structure of the ALAC:  Carlton, Fatima, Sala, Cintra, Rooselvelt, Alan Greenberg.

Fatimata: Wanted to emphasize the importance about the structure.

This is the ALAC version 3.0. We in the next couple of months will be having the various Anniversaries of the RALOs.

CLO: Asked not to be committed to use the term "rappartour", which is a term of the UN GA which is a constant source of confusion.  You can have a chair and four vice chairs.

You won't be able to go into sections such as how the elections are conducted.

Yaovi A: In the ROP could not be the defintion of the role of the members.

AG: The Chair has certain responsibilities, it is very important that the ALAC elects the chair.

CLO: There is a requirement under the By-law that there must be an ALAC elected chair.

Fatima:  People have critized the Excom by saying the Excom is beyond the ALAC By-Laws.


Conduct of Business

CLO: You could use "Rules of meetigs".

Next meeting Monday 18th June at 19:00 UTC. In that meeting CLO would like to have the work of the rest of the Subteams in the WIKIS.

Next time 90 min


AOB:  None.







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