CLO – would like to pass on the completed Template to the ALAC by the end of the week. Compromises need to be made. Will all At-Large members comment and agree, - this is not needed. We need a consensus – a reasonable majority.
AG: Believes that the DTs will need to convene one or two more times after Toronto.
AG: Reviewed the Master Sandbox. We’ve tried to make sure we have not repeated things. I’ll highlight a couple of sentences which are crucial. ALAC members to submit SOIs. Apologies, 1.7 – represent internet users. Noted that a couple of years ago a position description was adopted by the ALAC. We’ve incorporated that. We will need to modify that to include additional leaders. Reviewed Chair’s responsibilities.
RAR: Adherence to ?
Fatimata – Point 7.9 – the Chair is empowered….How can this point be clarified?
ST: I would like the meeting teams to use the UN …on human rights.
CLO: Requested that the last the last three points of the agenda be the starting point for the next steps.