25 June / ALAC Working Session Parts 1 and 2  - GNSO: Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group Face-to-Face Sessions 1 and 2 /  EE

No AIs

26 June / Joint NCSG and At-Large Outreach / EE (sub for SV)

No AIs

26 June / ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Session Part 4 / EE

  • Eduardo Diaz requested to join the CPWG.
  • Jonathan Zuck to follow up with CPWG members and Staff on best way to address EN language barrier, in drafting Statements for those whose first language is not EN - suggested template for Policy Comments & Advice.

26 June / ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Session 5 / EE

27 June / ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Session 6 / EE

  • Jana Juginovic to work with Heidi Ullrich to get approval from ALAC on ALAC website terminology.
  • Jana Juginovic to follow up with Judith Hellerstein on recommended feature for automated transcription, via Joly MacFie.
  • Jana Juginovic to create a comment space on website for community to note when/if they do not agree with translations, help out with translated terminology, as per Sebastien Bachollet's recommendation.
  • Jana Juginovic to provide list of websites within scope of Comms' involvement, including what able to administer/update for At-Large via the webmaster. 
  • Yesim Nazlar/Support Staff to create wiki page for CROP-related questions from the community, and arrange a call with SCOPE Staff/ Benedetta Rossi to discuss CROP further.

27 June / Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting / EE

28 June / ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Session Part 7

28 June / ALAC and Regional Leaders Wrap Up Part 2 / EE

  • Staff to schedule a meeting of the people designated with the next steps of the At-Large Review Implementation to enable them to deliver the way forward within the next week or at the earliest time. 

  • Sebastien Bachollet requests reports from Liaisons on these topics: emoji and natural disasters.

  • Staff to post At-Large ATLASIII workspace today - request from ALAC suggestions for meetings.

28 June/ At-Large Regional Leaders Meeting

  • RALO leaders to continue discussing an approach to continue developing their respective Hot Topics
  • RALO Leaders and ALAC members to meet in Barcelona meeting to discuss best practices to improve two way communications.
  • RALOs will continue discussions on FY19 Discretionary funds at the next teleconference.
  • Yesim Nazlar to send a doodle to  schedule a teleconference in July.
  • Heidi Ullrich to set up an IGF 2018 page.
  • No labels


  1. special Tanks to the whole staff that allowed our voices to be heard. safe trip back to your homes. kisses 

  2. of course is not the same to be as a remote participant but this time the general facility was working wonderfully. thanks to all tech guys to set up this.