At-Large Statement of Interest (SOI) Form

1) Please enter your Name:

Giannina Raffo

2) Picture/Image:
(Instructions: Click in the field to the right to open up the text input window. Then click the <Insert> menu button, select <Image>, then choose (or browse) to locate an image file (e.g., JPG, PNG, BMP) from your local computer to upload. After insertion, please click on the picture and adjust the size to no larger than 200 pixels). 

3) Are you participating in the At-Large advisory process (including email and real-time discussions) as a representative of:

a) ALAC (if so, detail the region and term):

b) A Regional At-Large Organization (RALO) (if so, please detail the region, position and term):

c) An ICANN-accredited At-Large Structure (if so, which one):

d) Any ICANN Committee, Constituency or Stakeholder Group (if so, which one(s))?

e) Any other company or organization, whether commercial or nonprofit (if so, please detail the organization and your position):

4) Please identify your current employer(s):

- The World Bank - CEDICE Libertad

5) Please identify your current position(s):

External Affairs Specialist

6) Please identify the type(s) of work performed:

I'm a communications specialist inspired by producing powerful campaigns and delivering impactful digital marketing strategies. I work on developing projects where citizens can learn about key aspects of the Internet that are affecting our communities.

7) Please identify your declared country of primary residence:


8) Please list any financial relationship beyond de minimus stock ownership you may have with any company that to your knowledge has a financial relationship or contract with ICANN:


9) Please identify any other relevant arrangements, interests, or benefits as requested in the following two questions:

a) Do you, your employer, and/or sponsor have any type of material or financial interest in the At-Large advisory process and its outcomes?


If the answer is “Yes,” please describe the interest:

b) Are there any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your participation as a work team member?


If the answer is “Yes,” please describe the arrangements/agreements and the name of the group, constituency, or person(s):

10) Please identify any Working Groups or other chartered teams in which you are participating (include acronyms, if applicable):

Resulting from the ICANN75 Meeting, I’m now part of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) Communications Working Group, in which I will support the development of a communication strategy that increases the reach and scope of the group’s vital work for a multilingual and inclusive Internet.

11) Additional information (optional):

Dear NARALO leadership team,

I am Giannina – a passionate communication specialist inspired by producing powerful campaigns and delivering impactful digital strategies. My mission is to drive innovation with purpose. I work on developing projects where citizens can learn about key aspects of the Internet that are affecting our communities.

In my +9 years of experience promoting innovation and technology for social change, I have developed award-winning campaigns in partnership with institutions such as the World Bank, Google, the European Union, U.S. State Department, Organization of American States, UNESCO, Y20 (G20 youth engagement group), and American Express.

I’m proud to be a second-time ICANN Fellow (ICANN70, ICANN75), where I’ve learned that a responsible use of the Internet and information technology is essential for tackling misinformation and evolving from conscious education to conscious action. This September in Kuala Lumpur at the ICANN75 Annual General Meeting, I had the opportunity of knowing more of NARALO’s pivotal work ensuring that the expansion of the Internet serves us all, and advancing policies that enhance security, accessibility and stable growth. All of this has inspired me to join NARALO as an individual member.

The NARALO individual membership could be an excellent opportunity to learn more about best practices that I could implement in my community and professional life, as well as new projects and ideas to work towards key Internet issues in the region. This opportunity could also be a catalyzer to strategize and implement communication strategies to engage with a global community of researchers, practitioners, and key stakeholders.

I’m inspired to bring all my skills and multicultural background to enrich and deliver the values and culture of NARALO through a unique perspective. I would appreciate the opportunity to be part of your organization.

12) Page last revised:



At-Large SOI Template v3 (Feb 2014)