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  1. The forms looks good to me (nicely done!). I just have a some questions:

    In the form:

    Please identify the Activity Sponsors *
    All event sponsors must be identified in order to comply with ICANN travel guidelines

    Q1: What the Activity Sponsors have to do with ICANN travel guidelines?


    Q2: Who receives the forms results?
    Q3: What if there are changes in the form after submission? Can it be changed without re-entering all the information again?

  2. Hello Eduardo


    To answer Q1 regarding Activity Sponsors, this is because ICANN (as a US incorporated non-profit) is subject to the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) regarding entities ICANN can do business with (see http://www.treasury.gov/about/organizational-structure/offices/Pages/Office-of-Foreign-Assets-Control.aspx)

    Q2. The Form results will be sent to the CROPP Review Team which will do the review and file the information on the ICANN's CROPP site

    Q3. If there are changes in the form, then the updated information can be updated by the CROPP RT (or At-Large Staff) directly on receiving the information via email. For this long Google Form, it won't be possible to re-load the information (not easily, anyway) in the form to re-edit and resubmit.





    1. Noted and thanks.

  3. Thanks Dev.  The form looks very good for me. Your answers to Eduardo's questions are very helpful for me too.


  4. Thanks Dev,

       Please note below my comments:

    -          It would be much more convinced and simpler if the names and emails for travelers get entered separately.

    -          Also for the Itinerary , this can be merged with above so it looks like  below but each line in Box.



    Name                   :   


     Telephone Contact:   

    Departing from (City & Country):  


    So maybe we can have this repeated 3 times to accommodate the other travelers if any. Also to have the same for the alternate travelers.



    1. Hello Ali, thanks for the comments.

      I had thought about it and even experimented with separating the name and email address (I did it for three travellers at  https://docs.google.com/a/ttcsweb.org/forms/d/1E7bgxltnXgLWE168BnIFC6YsXjrQcuTnqlFL3I7jitY/viewform ) but the outcomes would be:

      • a very long form because we'll have to include the possibility of a RALO wanting all five persons to attend an event. There isn't a way to dynamically add form entries easily based on the answer given in an earlier field unfortunately.
      • We'll then have to include the fields for 5 possible alternate travellers (each alternate traveller's name, email address, and city and country). This would really increase the length of the form. 
      • Given the amount of times that this form would be used, (maximum 25 times), it doesn't seem viable to separate the entries as such.
      • Another advantage of keeping the information as it, makes it easier to copy and paste into ICANN's CROPP form when approved by the At-Large CROPP Review Team.