During March 2020, the CPWG held 3 weekly meetings instead of 4, due to the ICANN67 Virtual Community Forum. The CPWG meetings in March featured ongoing discussions on At-Large policy session planning for ICANN67 (please see the Post-ICANN67 Policy Report for details of these sessions), ISOC/PIR and the related ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board. The CPWG also held a Single Issue call for the At-Large drafting team for the ICANN Public Comment on Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team – PHASE 2. The CPWG discussed GeoNames and the At-Large perspective, and circulated their GeoNames survey to develop At-Large consensus on the topic. The weekly CPWG meetings also featured updates on EPDP II, SubPro and ongoing At-Large policy comments/advice, including a debrief of the ALAC/At-Large ICANN67 Talking Points and the At-Large Policy Platform. In March 2020, CPWG meetings continued interpretation services to the Community in EN, ES and FR and exceeded an average of 50+ participants per call.

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