Please list all proposed changes and/or any comments below. 

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  1. The RoP should have a "Definitions of Terms and Abbreviations used in the document" before any of the Rules.

  2. Agreed  and we also need to create a 'glossary' relating to terms used IN the ROPs associated docs etc., and ?? commoin usage terms ??

  3. Purpose and Scope section:

    Suggest a short explanation of the structure here  - 5 RALOS/an overarching ALAC explaining:

    • there are five Regional At-Large Structures (RALOs) representing the 5 regions, with each RALO made up of organisations that represent Internet users
    • the ALAC is made of up individuals - each of whom is a member of an organisational member of a RALO (if that is the case)

    Suggest deleting any mention of UNGA rules (unless we want an historical note that these RoPare based on UNGA rules (and specifically delete Rule 25

    Insert mention of ICANN Bylaws.  The GNSO RoP say their RoP are subject to ICANN Bylaws - I assume ours are as well and therefore, in cases of inconsistency, the ICANN Blyaws prevail

    Definitions: suggest the following:

    Do we really ned a definition of 'motion' and 'resolution' and 'rapporteur' - sugest deletion of all three

    Could we settle on one term for ALAC member - defined as an individual who is a member of an organisation that is a RALO (if we agree that is what we mean) and then not use other terms such as delegate

    Why have we defined an At Large Structure and a RALO.  Maybe merge the definitions?

    Should we define 'officer' as being a member of ALAC that was elected to be either the Chair or one of the two Vice Chairs of ALAC (which means we then do not need a rule about criteris for officers)

    The definition of rough consensus is both too wordy and unhelpful. Possible shorten to be 'the dominant view of the group, as determined by the Chair'

    The  heading: Organisation of the ALAC has no rules under it.  Suggest deletion of the heading, since I have suggested that a short explanation of the structure be in the purpose and scope section.