Thursday, 21 May 2015 Teleconference

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

How can I participate in this meeting?  English: 1638

Adobe Connect Room:

Action Items:   EN    

Recording: EN

Chat:       EN

Transcript:  EN

Participants: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Yasuichi Kitamura, Beran Gillen, Alan Greenberg, Maureen Hilyard, Satish Babu, Sébastien Bachollet, Eduardo Diaz, Aziz Hilali, Vanda Scartezini

Apologies: Carlos Dionisio Aguirre, Sandra Hoferichter

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber


Call management: Gisella Gruber



  1. Welcome and Introduction - Alan Greenberg (3 mins)
  2. Selection of Chair - Alan Greenberg (5 mins)
  3. Operational Points - Chair (10 mins)
    1. Timing of WP teleconferences
    2. Working methods - see: WP Workspace, New Meeting Strategy Workspace
  4. Update on New Meeting Strategy and What Information is Being Requested - Tanzanica King, Sr. Mgr Meeting Strategy and Design (10 mins)
  5. Review of Current At-Large Meeting Schedule - Gisella Gruber (7 mins)
  6. Way Forward - Chair (20 mins)
  7. AOB - Chair (5 mins)

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  1. I understood our agenda should be debated on thoughts on how the model B for meetings that wills tart in Marrakesh will affect ALAC dynamics and which would be the best approach to ALAC to perform under such model 

  2.  the model B  is suggesting "a shorter event than usual and focused on  SO/AC policy development work 

    as well as cross community interaction and outreach"

    Due the rotation strategy stated into the report it is also supposed that several groups normally attending ICANN meeting will not participate allowing the event to be host in quite small countries where event facilities is not large enough for ICANN.  My reading shows me  this will not mean that these meetings will be hosted just by developing countries,  but i am sure, that at the end,  this will be the case. Hence, I believe some constituencies will not have much interest in going there. we do not know now which constituencies will have less or none representatives, but thinking a little bit, probably IP will not show up, less BC members will show up, even part of Registrars and ISPs will be reduced probably. 

     That said what will this shortage of time and lack of some representatives will impact ALAC agenda?

    my first impression would be :

    a) model B will allow improve the relationship among constituencies, which is good. and ALAC can use the opportunity to even better engage with GNSO in more deeply way, as meeting with  each present group and sub groups inside GNSO , instead of meeting with GNSO selected persons  as a whole. the consequence may become more understanding from both sides about specific issues. 

    b) there will be no Public Forum, so Baord will have more time to cross participation, which also brings good opportunities. hence, addressing issues to board member may be more relevant and probably ALAC as other ACs and SOs may have more than one opportunity to have a F2F meeting with some board members.  in the same line of thought ICANN staff will be more free, so use the opportunity to meet with some key staff member will need to be addressed. 

    c) outreach. because we will be, during B model , in a new countries that we never went to, outreach will be a key point. ALAC may make an effort to anticipate informations using RALO's strategy groups to promote the event and have an opening space , probably at the first day  (Monday) to receive the community and encourage them to participate. 

    Considering 4 days , time use will be a very challenge task, but I understand that is the works we shall do in this group.

    my 2 cents to encourage debate.
