• Evin Erdogduto note Judith Hellerstein as co-penholder of .org RA PC.
  • Gregory Shatan to circulate redline versions of .org RA to CPWG.
  • Evin Erdogdu to note on next CPWG agenda focus on the RA PCs and whether ALAC will send similar statement for each one or one advice to ICANN board on the RAs, particularly in regards to pricing.
  • Evin Erdogdu to send George Kirikos  links to At-Large RA workspaces.
  • Alan Greenberg to publish updated version of ALAC EPDP advice within 24 hours of 10 April call, finalize within 3-4 days. Once final, Maureen Hilyard will send to Board and CC the public comment email, in coordination with Evin Erdogdu by 17 April 2019 23:59 UTC.
  • Michelle Desmyter / Andrea Glandon to schedule next call on Wednesday 17 April at 13:00 UTC for 90 minutes. Jonathan Zuckwill chair.
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