DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • The WG to consider reviewing founding documents of ICANN for references to the Public Interest .
2017-09-25 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • Members to send summaries of their comments that were made during the meeting to the Public Interest WG list
2017-09-25 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • The PI WG to work on the details of the PI Panel at ICANN 57 once confirmation is made.
Action Items 2016-09-21 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • The agenda item on the At-Large Consumer Agenda is to be postponed to the next call.
Action Items: 2016-08-15 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • Terri Agnew to send a Doodle to find a standing time for the PI WG (with an aim to allow Evan to participate)
Terri AgnewAction Items: 2016-08-15 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • Consumers vs. end-users - need clarification
Action Items: 2016-08-15 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • PI WG to have a look into national consumer regulations in different countries where such exist.
Action Items: 2016-08-15 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • Need to consider what the public interest means from an At-Large stand point. Likely revolves around end-users.
Action Items: 2016-08-15 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • Also need to consider what the PI means within the ICANN context.
Action Items: 2016-08-15 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
Wolf LudwigAction Items: 2016-08-15 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • Heidi Ullrich to set up a wiki page to enable the collection of local regulations on the public interest.
Heidi UllrichAction Items: 2016-08-15 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • Tijani Ben Jemaa to ask AFRALO members if they are interested in being a Co-Chair on the Public Interest WG. Tijani Ben Jemaa will inform the members of the group once confirmed. 
Tijani Ben JemaaAction Items: 2016-08-15 At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call
  • Mission statement to be discussed in Helsinki. 
Action Items: 2016-06-16 At-Large Public Interest Working Group
  • WG to review PI in different regions. 
Action Items: 2016-06-16 At-Large Public Interest Working Group
  • Staff to find the link to the meeting: 
Action Items: 2016-06-16 At-Large Public Interest Working Group
  • Global Public Interest in Critical Internet Resources, WS52 (online here) November 11, 2015, Internet Governance Forum 10th Annual meeting in João Pessoa, Brazil. 
Action Items: 2016-06-16 At-Large Public Interest Working Group
  • Leadership team to consist of 3 co-chairs from different regions. Request for volunteers to be done by email and/or posted on the PI WG workspace
Action Items: 2016-06-16 At-Large Public Interest Working Group
  • Priorities: 1) to agree a decision on the operational aspects; 2) 
Action Items: 2016-06-16 At-Large Public Interest Working Group
  • Next call: middle of July Terri Agnew to follow up on this request
Terri AgnewAction Items: 2016-06-16 At-Large Public Interest Working Group

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