ATLAS II Promotional Video


See 1st Cut by clickig on the picture or on the following link: - Under review through Thursday, 24 April 2014

ATLAS II Individual Videos "Welcome to London" in their Local Language


See all individual videos here or by clicking on each of the pictures below :

Anthony Niigani (NARALO)

Beran Gillen (AFRALO)

Olivier MJ Crepín-Leblond (EURALO)

Sylvia Herlein (LACRALO)


Siranush Vardanyan (APRALO)



  • No labels


  1. I like it! Short and to the point.



  2. The  video  should have  a few  things


    1. Introducing  with the ATLAS  2  Logo and dramatic music 
    2. Lower  Thirds of each of the  speakers and RALO region
    3. Closing  text and music   of the  event  " Mark your  calendar'  Learn more.....


  3. For  clarification  

    The  lower thirds in a  video is an insert  into the ' lower  third' of a video  image. It usually produced in  Adobe After Effects and it includes name and  title of the speaker

    The  closing images of the  video fades to black and white lettering reminding people of the date in London