Date: Sunday, 18 October 2015
Time: 13:30 - 17:30 IRT (For the time in various timezones click here)
Meeting Room: Wicklow H1
How do I participate in this meeting?
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
Attendees: Alan Greenberg, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Eduardo Diaz, Jimmy Schulz, Julie Hammer, Vanda Scartezini, Maureen Hilyard, Beran Gillen, Fatima Cambronero, ROn Sherwood, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Glenn McKnight
Not present in Dublin: Hadja Ouattara
Incoming ALAC Members: Timothy Denton, Seun Ojedeji, Sebastien Bachollet, Kaili Kan, Harold Arcos
Regional Leaders: Aziz Hilali, Satish Babu, Alberto Soto, Humberto Carrasco, Siranush Vardanyan, Wolf Ludwig, Yuliya Morenets, Barrack Otieno
Guests: Edmon Chung, Nora Abusita, Jean-Jacques Sahel, Patrik Faltstrom,
ccNSO: Bart Boswinkel, Katrina Sataki, Annebeth Lange (.no),
Remote Participation: Allan Skuce, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Pua, Alexis Anteliz, Beatriz, Murray McKercher, Yannis Li
Lead: HU
Notes: SV
Action Items: EN
Adopted Motions: EN
Summary Minutes: EN
Recordings and Transcriptions in all languages are available at:
Resolutions: EN
Chat: EN
A G E N D A:
Moderator: Alan Greenberg
- Update on Universal Acceptance with Edmon Chung and Don Hollender (13:30-14:00)
- Discussion on Proposed Approach to Civil Society Engagement with focusing on At-Large Activities with Jean-Jacques Sahel, GSE VP, Europe (14:00-14:30)
- Update from the Development and Public Responsibility Department and discussion on relevant ATLAS II recommendations, Nora Abusitta, Vice President, Development and Public Responsibility Programs (14:30-15:00) - Presentation
- Coffee Break (15:00-15:15)
- Meeting with the SSAC with Patrik Fältström, Chair of the SSAC, and Jim Galvin, Vice Chair of the SSAC - Moderated by Julie Hammer(15:15-15:45)
- Discussion on ALS Criteria and Expectations (15:45-16:45)
- Meeting with the ccNSO, including Byron Holland, Chair of the ccNSO.Items for Discussion are:
- CCWG proposal and how each group intends to handle it
- Submission of Final Report on Geographic Regions
- Time Permitting: A brief update on each groups interest in the use of country and territories as TLDs and geographic names(16:45-17:30)
- Review, Next Steps and Housekeeping Items (17:15-17:30)