
  • 6.1 All liaisons have the same rights of access to information, mailing lists and documents as the ordinary ALAC members. 

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1 Comment

  1. This should probably be generalized to include RALO officers as has been our practice.

    More recently, we have included past ALAC members if they chose to be included. I think that was a very good move. The only question is whether they should all be included in the Internal list. I haven't checked what the current practice is, but I suspect that there is little harm. I presume that if there were anything really confidential, it would be dealt with by directly addressed mail and not a list. Or we could add yet another ALAC-Confidential list which is really just ALAC. But I suspect the usage would be so small as to make it not worth while.

    Do we also include Committee/WG chairs in the regular list? Internal?