
  • 2.1 The ALAC shall elect a Chair, at least two (2) Vice-Chairs and a Rapporteur by  the mechanism outlined in Rule 10.
  • 2.2 All officers are normally elected at an Annual General Meeting of ICANN.
  • 2.3 The election can take place by electronic mail, online balloting, written balloting, or any other means deemed convenient and accurate 
  • 2.4 All officers serve for a term of one year starting from the closure of an AGM and ending at the closure of the following AGM. 
  • 2.5 Officers shall be freely chosen by the ALAC, according to the following criteria: 
  • 2.6 They shall accept to serve on behalf of the AT LARGE COMMUNITY by acting for the good of the entire Committee, working to bridge differences and build consensus, but  also recognizing difference and enabling different opinions to be shared; 
  • 2.7 They shall accept, while acting in their capacity as an ALAC officer, to put the collective views of the Committee always in front of their own.

Proposed Changes


Next Steps

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  1. Should be adjusted for:

    • 2-year term for Chair. Do we want to do same for other roles? I suspect not.
    • Remove Rapporteur and replace with third Vice-Chair or perhaps something-without-portfolio
    • Cast in concrete the need to have regional balance.

    How we achieve the last could be problematic. In the past few years, we have been able to put together a slate which meats all requirements. It is possible that in the future there could be some contention. If so, we might want to say that in the even that there is contention, that we select the Chair first (if not a 2nd year of term), then VC, and then last position.

    Timing of nominations may have to be adjusted in the case of such a sequence.

    Order of Rules should also be changed. How to elect should come after definition of roles and qualifications.

    • We may need to add also the roles of the other officers in Rule 12  . I can see only defined the role of the chair.
    • I  suggest that for the two VC, one is elected for two years and the second one for one year. The rationale is not having to replace both during the same election.
  2. 2.1 Los RALOS elegirán un Presidente, por lo menos dos (2) Vicepresidentes y un Relator, por el mecanismo previsto en la Regla 10.

    2.2 Los candidatos serán elegidos dentro de la lista de representantes de los RALOS dentro de ALAC.

    2.3 Estos podrán presentarse como candidatos por si mismos o ser presentada su candidatura por un miembros de At Large. 

    2.4 Los candidatos deberán presentar su propuesta, explicar su visión, y su plataforma de trabajo a los miembros que integran la comunidad de At large. 

    2.5   La elección se llevará a cabo por correo electrónico, la votación en línea, la votación por escrito, o cualquier otro medio que estime convenientes y precisos 

     2.6 Los funcionarios serán elegidos libremente por los miembros plenos de los RALOS, de acuerdo con los siguientes criterios:

    2.7 Se aceptarán para servir en nombre de la Comunidad At-Large, actuando por el bien de toda la Comisión, que trabaja para salvar las diferencias y alcanzar un consenso, sino también el reconocimiento de la diferencia y permite a las diferentes opiniones que han de compartirse; 

     2.8 Se deberá aceptar, actuando en su condición de funcionario de ALAC, para poner la opinión colectiva del Comité siempre delante de los suyos.

  3. 2.1 The Officers of ALAC shall be:

    1. The Chairperson
    2. Two Vice Chairpersons
    3. One Rapporteur

    2.2 All Officers shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting, (unless decided otherwise by the ALAC???);

    2.3  Voting may be by electronic mail, online balloting, written balloting, or any other means deemed convenient and accurate;

    2.4 Officers shall serve for a period of one year starting from the end of the Election until the end of the following Election.

    2.5 All Officers of the ALAC shall be freely chosen by the ALAC, according to the following criteria:

    1. All Officers shall accept:
      1. To serve on behalf of the AT LARGE COMMUNITY by acting for the good of the entire Committee, working to bridge differences and build consensus, but  also recognizing difference (diversity) and enabling differing opinions to be shared; 
      2. To put the collective views of the Committee always in front of their own while acting in their capacity as ALAC officers.



    In 2.2 and 2.3: Is it that at the AGM, voting would be by the methods outlined? Or is that rule saying that the election may happen outside the AGM??


    1. What I have done here is set up a structure based on the current rules without considering amendments. Amendments can be easily made.