Yesim Nazlar: (8/29/2018 15:10) Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) Call taking place on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 at 13:00 UTC

  Yesim Nazlar: (15:11) Agenda:

  Evin Erdogdu: (15:52) Hello all!

  Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (15:54) What you do is to carry lots of stuff within yourself.

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (15:57) yes I'll have lots of stuff in my pockets

  Maureen Hilyard: (15:57) Good morning all

  Gordon Chillcott: (15:57) Good morning.

  Yesim Nazlar: (15:58) Welcome all!

  Evin Erdogdu: (15:59) Lol @Olivier

  Alberto Soto: (16:00) Good morning everyone!!

  Evin Erdogdu: (16:01) Buenos dias, @Alberto!

  Alberto Soto: (16:02) Gracias Evin, perfecto your Spanish... btw , What is the telephone access code?

  Alfredo Calderon: (16:03) Good morning, afternoon or evening to all!

  Nadira AL-Araj: (16:03) Hi all,

  Evin Erdogdu: (16:05) 22 August CPWG Action Items:

  Evin Erdogdu: (16:05) @Alberto the Adigo code is 3535

  Joanna Kulesza: (16:06) Hi everyone, happy to be joining you.

  Evin Erdogdu: (16:06) Welcome, Joanna!

  Sebastien: (16:08)

  Satish Babu: (16:09) @Ed, I can help you contact Don

  Satish Babu: (16:09) Yes, we have been in touch with him.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:09) Don isn't with APTLD any more OCL

  Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (16:09) @Satish: Contact him and let me know when to join th ecall

  Satish Babu: (16:09) Don is now with UASG

  Satish Babu: (16:10) Ok @Ed

  Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (16:10) Tnak you Sebastion

  Alan Greenberg: (16:10) <>,

  Maureen Hilyard: (16:11) Don is also available at - personal email

  Evin Erdogdu: (16:11) Google Doc:

  Sebastien: (16:12)

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:12) They are so easliy confused with each other OCL ;-)

  Maureen Hilyard: (16:12) Edmon can also be contacted at but the registry address is his main address

  Satish Babu: (16:14) :-)

  Heidi Ullrich: (16:14) LOL

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:14) I shouldn't have told you ;-)

  Holly Raiche: (16:18) Thee has been a lot of discusson on the definition of community

  Alan Greenberg: (16:18) Can we have a brief summary of substance of what we are saying?

  Avri Doria: (16:21) how does an unorganized community apply for a gTLD?

  Daniel Khauka Nanghaka: (16:22) Hello All

  Alan Greenberg: (16:24) Two docs I will be talking about during the EPDP section:  and

  Holly Raiche: (16:25) @ Avri - tha's the issue.  In cnsideration of the first round, in looking a whether the applicant community got prioity, the definition was narrowly drawn.  If we want a broader view of 'community' we need to come up with elements of a definition

  Alan Greenberg: (16:28) @Marita, yes, prior existance, but to what with your example of smokers, how many of the world's smokers must you have worked with?

  Marita Moll: (16:30) @alan -- perhaps that's a component we could work on

  Justine Chew: (16:31) Will have to catchup on the earlier part of this call. Sorry, just came off another call.

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (16:31) Welcome Justine

  Evin Erdogdu: (16:32) Welcome Justine!

  Maureen Hilyard: (16:32) Thanks for making yourself available for the call, Justine.

  Hadia Elminiawi: (16:36) appologies for joing late

  Evin Erdogdu: (16:36) Welcome, Hadia!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:36) indeed Alan very important

  Justine Chew: (16:37) The Category 1 and Category 2 designations?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (16:37) we went through the list using Vol PICs as an important criteria (or the absence of any)

  Holly Raiche: (16:40) I don't think we'll debate this.  The UDRP applies to those with an interest in the name.  The members of the general public do not have standing to claim harm

  Justine Chew: (16:41) I wasn't asking what they were .. I was asking whether the debate was in reference to those.

  Justine Chew: (16:42) Not particularly, from me. Debate still going on

  Marita Moll: (16:43) And I have not been working on that section

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (16:43) Thanks Justine and Marita

  Marita Moll: (16:44) Deeper knowledge -- not on my side

  Holly Raiche: (16:45) What I will add in my response is the special category of PICs - which are dealt with by the GAC - which we supported (they have separate questions in the Subsequent Procedurres questions

  Alberto Soto: (16:46) no, sorry

  Alberto Soto: (16:46) ok

  Yesim Nazlar: (16:46) @Alberto: lowered your hand, fyi

  Alberto Soto: (16:46) Thanks Yesim

  Yesim Nazlar: (16:47) you're welcome!

  Justine Chew: (16:47) Yes, let me think about it more and see how to work through the Asssessment in Rounds comment.

  Holly Raiche: (16:47) @ Justine - the two issues regarding the PICs were whether there should be a PDP on mandatory PICS and their inclusion in the actual agreement and the other issue was whether to continue with voluntary PICS

  Justine Chew: (16:51) Excellent, thanks Olivieir

  Justine Chew: (16:51) Olivier

  Holly Raiche: (16:53) @ Justine - your question please

  Justine Chew: (16:55) @Holly, Q 2.8.1.e.15

  Holly Raiche: (16:56) Tks - will have a look and get back to you

  Justine Chew: (16:58) Olivier, I've already told that I didn't need the 10 minutes agenda item 4

  Justine Chew: (17:10) I have attempted to read the GDPR ;)

  Alberto Soto: (17:11) I loss the sound

  Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (17:11) Thank you  @ Alan

  Holly Raiche: (17:17) The real shame is that RDAP implementation did NOT require the implementation of tiered access.  What RDAP does is allow the addition of the ability to provide tiered access.

  Hadia Elminiawi: (17:18) my connection was lost I am back again

  Maureen Hilyard: (17:21) Thank you Alan for the explanations for each of the recommendations. - it really helps for understanding

  Justine Chew: (17:24) Staff, can I have the screen unsynched please?

  Holly Raiche: (17:25) Can we please have the ablity to scroll

  Yesim Nazlar: (17:25) sure!

  Hadia Elminiawi: (17:27) May I please receive a dial out

  Yesim Nazlar: (17:28) Dialing out to you now

  Hadia Elminiawi: (17:28) ok thanks

  Justine Chew: (17:33) Absolutely! Dubious data mining occurs with other databases like TMCH's. Rate limiting should be applied to "non-legit miners"

  Gordon Chillcott: (17:34) Generally support SSAC 101, but I confess to being soft on Recommendatin 4.

  Justine Chew: (17:35) We can't really be selective about which law enforcement authorities to give access to or limit access.

  Alan Greenberg: (17:37) @Justine, yes we can and will!

  Justine Chew: (17:38) @Alan, good luck!

  Nadira AL-Araj: (17:39) I agree Justine, and what about corapt entities  within the system

  Alfredo Calderon: (17:40) +1 with Alan's position. We as end-users are affected by what the recommendations imply.

  Hadia Elminiawi: (17:40) in my opinion nothing is not an option

  Alberto Soto: (17:41) +1 with Alan and Alfredo

  Justine Chew: (17:41) +1 for SSAC101

  Hadia Elminiawi: (17:42) the rational is very imprortant

  Gordon Chillcott: (17:42) I will  support the letter.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:42) I support  101

  Hadia Elminiawi: (17:43) icann is a joint controller

  Satish Babu: (17:44) +1 for an assertive position around SSAC101

  Hadia Elminiawi: (17:45) i support 101

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:46) Thanks everyone this action is most useful

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:46) I will refer to it if needs be in the GNSO Council

  Hadia Elminiawi: (17:46) ultimately I would have liked that we submit our own whuch could have overlapping issues

  Satish Babu: (17:46) Thanks Alan, for the useful insights

  Nadira AL-Araj: (17:46) Thank yo u Alan

  Marita Moll: (17:46) Thanks everyone. Great discussion

  Maureen Hilyard: (17:46) Great discussion thank you.

  Alfredo Calderon: (17:46) @Alan, thanks for an insight view and discussion.

  Gordon Chillcott: (17:47) Thank you, Alan - it was worth while.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (17:47) still a *To Do* then Hadia

  Alfredo Calderon: (17:47) Thanks!

  Gordon Chillcott: (17:47) Bye for now.

  Alberto Soto: (17:47) Thanks to all, bye bye!

  Hadia Elminiawi: (17:47) Ok cheryl thanks

  Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (17:47) Bue

  Hadia Elminiawi: (17:47) bye all

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