Gisella Gruber: (7/26/2016 21:05) Welcome to the ALAC Monthly Call on Tuesday, 26 July 2016 at 21:00 UTC
  Gisella Gruber: (21:05) Draft agenda:
  Heidi Ullrich: (21:58) Welcome, All!
  Leon Sanchez: (21:59) Hello everyone!
  Gisella Gruber: (21:59) Welcome to all those who have joined
  Holly Raiche: (21:59) Morning all
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:00) Hi all
  Isaac Maposa: (22:00) Hi everyone
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:01) no jokes on germans without me
  Aìda Noblia: (22:03) Hi all
  Alberto Soto: (22:03) Hola a todos, Hi all!!
  Gisella Gruber: (22:06) John Laprise has joined the call
  Gisella Gruber: (22:07) Karen Mulberry, Director, Strategic Initiatives, ICANN Staff has joined the call as well
  Ariel Liang: (22:07) Huuuuge list
  Ariel Liang: (22:07)
  Gisella Gruber: (22:08) Policy Advice Page on new website:
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (22:10) could you please unync the aganda?
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (22:11) thanks
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  (CLO): (22:12) Yes  this is a very early days  matter
  Gisella Gruber: (22:12) Garth Bruen has joined the call
  Leon Sanchez: (22:14) Sorry for the background noise
  Leon Sanchez: (22:14) I am in a restaurant with a client :P
  Garth Bruen: (22:14) Is it a good restaurant?
  Leon Sanchez: (22:15) it's a mexican restaurant!
  Garth Bruen: (22:15) QUE BUENO!
  Leon Sanchez: (22:15) ;-)
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  (CLO): (22:16) They are all due soon IMO
  Ariel Liang: (22:16) yes Cheryl
  Gisella Gruber: (22:17) Martiza Aguero has joined the Spanish channel
  Gisella Gruber: (22:18) Alberto - no audio?
  Alberto Soto: (22:19) Yes Gisella
  Gisella Gruber: (22:20) Dev Anand Teelucksingh sends his apology and will also send his Working Group reports in over the next 48 hours
  Garth Bruen: (22:22) Is it appropriate for members who speak one language comment about users of another language?
  Gisella Gruber: (22:22) Judith Hellerstein has joined the call
  judith hellerstein: (22:23) Sorry i was late
  Maureen Hilyard: (22:23) I can talk to Edmon here in Taipei about the IDN group involvement in this
  Maureen Hilyard: (22:24) Edmon and Satish
  judith hellerstein: (22:24) I think Satish was interested in this group
  Holly Raiche: (22:25) On action items against me, could thre also be a title of the issue - thanks
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (22:25) I just find it sad that we are supposedly the most geographically diverse part of ICANN and yet are totally unable to follow-up on IDNs and cannot make an on the spot decision on whether it is important for us to draft a Statement or not
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (22:26) It's perfectly fine to say "no we do not need to file aStatement on this" but at least we need an answer, not just an "I don't know, let's assume all is honkey dorey"
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:26) ööööä#pöüä+#
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:26) pöüä+#
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  (CLO): (22:26) Yes Alan that is correct
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:26) sorry
  Maureen Hilyard: (22:29) ??
  Maureen Hilyard: (22:30) I thought it was code, Jimmy
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:30) ;-) it was a bug on my keyboard
  Garth Bruen: (22:32) Maybe Jimmy is still on Finish translations
  Garth Bruen: (22:33) I volunteer
  Garth Bruen: (22:33) We ca BOTH read it....
  Leon Sanchez: (22:33) I have to leave the call
  Leon Sanchez: (22:33) sorry, client demands it
  Leon Sanchez: (22:33) my apologies
  Garth Bruen: (22:34) Kooperation
  Maureen Hilyard: (22:35) Yes I am
  Maureen Hilyard: (22:35) I would say so
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:35) cant hear her
  Maureen Hilyard: (22:36) I'll look into it
  Maureen Hilyard: (22:36) and the previous statement too on two character issues too
  Garth Bruen: (22:39) Zusammenspiel
  Gisella Gruber: (22:40) Leon has had to leave the call
  Garth Bruen: (22:41) By the next ALAC
  Gisella Gruber: (22:41) Wafa Dahmani has joined the call
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:41) Hi wafa
  Heidi Ullrich: (22:41) @All, Wolf confirmed that the Public Interest WG will look at Garth's current document and add to it.
  Wafa Dahmani: (22:41) Hi all
  Wafa Dahmani: (22:42) thank you Gisella
  Heidi Ullrich: (22:42) the next call of the PI WG is being scheduled for mid-August.
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:42) ;-)
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:44) You are right
  Heidi Ullrich: (22:44) The link to the Public Interest WG is at:
  Heidi Ullrich: (22:44) Open membership
  Alberto Soto: (22:45) ok, I'll talk to Garth, I prefer end user, no consumer
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (22:45) Thanks @Garth
  Garth Bruen: (22:46) I have to create a framework before anyone can follow up
  Garth Bruen: (22:46) Thank you Olivier
  Alberto Soto: (22:47) Thanks Garth!
  Jimmy Schulz: (22:47) We're not just consumers, users should be adressed as "prosumers"
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  (CLO): (22:47) I note the Agenda notes the wrong total  
  Garth Bruen: (22:47) Alberto, does that explanation help?
  Alberto Soto: (22:47) By mail, Garth, later
  Garth Bruen: (22:49) I will add an explanation for the use of "consumer" to the document
  Ariel Liang: (22:49) I'm with Nathalie right now and she confirmed that there is no new question in due diligence
  judith hellerstein: (22:49) maybe not different question but different formatting
  judith hellerstein: (22:50) I also noticed that there did not seem to be any private info on it like in the past
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (22:52) Ron Sherwood stepping down frmo Liaison role & the ccNSO will be appointing someone else (supposedly)
  Maureen Hilyard: (22:53) Correct
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (22:53) @Gisella --- that is exactly why I have written the above sentence - for the interpreters
  Ariel Liang: (22:53) @Judith - Nathalie can chat with you offline to clarify the information. Please be so kind to contact her as there seems to be some misunderstanding
  judith hellerstein: (22:54) thanks
  judith hellerstein: (23:01) If there is time do they still do a random vote
  Gisella Gruber: (23:01) Nenad Marinkovic has joined our call
  Gisella Gruber: (23:02) Harold Arcos has joined the call
  Nenad Marinkovic: (23:02) sorry I am late
  Harold Arcos: (23:03) my apologies for late connection.
  judith hellerstein: (23:05) sorry I forgot to take my hand down
  Sebastien: (23:07) Tijani first
  Sebastien: (23:07) I have trouble to find...
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  (CLO): (23:14) you do all remember that ALT only ones that maake decisions
  John Laprise: (23:14) agree with Alan
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  (CLO): (23:14) and that ALT other than in closed session  ARE OPEN
  Wafa Dahmani: (23:15) what's  the need of advisors
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  (CLO): (23:16) To take a decision on say a GNSO Matter withoutconsutation with the GNSO Liaison  for example
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  (CLO): (23:17) If ALT does not wish to have the Liaisons or any corporate Memories at their beckn call fine  we can clear a LOT of time from our  schedules ;-)  Right OCL :-)
  Jimmy Schulz: (23:20) agree
  Gisella Gruber: (23:20) Gordon Chillcott has joined the call
  Wafa Dahmani: (23:21) right Cheryl :)
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (23:25) Thanks @ALan -- yes indeed, I must have been out to GNSO. I gather the process has to start very soon
  Maureen Hilyard: (23:28) Katrina has just formally announced the ccNSO CSC reps: Byron Holland (.ca) and Jay Daley (.nz)
  Sebastien: (23:34) CEP Cooperative Engagement Process
  judith hellerstein: (23:34) Thanks!! We will mention it in our NARALO call
  John Laprise: (23:34) Pencil me into human rights
  John Laprise: (23:35) :)
  Sebastien: (23:36)
  Sebastien: (23:36) Webinar
  Heidi Ullrich: (23:37) ITEMs members have been on APRALO and EURALO monthly calls.
  Alberto Soto: (23:38) No problem!
  Heidi Ullrich: (23:38) Other RALO Chairs are encouraged to add an item on the Review to their monthly meetings
  judith hellerstein: (23:40) Are we going to do another survey like last time
  Silvia Vivanco: (23:41)
  Silvia Vivanco: (23:41) see the plans for APRALO activities posted on the wiki page above
  judith hellerstein: (23:42) yes and thanks for this.
  Silvia Vivanco: (23:43) Good overview Maureen, those are the plans as we know them now
  Maureen Hilyard: (23:43) APRALO is also holding a showcase - did I mention that?? :)
  Silvia Vivanco: (23:43) APRALO Organizing Committee will meet in the upcoming weeks and plans will be more firm
  judith hellerstein: (23:44) Great looking forward to the showcase
  John Laprise: (23:45) apologies...must depart
  judith hellerstein: (23:45) so on wednesday nov 9 is the ralo development session or will it be november 10
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr  (CLO): (23:46) Thaat will effect our Thur plans  as many of us will be in PDP work
  Heidi Ullrich: (23:46) The tentative time for the ALAC meeting with the Board will be on Sunday, 6 November.
  Gisella Gruber: (23:47) The GNSO updated schedule will be posted here:
  Gisella Gruber: (23:48) The opening ceremony will be on Saturday
  Gisella Gruber: (23:48) @ Holly - please speak up!
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (23:49)
  judith hellerstein: (23:49) i need a visa
  judith hellerstein: (23:49) What about payment for vaccines
  Gisella Gruber: (23:49)
  judith hellerstein: (23:51) posted my question in the cat
  judith hellerstein: (23:51) i meant chat
  Alan Greenberg: (23:52) Judith. Noted
  judith hellerstein: (23:52) @gisella can you also ask about payment for vaccines that are required. They currently pay for visas and I was enquiring about paymen of visas
  judith hellerstein: (23:53) Thanks
  Maureen Hilyard: (23:54) Thanks Cheryl
  judith hellerstein: (23:56) @gisella @heidi it should be both vaccine and malaria drugs related to ICANN 57
  Sebastien: (23:57) 1,436 attendees, 24% first-time attendee
  Sebastien: (23:57) 1,344 remote participants
  judith hellerstein: (23:57) Yes good comment OCL
  judith hellerstein: (23:58) We lost all our remote particiaption
  judith hellerstein: (23:59) for that session
  Heidi Ullrich: (23:59) @Olivier, it was not the meeting staff. It was the community group who was not in favor of conflincting meetings in the afternoon.
  judith hellerstein: (7/27/2016 00:00) bye all
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (00:00) @Alan: the "we do not want your meeting on the official meeting agenda" is one thing. The room was still officially booked, yet all equipment was turned off and the tech people were nowhere to be seen. If the room was properly booked, it should have had all facilities. I find this zealousness from meetings staff ill-fated.
  Kaili Kan: (00:00) Thank you all.  Bye!
  Wafa Dahmani: (00:00) thk u all
  Alberto Soto: (00:00) Thanks!! Bye!!
  Maureen Hilyard: (00:00) Ok bye all
  Isaac Maposa: (00:00) Bye everyone
  Wafa Dahmani: (00:00) bye
  Sarah Kiden: (00:00) Thank you
  Jimmy Schulz: (00:00) bye
  Aìda Noblia: (00:00) Bye all
  Heidi Ullrich: (00:00) Bye!

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