Sub-WG A Teleconference

Meeting Number: RAA DT/WGA/05.01

Date: 13 May 2010

Time: 18:00 UTC

(For the time in various timezones click here)

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:

Interpretation Available: No

Dial-in details

Who is on the dial-out list for this call

Participants: Beau Brendler, Michele Neylon, Paul Diaz, Cheryl Lnagdon-Orr, Phil Corwin, Avri Doria

Apologies: Liz Gasster

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Margie Milam, Gisella Gruber-White

Summary Minutes:

Action Items:

Transcription: Transcript 13 May 2010 RAA Sub Team A

Recording: EN

Documents (EN):

A G E N D A - Draft

1. Review and Discussion of Initial Report on Proposals for Improvements to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement

a. Review of revised draft document
Clean version: Draft%20Initial%20Report%20-%20051210%20Clean%20version%20(2692805).DOC

Red-lined version: Draft%20Initial%20Report%20-051210%20PM%20version%20(2692116).DOC

b. Comments

2. Review and Discussion of RAA Next Steps Proposal

Clean version: DRAFT%20RAA%20next%20steps%20proposal%20042910%20(2676221).DOC

Red-lined version: DRAFT%20RAA%20next%20steps%20proposal_Redline.pdf

3. Update on Aspirational Registrant Rights Charter

raa wg a workspace for aspirational registrant rights

4. Next Steps


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