Blog from October, 2013

Dear All,

On behalf of Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC, an At-Large Briefing Session on ICANN in the Internet Eco-System will be held on Tuesday, 05 November 2013 at 1700 UTC (For the time in various time zones click here<> )

Guest speakers: Nigel Hickson,VP, Stakeholder Engagement, ICANN and Olivier Crepin-Leblond, ALAC Chair

This At-Large Briefing Session will provide an overview of ICANN in the internet eco-system, including an update on ICANN/At-Large activities at the 2013 IGF, the UK Multistakeholder Advisory Group and the MAG as well as ICANN’s plans for engagement in the internet eco-system. Participants will be able to ask questions to the guest speakers.


The agenda and call details are available at:

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:

Spanish interpretation will be available upon the request of 3 or more people. If you request interpretation Please email staff at<mailto:staff at>

If you require a dial-out please contact At-Large staff only with your preferred number at: staff at<mailto:staff at>.

We look forward to your participation,

Kind regards Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC


Proposed Bylaws Changes Regarding the Technical Liaison Group

30 October 2013

Forum Announcement:

Comment Period Opens on Date: 30 October 2013

Categories/Tags: ICANN Board/Bylaws

Purpose (Brief): Bylaws changes are proposed in order to increase availability of technical advice to the Board as well as the effectiveness of the Technical Liaison Group as set forth in the Bylaws.

Public Comment Box Link:

Dear All,

Please note that a new Public Comment on ICANN's Draft Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a Five-Year Strategic Plan<> has opened.

The overarching, aspirational "Vision, Mission and Focus Areas" draft reflects priorities identified in Board strategic planning efforts, as well as key themes that emerged from staff and community discussions around external challenges and strategic issues.

The draft proposes a new Vision, reiterates ICANN's existing Mission, and describes five proposed Focus Areas with goals:

I. Evolving ICANN’s implementation of the multistakeholder approach for coordination

II. Developing a world-class public responsibility framework

III. Supporting a healthy unique identifier ecosystem

IV. Striving towards technical and operational excellence

V. Defining role clarity for ICANN in the Internet governance ecosystem At this stage of development, we are seeking general feedback, as well as input on measurable outcomes for these Focus Area Goals:

* Overall –Does this draft appropriately outline ICANN's future? Are we missing a strategic element you see as critical for ICANN to address in the next five years?

* Focus Area Goals –What specific outcomes or achievements should we target for each of the Focus Area Goals? What quantitative / qualitative elements should we consider in measuring progress / results for each Focus Area Goal?

Input will inform a proposed ICANN Vision & Five-Year Strategic Plan that will be posted for public comment from February to March 2014. This approach enables the community to be involved throughout the strategic plan development process<>. It also enables us to incorporate some evolving issues and potential outcomes of the Strategy Panels (as appropriate, after community input). Equally important, this approach enables us to incorporate ongoing staff work (especially for some of the newer Focus Area Goals) that will yield additional elements for ICANN’s final strategic and/or operating plans (e.g. prioritization, timing/staging over five years, critical success factors, specific outcomes, resources, and metrics and monitoring).

Background information is posted here<> and more information will be forthcoming as work progresses on organizational targets and how we get there (the route to achieving the vision, mission and focus area goals).


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC

Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC, has asked that a call for comments be made on the draft "ALAC Statement on the Revised Public Interest Commitments Dispute Resolution Procedure (PICDRP)<>" in preparation for the start of the ALAC ratification process.

The current draft, as well as additional information on the Public Comment, can be found on the At-Large Revised Public Interest Commitments Dispute Resolution Procedure (PICDRP) Workspace<>.

Please submit any comments on the workspace using the comments function by 6-November-2013 23:59 UTC.


ICANN Names New Chief Security, Stability and Resiliency

Officer Jeff Moss Announces His Departure as Chief Security Officer

29 October 2013

Los Angeles, California…

John Crain has been named ICANN's new Chief Security, Stability and Resiliency Officer. In this newly created position Crain will assume the responsibilities of Jeff Moss, who announced he is stepping down from his position as Chief Security Officer at the end of the year.

More broadly, Crain will lead a team focused on the security, stability and resiliency (SSR) of the Internet's unique identifier systems. They will work closely with the ICANN community to enhance SSR and increase understanding of its importance.

Crain, who has been at ICANN for 13 years, has served most recently as ICANN's Senior Director of Security, Stability and Resiliency. In his new role he will report to Akram Atallah, President of the Generic Domains Division (GDD). "John was a natural pick for us," said Atallah. "He knows ICANN, he is well respected across the community and his extensive expertise in the arena of SSR has been firmly established."

Moss, who was appointed to his current position in April of 2011, said even though he is leaving ICANN, he intends to stay an active part of the community.

Most recently, Moss and Crain worked together to help ICANN devise ways to study and address the "name collision" issue with measures and procedures aimed at mitigating any potential problems. "We are taking a slow and careful approach to this issue and since the roll-out of new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) will be very gradual, I'm confident that name collisions will not pose any major issues that can't be responded to responsibly," said Moss. "Now that we have a clear path forward, I feel like this is a good time to announce my departure."

"Jeff has been at the forefront of protecting the Internet's addressing system during his tenure at ICANN," said Atallah. "We are grateful for his contributions and wish him the best moving forward."

ICANN also announced the formation of a new Security, Stability and Resiliency Executive Committee, led by Chief Executive Officer Fadi Chehadé and made up of members of ICANN's executive team. The committee will keep abreast of emerging SSR issues, track potential risks and develop mitigation strategies.


To download a high-resolution photograph of John Crain, please visit:

To download high-resolution photographs of Jeff Moss, please visit:

To watch a video interview with John Crain, please visit:


James Cole ICANN Global Media Coordinator Washington, D.C. Tel. +1 202.570.7240 james.cole at<mailto:james.cole at>

Andrew Robertson Edelman Public Relations London, U.K. Tel. + 44 (7811) 341 945 andrew.robertson at<mailto:andrew.robertson at>

News from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Week ending 25 October 2013


Announcements This Week

Announcement of the Launch of the Implementation Advisory Group for Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice<> We are pleased to announce the launch of the Implementation Advisory Group for Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (IAG-CCT). Thirty-eight (38) individuals responded to the Call for Volunteers. 24 October 2013

Internet Domain Name Expansion Now Underway<> Los Angeles, California… The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today announced that the first new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) from its New gTLD Program were delegated. 23 October 2013

Dawn of a New Internet Era<> Today marks an historic moment, not only for the New gTLD Program, but for the Internet as a whole.23 October 2013

Audited Financial Statements Posted Within 120 Days After the Fiscal Year End<> ICANN continues to provide accountability and transparency regarding its financial results, with another unqualified audit report from independent auditors, Moss Adams LLP, for the fiscal year ended June 30th, 2013. 23 October 2013

Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2) Draft Report & Recommendations<> To collect public feedback on Draft Proposed Recommendations resulting from the second Accountability and Transparency Review, mandated by the Affirmation of Commitments. 21 October 2013

First New gTLDs Get the Green Light for Delegation<> The time has come! Today, the first four domains from ICANN's New Generic Top-Level Domains Program were cleared to proceed to delegation. 21 October 2013


Upcoming Events []<> 17-21 November 2013: 48th International Public ICANN Meeting - Buenos Aires<>


UNESCO, ICANN and ISOC to Launch Development of Glossary on Internet Governance for Arabic Speakers

27 October 2013

UNESCO, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Internet Society (ISOC) are finalizing a framework to establish an Arabic glossary of Internet governance terms to support engagement in multistakeholder Internet governance processes by Arabic-speaking communities.

Participation of all stakeholder and geographical communities is essential for a healthy and vibrant Internet ecosystem. Evidence shows that speakers of languages where Internet terminology does not exist tend to be increasingly disadvantaged in everyday conversation and professional settings, as well as in being able to participate actively in Internet governance processes.

Internet governance sees a constant and rapid introduction of new terms and concepts. This new glossary will help ensure that Arabic-speakers have the necessary language tools to fully participate in and contribute to multistakeholder policy-making processes on various platforms, including the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) and Internet Governance Forum (IGF).

The partners in this project seek to provide methodological assistance to Arabic-speaking countries and communities – particularly national and regional professional organizations working in the field of language policy development and Internet governance. The project will be a collaborative process involving multiple stakeholders, and will also include a public consultation.

As an open, inclusive and fully multistakeholder process, the next step will be a call for national and regional professional organizations in the field of language policies, experts on Internet governance issues and any other volunteer experts to join efforts and consult on the development of terms for the glossary.

If you are interested to contribute to the implementation of this project, please send your expression of interest to Ms Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg by email at: i.kasinskaite(at)

Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC, has asked that a vote be held by the ALAC on the proposed ratification of the "ALAC Statement on the Draft Final Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs<>."

***** Question: Do you support the ratification of the "ALAC Statement on the Draft Final Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs<>" for communication to the relevant parties? *****

Additional information on this Statement can be found on the At-Large Draft Final Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs Workspace<>.

Please note that the poll will be open from 25-October-2013 23:00 UTC to 01-Novemeber-2013 23:00 UTC.


Announcement of the Launch of the Implementation Advisory Group for Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice

24 October 2013

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Implementation Advisory Group for Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (IAG-CCT). Thirty-eight (38) individuals responded to the Call for Volunteers<>. IAG-CCT is an open group convened to serve for a limited duration and scope, focusing exclusively on evaluating the proposed metrics for data gathering to support a future review that is mandated by the Affirmation of Commitments<> (AoC)

.1 We welcome the following volunteers as members of the newly convened IAG-CCT:

Ron Andruff

Michael R. Nelson

Brian Beckham

Aga Neme

Eric Brunner-Williams

David Payne

Phil Buckingham

Ephraim Percy Kenyanito

Olga Cavalli

Artur Piechocki

Nathalie Coupet

Harmut Richard Glaser

Steve DelBianco

Santiago Rodriguez Ortiz

Chaitanya Dhareshwar

Jeremy Rowley

Ray Fassett

Carlton Samuels

Michael A. Flynn

Atdhe Sharku

Anjali Hansen

Judy Song-Marshall

Judith L. Harris

David C. Stuckman

A.B. Ishiaku

Christa Taylor

Yamoah Kwaku

Jeffrey Thomas

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Umit Turk

Evan Leibovitch

Rudi Vansnick

Reg Levy

Christopher Wilkinson

Alfredo Lopez Hernandez

Darryl C. Wilson

Lyndel McDonald

Jonathan Zuck


To track the work of this group, please visit the IAG-CCT Wiki<>. IAG-CCT Schedule and Operations

The IAG-CCT is expected to commence its work in November 2013 and produce its recommendations by July 2014.

A kick-off conference call will be scheduled in early November.

The Group will hold a meeting at ICANN 48 in Buenos Aires on Wednesday, 20 November, 17:00 to 19:00 UTC.

Remote participation will be available and the meeting is open to all interested individuals. The IAG-CCT will be briefed on the status of work to date, including an introduction and overview of the project; overview of proposed metrics from the GNSO and the ALAC; and a staff update on the evaluation of proposed metrics.

A schedule of subsequent calls and meetings will be available on the IAG-CCT Wiki<>. IAG-CCT Mandate

The mandate is to develop recommendations for the set of metrics to be collected by ICANN in preparation for a future review relating to New gTLDs1. Once the proposed metrics are delivered to the Board, the work of the IAG-CCT will be concluded.

As directed by the Board, ICANN will develop the systems and collect the metrics approved through this process. The IAG-CCT will be responsible for:

1. Evaluating the feasibility, utility and cost-effectiveness of adopting the recommendations of the GNSO Council<> [PDF, 203 KB] and the At-Large Advisory Committee<> [PDF, 491 KB] (ALAC) with respect to the metrics to be used in conducting the review;

2. Evaluating other inputs, including historical data regarding metrics used to evaluate earlier rounds of new gTLDs (2000, 2004);

3. Engaging in outreach with the GNSO, ALAC and other interested ICANN stakeholders on the proposed metrics;

4. Evaluating the staff analysis to be delivered to the IAG-CCT on the feasibility and utility of each of the proposed metrics, and whether the implementation costs are reasonable in light of the value of the information to be revealed;

5. Proposing to ICANN a set of metrics to be compiled by ICANN in advance of the AoC review of the New gTLDs, if and when such review team is to be convened.

Where the proposed metrics from the IAG-CCT differ from those recommended by the GNSO Council or the ALAC, the Group is expected to consult with the GNSO and ALAC to share its rationale, and determine whether the collective set of metrics recommended by the Group sufficiently address the goals of the GNSO and the ALAC.



ICANN announced a Revised Call for Volunteers to Evaluate Metrics Related to Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice<> on 17 September 2013. The current metrics and data gathering advice to be provided by the IAG-CCT is separate from a future call for volunteers to serve on a Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (CCT) Review Team. The CCT Review will not occur until the AoC requirement has been met ('If and when new gTLDs … have been in operation for one year, ICANN will organize a review that will examine the extent to which the introduction or expansion of gTLDs has promoted competition, consumer trust and consumer choice, as well as effectiveness..")1

. The AoC calls for periodic reviews of four key ICANN objectives:

1. Ensuring accountability, transparency and the interests of global Internet users;

2. Preserving security, stability and resiliency of the DNS;

3. Promoting competition, consumer trust and consumer choice;

4. WHOIS policy. More information is available on the ICANN web site<>

. ________________________________

1 Affirmation of Commitments, 9.3: "ICANN will ensure that as it contemplates expanding the top-level domain space, the various issues that are involved (including competition, consumer protection, security, stability and resiliency, malicious abuse issues, sovereignty concerns, and rights protection) will be adequately addressed prior to implementation. If and when new gTLDs (whether in ASCII or other language character sets) have been in operation for one year, ICANN will organize a review that will examine the extent to which the introduction or expansion of gTLDs has promoted competition, consumer trust and consumer choice, as well as effectiveness of (a) the application and evaluation process, and (b) safeguards put in place to mitigate issues involved in the introduction or expansion. ICANN will organize a further review of its execution of the above commitments two years after the first review, and then no less frequently than every four years."

Dear all,

Please find hereafter the At-Large and GNSO calls for the week of 28 October. We will update this list as and when calls are added.

Monday 28 October

1500 UTC: IRTP D -

1500 UTC: TTF -

1900 UTC: ALT election of the BMSPC and BCEC candidates -



Tuesday 29 October

05 UTC: APRALO Monthly -

1400 UTC: ALAC Monthly -

2000 UTC: ATLAS II Survey call -


Wednesday 30 October

1300 UTC: ALT Monthly meeting -

1400 UTC: Metrics and Reporting meeting -

1600 UTC: IGO INGO WG meeting -

1900 UTC: Policy and Implementation -

2300 UTC: LACRALO Monthly -


Thursday 31 October

1300 UTC: At-Large Metrics call -

1400 UTC: New gTLDs call -

1700 UTC: ATLAS II Events call -


Friday 01 November

1300 UTC: RALO Secretariats call -

1700 UTC: ATLAS II Public Relations call -


Thank you,


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

Dear All,

The October ALAC Monthly call is scheduled on Tuesday 29 October 2013 at 1400 UTC for 2 hours.

For other times:

Please note the new time in Europe as they will change time due to the end of Daylight Saving time (1400 UTC = 1500 CET)

The agenda (to be updated) and call details are available at:

Adobe Connect Room:

If you are unable to attend the call please send an email indicating your absence and we will note this information on the agenda.

If you require a dial-out please contact At-Large staff at: staff at<mailto:staff at>

Thank you.


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine, Julia Charvolen

ICANN At-Large Staff

Dear All,

With 13 out of 14 ALAC Members having voted in the recent vote on the ALS application from ISOC SOMALIA we can confirm that the result is quorate.

Question: Should the regional advice from AFRALO for ALS Applicant (184) ISOC SOMALIA be accepted? The regional advice was to accept the application.

ALS Application (184) ISOC Somalia

Report date: Thursday 24 October 2013 00:02 UTC

ALS Application (184) ISOC Somalia

As at Poll close: Wednesday 23 October 2013 23:59 UTC
Number of voters: 13 · Group size: 14 · Percentage voted: 92.86
Ranked by votes


You may verify the results independently under:

You can find all the results of closed ALAC votes under: --


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC

E-mail: staff at<mailto:staff at>

Pre-Buenos Aires ICANN Policy Update Webinar Invitation

7 November 2013

In order to participate, please RSVP via email to the GNSO Secretariat (gnso.secretariat at<mailto:gnso.secretariat at>) to receive the call details.

Whether you plan to participate in the upcoming ICANN meeting in Buenos Aires, remotely or in person, you're invited to a quick reminder of the background and current status of each major policy issue currently under discussion in ICANN.

The ICANN Policy Staff will provide a briefing on: Thursday 7 November at 12.00 UTC (for other places see: and Thursday 7 November at 19.00 UTC. (for other places see: summarizing policy issues across the different ICANN Supporting Organizations, namely the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO), Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) and Address Supporting Organization (ASO).

Amongst other topics, updates will be provided on:

* Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation

* Thick Whois

* Protections of IGO/INGO Identifiers in gTLDs

* Policy & Implementation

* Draft Guidelines on ccTLD's Financial Contribution

The two sessions are duplicates, scheduled to accommodate different time zones. Each session, scheduled to run for 90 minutes, will be conducted in English only. The meeting will be run in Adobe Connect with a slide presentation along with a dial-in conference bridge for audio. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of each session. During the course of the webinar, questions may be submitted using the chat function of Adobe Connect. If you are not able to participate in either of the live sessions, the recording of the session will be made available shortly after the meeting.

The policy staff is always available to answer any questions that you email to policy-staff at<mailto:policy-staff at>.

In order to participate, please RSVP via email to the GNSO Secretariat (gnso.secretariat at<mailto:gnso.secretariat at>) to receive the call details. Please indicate which call you would like to join, Thursday at 12.00 UTC (for other places see: or Thursday at 19.00 UTC (for other places see: We will send you an e-mail reminder before the event with log-in and dial-in details.

Please DO NOT RSVP to any other ICANN staff members e-mail address.


Audited Financial Statements Posted Within 120 Days After the Fiscal Year End

23 October 2013

ICANN continues to provide accountability and transparency regarding its financial results, with another unqualified audit report from independent auditors, Moss Adams LLP, for the fiscal year ended June 30th, 2013.

The Report of Independent Auditors and Financial Statements for ICANN for the years ending 30 June 2013 and 2012 is available on the "Financial Information for ICANN<>" page of the site and also included in this announcement.

An unqualified opinion means that the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In accordance with Article XVI of ICANN's Bylaws, the audited financial statements are to be posted within 120 days following the close of the fiscal year, or by 28 October 2012.

ICANN's FY12 Audited Financial Statements are now posted<> [PDF, 1.08 MB] and are available to the community.

The Community is invited to review ICANN's audited financials and to provide commentaries and/or questions.


Internet Domain Name Expansion Now Underway

First New Generic Top-Level Domains Delegated

23 October 2013

Los Angeles, California… The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today announced that the first new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) from its New gTLD Program were delegated. This means they were introduced into the Internet's Root Zone, the central authoritative database for the Internet's Domain Name System.

As a result, the domain name Registries, the organizations approved to operate these and other soon-to-be-delegated gTLDs, can execute the final processes required to make their domain names available to Internet users.

ICANN's New gTLD Program is responsible for the introductions of new gTLDs that will result in the expansion of the Domain Name System from 22 gTLDs (e.g., .COM, .NET, .ORG) to possibly 1,400 new names or "strings." These additional gTLDs will enhance competition, innovation and choice in the Domain Name space, providing a wider variety of organizations, communities and brands new ways to communicate with their audiences. All Registries that operate these new gTLDs must pass a rigorous evaluation process and technical preparations and assessments. These steps help ensure the safe, secure and measured rollout of the new gTLDs.

"It's happening – the biggest change to the Internet since its inception," said Akram Atallah, president of ICANN's Generic Domains Division. "In the weeks and months ahead, we will see new domain names coming online from all corners of the world, bringing people, communities and businesses together in ways we never imagined. It's this type of innovation that will continue to drive our global society."

The four strings delegated are

* شبكة (xn--ngbc5azd) – Arabic for "web/network" Registry: International Domain Registry Pty. Ltd.

* онлайн (xn--80asehdb) – Cyrillic for "online" Registry: CORE Association

* сайт (xn--80aswg) – Cyrillic for "site" Registry: CORE Association

* 游戏(xn--unup4y) – Chinese for "game(s)" Registry: Spring Fields, LLC

The newly delegated gTLDs are in Arabic, Chinese and Cyrillic scripts. They are the first of many gTLDs in various non-Latin scripts such as Arabic, Chinese, Greek and Hindi that will be introduced under the New gTLD Program. The delegation of non-Latin script gTLDs demonstrates ICANN's efforts to create a globally-inclusive Internet, regardless of language or region.

Before the general public will be able to access these new gTLDs on the Internet, Registries still need to complete a final process built into the New gTLD Program to protect trademark rights holders. Following this mandatory 30-day period, a Registry can make the new gTLD available to the general public at its discretion.

"Our efforts to ensure the secure and stable introduction of these new gTLDs is unparalleled," said Christine Willett, Vice President, gTLD Operations at ICANN. "In addition to applauding the applicants that have successfully completed the New gTLD Program, we also want to recognize the diligent work of our partners, the ICANN community and our own ICANN team. Together we have made an historic change in Internet address names."

ICANN's New gTLD Program was designed to facilitate a measured rollout of new domains so as not to disrupt the Domain Name System. The gTLDs from the New gTLD Program will be introduced into the Internet securely and steadily over the next few years. The Program is the result of eight years of study, and 47 different solicitations of comments from the public, which produced more than 2,400 comments, 55 explanatory memoranda and seven versions of the New gTLD Applicant Guidebook.


To see who has applied for new gTLDs, go here:

To learn more about the New gTLD Program, go here:


Brad White Director Global Media Affairs Washington, D.C. +1.202.570.7118 brad.white at<mailto:brad.white at>

James Cole ICANN Global Media Coordinator Washington, D.C. Tel. +1 202.570.7240 james.cole at<mailto:james.cole at>

Andrew Robertson Edelman Public Relations London, U.K. Tel. + 44 (7811) 341 945 andrew.robertson at<mailto:andrew.robertson at>