Dear All,

Please note that a new Public Comment on ICANN's Draft Vision, Mission & Focus Areas for a Five-Year Strategic Plan<> has opened.

The overarching, aspirational "Vision, Mission and Focus Areas" draft reflects priorities identified in Board strategic planning efforts, as well as key themes that emerged from staff and community discussions around external challenges and strategic issues.

The draft proposes a new Vision, reiterates ICANN's existing Mission, and describes five proposed Focus Areas with goals:

I. Evolving ICANN’s implementation of the multistakeholder approach for coordination

II. Developing a world-class public responsibility framework

III. Supporting a healthy unique identifier ecosystem

IV. Striving towards technical and operational excellence

V. Defining role clarity for ICANN in the Internet governance ecosystem At this stage of development, we are seeking general feedback, as well as input on measurable outcomes for these Focus Area Goals:

* Overall –Does this draft appropriately outline ICANN's future? Are we missing a strategic element you see as critical for ICANN to address in the next five years?

* Focus Area Goals –What specific outcomes or achievements should we target for each of the Focus Area Goals? What quantitative / qualitative elements should we consider in measuring progress / results for each Focus Area Goal?

Input will inform a proposed ICANN Vision & Five-Year Strategic Plan that will be posted for public comment from February to March 2014. This approach enables the community to be involved throughout the strategic plan development process<>. It also enables us to incorporate some evolving issues and potential outcomes of the Strategy Panels (as appropriate, after community input). Equally important, this approach enables us to incorporate ongoing staff work (especially for some of the newer Focus Area Goals) that will yield additional elements for ICANN’s final strategic and/or operating plans (e.g. prioritization, timing/staging over five years, critical success factors, specific outcomes, resources, and metrics and monitoring).

Background information is posted here<> and more information will be forthcoming as work progresses on organizational targets and how we get there (the route to achieving the vision, mission and focus area goals).


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC

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