Become a NARALO At-Large Structure (ALS)

Become a NARALO Individual Member

To become an NARALO individual member (also called 'unaffiliated member'), you must meet the following criteria:   

    • Be a permanent resident of one of the countries/territories in the North American region as defined by ICANN;
    • Not be a member of an accredited ALS;
    • Be subscribed to the mailing list of NARALO at

To apply, send your Statement of Interest (SOI) to Your candidature will be evaluated by the NARALO leadership team and the At-Large Staff will inform you about your membership application status.

For a complete list of NARALO ALSes click here:

Unaffiliated MembersClick here to view the page
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  1., based in New York City, accepted as an ICANN At-Large Structure in 2012, is missing from this list.

  2. On the list Tom  You need to update your own content  
