Claudia Ruiz: (1/14/2019 11:26) Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Teleconference Call on Monday, 14 January 2019 at 20:00 UTC
Claudia Ruiz: (11:26)
Michael Casadevall: (11:46) I'm good, but my computer isn't seeing my mic
Claudia Ruiz: (11:47) Would you like a dial out?
Michael Casadevall: (11:47) I'll PM if I need it, or Ican dial in
Michael Casadevall: (11:47) I don't have a good handsfree set for my phone
Michael Casadevall: (11:48) Think I just need to reboot
Claudia Ruiz: (11:48) Ok, understood. Thank you.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (11:49) Hi
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (11:50) I am calling in on Adigo for a clear line
A-Eduardo Díaz: (11:50) Hello everyone!
Silvia Vivanco: (11:50) Hello all Happy New Year
Michael Casadevall: (11:53) Sometimes I feel like technology is moving backwards with audio; there was a time where it all just used to work reliably
Michael Casadevall: (11:53) Thank you
Gordon Chillcott - GTALUG: (11:54) Same to you, Glenn.
George Kirikos: (11:54) Hi folks.
Silvia Vivanco: (11:54) :) Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Michael Casadevall: (11:54) So I do have some things for AOB, I attended the UASG F2F meeting
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (11:54) Thanks Michael
Michael Casadevall: (11:55) I also will be at IFF 2019 for DNS research
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (11:56) Hi Michael.
George Kirikos: (11:56) Many online forms, apps, etc. don't recognize new gTLDs, so the UASG is designed to get those domains "accepted".
Heidi Ullrich: (11:58) Welcome, All!
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (11:59) Folks the December newsletter went out recently, It went out later than ususal to give extra time for their articles.
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (11:59) Hola a todos. Hello to all!
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (11:59) HI Everyone
Silvia Vivanco: (12:00) Welcome all
Silvia Vivanco: (12:01) Welcome to our colleagues Chris and Joe
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:02) Welcome all
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (12:02) Hi all
George Kirikos: (12:02) My name was missing from the list of participants in the upper right pod.
Amolik Kakade - (SF Bay ISOC): (12:02) Hi Everyone
judith Hellerstein: (12:02) welcome all
Chris Mondini: (12:02) Hi All
judith Hellerstein: (12:03) Can you unsynch the agenda
Claudia Ruiz: (12:03) Welcome Ken Herman
judith Hellerstein: (12:03) thanks
Ken Herman: (12:03) Thank you, Claudia.
Claudia Ruiz: (12:04) Welcome John More
Michael Casadevall: (12:04) Adobe hung for me
Michael Casadevall: (12:04) @George: it's more than that, including making IDNs and EAIs work as first class citizens
George Kirikos: (12:04) @MichaelC: yes, that's the "etc". :-)
Claudia Ruiz: (12:04) Welcome Amolik Kakade
judith Hellerstein: (12:05) He posted an apology
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:05) Pierre sent his regrets
A-Eduardo Díaz: (12:08) VEry good!
judith Hellerstein: (12:09) I will also use some discretionary funds to pay for an extra day of the conference as it is 3 full days
Claudia Ruiz: (12:09) Welcome Adrian Schmidt
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (12:09) @Michael, congratulations.
judith Hellerstein: (12:09) I have an item for AOB
Claudia Ruiz: (12:10) Welcome Yubelkys Montalvo
Yubelkys Montalvo: (12:10) Hi to everyone
Yubelkys Montalvo: (12:10) thanks Claudia
Claudia Ruiz: (12:11) Welcome Allan Skuce
John More: (12:11) You can reveal me.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:11) thanks John
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:12) Each applicants were able to apply and provide their statement of intent
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:12) John did you want to comment
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (12:13) No, said what I was going to say. :)
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (12:13) +1 Susannah
judith Hellerstein: (12:13) Each selection committee is different
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (12:14) NARALO EvalCom (NomCom lite)
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:14) YEs Judith, but they should assess by the same guidelines
judith Hellerstein: (12:14) some selection committees prefer to remain anonymous
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:14) They shouldn't.
John More: (12:14) we can review the issue, but I am not interested in elaborate guidelines.
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:14) remain anonymous.
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (12:14) Concur John. Not elaborate but still formalized
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:15) Agree John: shouldn't be overly prescriptive.
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:16) Who took your flight Glenn?
Leah Symekher (SFBay Area ISOC): (12:16) Glen - Can you explain the CROP funding not being available next year?
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:16) Thank you Glen.
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (12:17) Greater transparency would be good (support Susannah)
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:17) If its the case Heidi it your suggestions will be included in the FY19 plan
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:17) its a good idea
Heidi Ullrich: (12:18) Perhaps a representative group could be selected/appointed each FY to review applications according to an agreed set of criteria and based on the NARALO FY20 outreach plan.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:18) Good points.
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (12:18) And they are 'Volunteers'.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:19) I think we can flesh out the details on the selection committee, Silvia can you add this as my action item to start the document to share
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:19) @siliva did you see my AI
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:19) I would be happy to contribute to guidelines/criteria Glen
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:19) Thanks
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:20) @Silivia can you create a wiki page. This will be of value to all the RALO
John More: (12:20) Bad connection. I may be cut off.
Heidi Ullrich: (12:20) Criteria are used for RALO Discretionary funding. However, staff do the reviewing and approval.
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (12:20) Nominate Susannah
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:20) Nominate me for what?
Heidi Ullrich: (12:20) the criterial were developed by the Regional leadership of At-Large
Leah Symekher (SFBay Area ISOC): (12:20) Happy to work with Susannah
Silvia Vivanco: (12:20) @ Glenn, yes, please what would be the tutle of the wiki page
judith Hellerstein: (12:20) whoever is on the committee cannot take the crop trip
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:21) RALO CROP Selection Commitee Selection Process
judith Hellerstein: (12:21) @glenn happy to be on the committee as well
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (12:21) To work on minimal formal structure for selection
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:22) Ah yes, got it John.
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (12:22) :)
Heidi Ullrich: (12:22) RALO Discretionary Funding Workspace:
Heidi Ullrich: (12:23) @Alfredo, we've seen your request but haven't processed it yet ;)
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:24) @Heidi I sent my request to you
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (12:24) @Heidi, Early Bird Fees is mid February.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:24) this is a small table top display
judith Hellerstein: (12:24) Can the wiki page be tagged so we can easily find it. Very difficult to find
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:24) its a cute version , minature version of our large banner
Claudia Ruiz: (12:25) Welcome Ron da Silva
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:25) @ Nomcom report is in the Newsletter for December
Heidi Ullrich: (12:27) @Judith, which page?
Leah Symekher (SFBay Area ISOC): (12:27)
Heidi Ullrich: (12:28) Alan will be on the call shortly
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:28) Question to Leah
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:29) ED i have a comment to Leah
judith Hellerstein: (12:29) I am filling the discretionary fund form out as well?
judith Hellerstein: (12:30) Yes good question
Michael Casadevall: (12:30) sorry for the disconnects, I'm getting connect freezes, audio works, chat hangs :(
judith Hellerstein: (12:30) In the AOB- I want to talk about the work of the committee that Maureen has appointed me to which is looking at how we can work better with our RIR
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:31) Silvia is setting up the Wiki page on the RALO CROP Selection Attendee Guidelines.
judith Hellerstein: (12:31) @michael. have you downloaded the adobe app or our you using it through the browser
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:31) Please email me your ideas
Michael Casadevall: (12:31) @Judith: I'm on Linux, so I can't use the app (I think). I've never had this problem before.
Michael Casadevall: (12:31) Audio keeps going, I just get hangs with chat.
judith Hellerstein: (12:32) @michael, there is a work around for linux it should be on the technology issues page
judith Hellerstein: (12:32) let me ask dev about it
Michael Casadevall: (12:32) ++
Gordon Chillcott - GTALUG: (12:32) @Michael: Try using the Chrome browser to connect.
Michael Casadevall: (12:33) I can hear you
Michael Casadevall: (12:33) Hold on
judith Hellerstein: (12:35) Welcome Ron
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:37) Hi Ron
judith Hellerstein: (12:38) it is maureen's committee
judith Hellerstein: (12:38) Alberto Soto is chairing it
Michael Casadevall: (12:38) I also have a follow-up on Internet Freedom Festival, if we have time for that but as that's not until April, we may have time at the end.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:39) I would suggest writing articles for the Monthly newsleteters to all with pics on events you are attending
judith Hellerstein: (12:40) Can I come in front of Chris
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:40) Not 60 people from NARALO.......
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (12:40) ATLAS III -
Michael Casadevall: (12:40) /me was planning on attending Montreal (for ICANN66) out of pocket)
Michael Casadevall: (12:40) Sorry about that.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:41) We intend to sponsor 10 folks for NASIG 2019 before ICANN
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:41) North American SIG is scheduled for Oct 31 and Nov 1
A-Eduardo Díaz: (12:41) @Michael - you can apply and if selected the you can be supported with per diem and hotel
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:42) I spoke with ARIN on their program. Susan's Hamlin's email
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:42) At their August meeting, the Board decided to expand the current Process for Funding ARIN External Projects and Entities into a new Grants Program. Program details are being developed and it will be announced in early January.
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:42) Judith what is this committee?
Michael Casadevall: (12:42) I am planning to talk with Glenn to hammer out a solid plan on how to handle the collobration for the CROP trip in doing so with ARIN.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:43) Judith what is the name of the committee, link to details please
Claudia Ruiz: (12:43) Welcome Alan Greenberg
Heidi Ullrich: (12:43) Might be good to talk with Jonathan re the ARIN issue.
judith Hellerstein: (12:43) Vickery Auctions
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:43) See note i added above on ARIN Grants programme
judith Hellerstein: (12:44) There is not wiki page that I know of for this committee
judith Hellerstein: (12:44) it has been on email only
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:44) What is the name of the committee
Alan Greenberg: (12:44) Sorry to be late. I can talk about EPDP if there is time and interest.
Heidi Ullrich: (12:44) Welcome, Alan!
judith Hellerstein: (12:45) From Maureen--eed is a round table discussion with the RIRs are a panel of contributors explaining what they see as their responsibility to their communities and how they implement that. It would explain the variety of approaches because they don't ALL have to do what are the expectations in the same way, but it would also get ALS and others talking about how they can work in with what is already being done and how they could do things for themselves associated with what is on..
Heidi Ullrich: (12:45) There will be a Leadership Skills session with David Kolb who facilitates the ICANN Academy courses.
Marita Moll: (12:46) Domaine Incite on Vickeray auctions:
Alan Greenberg: (12:46) I won't use a lot of time.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:46) Can i get the slides so i can convert to Ebook
Alan Greenberg: (12:46) Unless people insist! ;-)
judith Hellerstein: (12:46) At Susanna, the goal is to participate in a discussion with the combined RALOs to get some feedback about the collaboration that occurs between the RIRs and their RALO leaders.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:46) Alan are you in Toronto now?
Yubelkys Montalvo: (12:47) thanks
Leah Symekher (SFBay Area ISOC): (12:47) yes, want to hear from Mondini :-)
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:47) Yes Judith I understand. I want to know the name of the committee that is working on this.
Ron da Silva: (12:47) is it just me or is audio on / off ?
Alan Greenberg: (12:47) @Glenn, nope. Tomorrow.. Meeting is Wed-Fri.
judith Hellerstein: (12:48) @susannah i do not think it has a name besides collaboration with RIRs
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:48) So it's not a formal comittee? Can anyone join?
judith Hellerstein: (12:48) @ron. I think it is just you and your connectivity. if you connectivity drops the volume or sound goes on and off
judith Hellerstein: (12:49) @susannah not really sure. I am not sure how I got appointed.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:49) @alan is the meetings open or closed?
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:50) Yes, I'd be interested to know that too Judith!
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:50) As well as the committee's composition, mandate etc
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:50) Don't forget NASIG prior to ICANN montreal in Oct 31 and Nov 1
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:51) On that note, do we have a list of all NARALO apppintments so we can see who has been appointed to which group/committee etc. Think I recall something in the past...
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:51)
Greg Shatan: (12:51) <waving hi>
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (12:53) @Chris, ISOCPR plans to institutionalize 'Read Outs', in Spanish, after each ICANN Meeting.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:55) SLIDESHOW please to convert to Ebook
Claudia Ruiz: (12:56) Welcome David Morris
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:56) Hi David
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:56) We are wrapping up soon
Silvia Vivanco: (12:57) Thank you for this update Chris!
David Morris: (12:57) Hi Claudia. Had some trouble getting the webmeeting set up. I'm new reprenting Hawaii State Bar IP/Tech section. Can I introduce real quick?
Chris Mondini: (12:57) feel free to contact me any time
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (12:57) Thanks Chris, comprehensive update
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (12:57) @Chris, great job.
Joe Catapano: (12:57) @Glenn, I can send you the slides
Yubelkys Montalvo: (12:57) thank you Chris
Yubelkys Montalvo: (12:57) excellent job!
Chris Mondini: (12:57) please share the slides with the group
Leah Symekher (SFBay Area ISOC): (12:57) Thank you Chris that was vrey helpful.
judith Hellerstein: (12:57) @chris congrats on the move back to the west coast. you missed the big snow we had here-over 9 inches in dc
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (12:58) Is the Toronto meetings open or closed this week
George Kirikos: (12:58) That was a crazy form (I submitted comments too).
Claudia Ruiz: (12:58) @all the slides are linked to the wiki page :
Leah Symekher (SFBay Area ISOC): (12:58) May we have Chris Mondini's slides emailed to the group. Thanks
Leah Symekher (SFBay Area ISOC): (12:59) @ Claudia ..Thanks
Chris Mondini: (12:59) I have to go no thanks all
A-Eduardo Díaz: (13:00) @All: PLease stay for 5 for minutes.
George Kirikos: (13:01) Thanks Alan. Inability to opt-in to make info be public is a major concern.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (13:01) @ Alan is the meeting open
George Kirikos: (13:01) I've had people pretend that they own my company's domains, for example.
George Kirikos: (13:02) How do I prove I own my own domains? It's crazy at present.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (13:02) I can come to the meeting since i live outside of Toronto
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (13:02) Here is the Ebook of Chris presentation
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (13:02)
George Kirikos: (13:03) I'm not even based in Europe.
George Kirikos: (13:03) It's essentially allowing European legislators to compel rules over non-Europeans.
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (13:03) Welcome
judith Hellerstein: (13:03) Welcoem david
judith Hellerstein: (13:03) *welcome david morris
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (13:05) Welcome, @David.
Silvia Vivanco: (13:05) Thank you all
Yubelkys Montalvo: (13:05) thank you
George Kirikos: (13:05) Bye folks.
Marita Moll: (13:05) Bye all
Yubelkys Montalvo: (13:05) have a good day
Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC Chapter): (13:05) bye
Glenn McKnight( FBSC): (13:05) Thanks all, bye
Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): (13:05) Bye to all.
judith Hellerstein: (13:05) bye a;;
Silvia Vivanco: (13:05) Thank you all
judith Hellerstein: (13:05) all
Greg Shatan: (13:05) Bye!
Michael Casadevall: (13:05) thanks all
A-Eduardo Díaz: (13:05) Bye All.
Amolik Kakade (SF Bay ISOC): (13:05) thank you
Gordon Chillcott - GTALUG: (13:05) Thanks and bye for now.
Adrian Schmidt: (13:05) bye!!!
allan skuce: (13:05) thanks bye