Section A: Introduction, Structure and Definitions

1. Introduction ( includes name)

2. Defined Terms (old Definitions)

3. APRALO Committee

4. Objectives


Section B: Associated Responsibilities (Associated Responsibilities)

5. APRALO Member Requirements and Responsibilities

6. APRALO Chair Requirements and Responsibilities

7. APRALO Leadership Team Requirements and Responsibilities (Vice Chair/Secreteriat)


Section C: Meetings, Decision-Making and Work Methods

8. Rules of the APRALO

9. APRALO Meetings

10. Decisions of the APRALO

11. Amendment of the Rules of Procedure

12. APRALO Work Methods.

13. At-Large Structures


Section D. Selections, Elections and Appointments

14. General Provisions

15. Procedures for the Election of Chair and Selection of the APRALO Leadership Team

16. Procedures for Other Appointments

17. 20. Revocation of APRALO Appointment

18. Removal of an APRALO Member

19. APRALO Leadership Team Member Recall

20. Dissolution


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  1. Thanks for this KT...  If our Regional Community agrees with these headings and general structure (and I do personally)  I assume we will also be taking suggestions for and discussing the merit of some subsections etc.,   in parallel with  any finesse required or proposed  to the above ... A sub section outlining any Form of Proxy that we may wish to use where a decision is called for with the exercise of a Vote (which might be relating to an Appointment or a Policy or Process outcome) here for example it would probably be housed under Sec  C.12 Work Methods  any cross reference to  Sec D...

    Also I for example wonder about the merit of removing the term "Elections" in Sec D and elsewhere preferring only  'Selections and Appointments' to be used and yet within this,  recognising that a Poll/ Vote / Election is a  process or often preferred "method" of an Appointment or Selections Process ... One that we may indeed choose to use but then allowing for a simple majority agreement or consensus outcome to be used and often in shorter order than what is required for a full electoral process for an appointment   etc.,

    I'm sure there is much more to consider and discuss but hopefully these comments will draw more form others and we can get a discourse started (smile)

    I look forward to more reactions, comments  and responses...

  2. Anonymous

    Hi. 1. Structure looks good. 2. Consider clarifying/expanding on "APRALO Committee" as there are many committees associated with APRALO. 3. Clarify and distinguish APRALO Member vs. ALS - people may get confused. 4. Think about where and how the election for At-Large Board Member would be handled in the RoP. Cheryl can advise. Rinalia. O