Date: Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.0913/1


How do I participate in this meeting?

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:  http://icann.adobeconnect.com/apralo-rop/

Conference ID: 1638


Action Items: EN   

Recording: EN 

Transcript:   EN    

AC Chat Transcript: EN       

Attendees: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Ali Almeshal, KT,

Apologies: Gunela Astbrink, Maureen Hilyard, Siranush Vardanyan

Staff: Silvia Vivanco (SV), Nathalie Peregrine (NP)

Call management: Nathalie Peregrine


  1. Recording of Attendance/Apologies - (staff 2mins)

  2. Meeting and Agenda Review  /  'Round Robin' Introductions (8mins)

  3. Scope of our Work (Aims and Objectives) => Discussion of Harmonisation and possible development of a APRALO-ROP-WG 'Charter'  (WG discussion 20mins)
  4. Preliminary Review of our APRALO 'Rules' and open discussion on desirable outcome/approach for new version(s) (WG discussion 10 mins)
  5. Discussion of Collaboration tools and methodologies for our work (WG discussion 10mins)

  6. Time Line for our work and Next Steps. (CLO/staff 3mins)

  7. Administration Matters  and Review of any Action Items  - (CLO/staff 2mins)AOB. - (5mins)

  8. Next Meeting(s) 


APRALO Operating Principles 

  • No labels


  1. Apologize for not participating in the call, I didn't have internet yesterday to check the e-mail and get conference info

    1. Sorry again, I have checked the e-mail now and found out that there was no invitation for this call. However, I followed the information here, and see the upcoming action items posted, and happy to see such development here. Great work, my dear colleagues