15:38:17 From Yesim Nazlar : Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group Single Issue Call: "GeoNames Survey" taking place on Thursday, 04 June 2020 at 13:00 UTC.
15:38:31 From Yesim Nazlar : Agenda: https://community.icann.org/x/qwcdC
15:55:42 From Priyatosh Jana : hi everyone
15:56:07 From Evin Erdogdu : Hello all, welcome.
15:59:40 From Jeffrey Neuman (Observer - SubPro PDP) : Hi Jonathan - I didn't know if this was an open or closed call. As SubPro Chair I wanted to observe. Is that ok?
15:59:55 From Jeffrey Neuman (Observer - SubPro PDP) : Sorry co-chair
15:59:57 From Jeffrey Neuman (Observer - SubPro PDP) : lol
16:00:11 From Jeffrey Neuman (Observer - SubPro PDP) : Thanks!
16:00:23 From Javier Rua-Jovet : yo Jeff!
16:00:32 From Jeffrey Neuman (Observer - SubPro PDP) : Hello Javier
16:00:48 From Javier Rua-Jovet : very few attendees
16:01:34 From Jeffrey Neuman (Observer - SubPro PDP) : Don't I know it
16:01:34 From Javier Rua-Jovet : there is a competing ICANN & IGOs call that could be syphoning peeps
16:01:54 From Javier Rua-Jovet : jeff your are going to have to entertain us
16:05:46 From Yesim Nazlar to Michael (Privately) : Hi Michael - may I get your last name for attendance purposes please?
16:06:58 From Michael Palage to Yesim Nazlar (Privately) : Done - sorry :-)
16:08:19 From Yesim Nazlar to Michael Palage (Privately) : thanks
16:15:35 From Amrita Choudhury : Great video
16:15:51 From Priyatosh Jana : good one
16:15:57 From Amrita Choudhury : makes the topic easily understandable to all
16:16:07 From Hadia Elminiawi : an informative video indeed
16:16:13 From LILIAN IVETTE : Hello to all Good video
16:16:48 From Oksana : 13 million of Geo Names - did you count IDNs?
16:17:07 From Alfredo Calderon : @Jonathan, Great job on the video. Clear and sets a could stage for the discussion.
16:17:23 From Jaewon Son : Great video it was!
16:20:43 From Yesim Nazlar : Survey: https://forms.gle/FvVCDKa61xn256ad9
16:20:52 From Jaewon Son : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGb9J-Ff7JJcCyl8bVk9p8s33SX7uUld25JsxxtdxOArV-zA/viewform
16:21:33 From Oksana : done
16:21:50 From Jeffrey Neuman (Observer - SubPro PDP) : yep...I am just an observer
16:21:55 From Jeffrey Neuman (Observer - SubPro PDP) : I have no opinions :)
16:25:10 From cw : II have no sound here. CW
16:26:13 From Oksana : once again - my question is about IDNs
16:27:17 From Oksana : is chat working?
16:27:59 From Oksana : disastrous((((
16:28:40 From Oksana : for underepresented regions(
16:30:37 From Oksana : What is the definition of underrepresented regions?
16:44:48 From Alfredo Calderon : Thanks
16:49:42 From Oksana : Very simplified comment - I fully understand all problems with it (commercial against noncommercial) - whose interests are protected with each decision? Are there any UN resolutions on territories and regions? Are there any commercial interests against community interests (the case when community receives money from commercial organization is not unacceptable for me.
16:50:31 From Christopher Wilkinson : hand up
16:53:31 From Oksana : I did finish my previous comment - but if it's not the community which receives money?
16:55:10 From Sergio Salinas Porto : HI ALL!
16:55:35 From Javier Rua-Jovet : WT5 recommendations occurred after an open, thorough multistakeholder process. Not “among themselves”. That final report is submitted but subpro has not ended.
16:57:58 From Jeffrey Neuman (Observer - SubPro PDP) : FYI - Montenegro's 3 letter ISO Code is MNE :)
17:01:12 From Alberto Soto : Dear, I already completed the survey. I have a meeting now. Cheers!
17:02:08 From Jaewon Son : I have completed the survey too! thank you:)
17:02:28 From Oksana : Can we continue the discussion of IDNs and underrepresented regions?
17:02:31 From Javier Rua-Jovet : Good call! thx Jonathan!
17:02:38 From Gopal Tadepalli : Thank you. I liked the presentation in the beginning. I am still studying the etymology of the geographic names. More later...Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, India
17:02:45 From Alfredo Calderon : @Jonathan great initiative.
17:02:55 From Anahí Menéndez Ruiz (AR) : Thank You. Good presentation!
17:03:00 From Jeffrey Neuman (Observer - SubPro PDP) : Thanks. I am excited to see the results
17:03:08 From Seun Ojedeji : Thanks
17:03:11 From Seun Ojedeji : Bye
17:03:14 From Evin Erdogdu : Thank you all
17:03:19 From Alfredo Calderon : Stay well and safe!

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