12:51:46   From John Laprise : Hi Claudia
12:52:06   From Claudia Ruiz : Hello!
12:52:08   From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome!
12:55:08   From John Laprise : Maureen loud claudia faint
12:55:31   From John Laprise : better
12:55:42   From John Laprise : Maureen you have an echo
12:59:41   From Heidi.Ullrich : Hi All.
13:02:17   From Heidi.Ullrich : Action Items will be taken for this call on: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Action+Items%3A+2019-04-        23+ICANN65+Planning+Committee+Call
13:04:49   From Jonathan Zuck : We are having a 60 with John and Don presenting to regional leaders so this might be separate.
13:04:49   From Heidi.Ullrich : Yes, among other issues
13:05:01   From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : sorry in a noisy place
13:05:38   From gisella.gruber : I am hoping we will get extra time from the CC/HIT slots
13:08:50   From gisella.gruber : Takes getting used to but hopefully the audio here will make transition easier :-)
13:11:15   From Heidi.Ullrich : Jonathan, who are the presenters on UA? John and who else?
13:11:26   From gisella.gruber : Don Hollander
13:11:47   From John Laprise : concur
13:11:52   From Maureen Hilyard : session on talking points before the meeting.
13:12:27   From gisella.gruber : We have that as an AI on the last call. Need to have a better overview of all other sessions
13:12:33   From Heidi.Ullrich : Thanks.
13:12:41   From Heidi.Ullrich : I've repeated the AI.
13:13:32   From Jonathan Zuck : l might have suggested a session on these RA agreements but we reached a consensus that they are not a priority for end users.
13:16:18   From Hadia : yes john
13:16:48   From Heidi.Ullrich : @John, would Jamie be the guest speaker?
13:17:24   From John Laprise : yes...continuing the previous session
13:17:27   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : hear now sorry to be late again
13:17:29   From John Laprise : absolutely
13:18:21   From Jonathan Zuck : I was talking about ATLAS but we could try to do a skills session in Morocco.
13:22:24   From Heidi.Ullrich : Your skills and those of Joanna (academic) would be ideal.
13:22:43   From Heidi.Ullrich : for a brief session on how to prepare a policy statement
13:23:01   From Heidi.Ullrich : and this would be an intro into the later course (if approved).
13:27:12   From John Laprise : Yay....I am BTW...had a few day confusion about arrival day
13:27:33   From Heidi.Ullrich : You should be arriving on Sunday, John.
13:27:41   From Heidi.Ullrich : Did CT tell you differently?
13:27:49   From John Laprise : Travel has me arriving on 6/22
13:28:00   From Hadia : I arrive on Sunday too
13:28:27   From John Laprise : Saturday
13:28:53   From Hadia : oh yes Saturday
13:29:25   From Maureen Hilyard : We can hear you Cheryl
13:29:37   From Jonathan Zuck : We can hear you0 but you can't hear us
13:29:44   From Hadia : we hear you cheryl
13:29:45   From John Laprise : I hear you cheryl :)
13:30:31   From Maureen Hilyard : Workshop style?
13:32:19   From gisella.gruber : Claudia - please share the 1st tab
13:32:26   From gisella.gruber : Bottom left
13:32:35   From gisella.gruber : Thank you Claudia :-)
13:32:37   From Maureen Hilyard : Sounds good to me..
13:33:32   From Jonathan Zuck : don't need a skills session probably from ATRT
13:34:12   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : t not sure what skills we can impart
13:35:59   From Jonathan Zuck : Yeah, it's not a skills session. It's the session you requested.
13:37:26   From Jonathan Zuck : let's just say yes and let the ATRT set the agenda
13:38:12   From Jonathan Zuck : We need to pick a time for them, that's our only AI
13:38:23   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : or 45  or whatever works
13:38:44   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : so a full session what a 90 min block?
13:39:24   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : can't ATRT3 share with EC for example
13:40:41   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : ok so we can't confirm any interaction with the ALAC. and ATRT3 until some future date, can I have a guesstimate as to when that would be a Day if not a time?
13:44:27   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : and obviously I will be conflicted already with SubPro as G noted, thus my push for getting ATRT3 times sorted as early as humanly possible
13:46:14   From Jonathan Zuck : Ha! I tried to dismiss Claudia's Webinar reminder!
13:46:44   From Claudia Ruiz : Hahaha
13:48:18   From Jonathan Zuck : I don't think they're necessary frankly. Do we actually have anything to address with them?
13:49:51   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : let Jennifer (and so Pat and I are updated) on probable time slot for ATRT3 interaction ASAP please...  I also note that if you want an update session or background/prep in ATRT3 then Vanda, Daniel, SeB can act as leads  and Pat/I join as available.
13:49:51   From Jonathan Zuck : Guys, I have to jump off. Sorry. Let me know how I can be helpful on email.
13:50:20   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : bye JZ
13:50:40   From John Laprise : "fortnightly"? I'm not sure that's in the American english lexicon. ;)
13:51:16   From gisella.gruber : Leaving call
13:51:20   From gisella.gruber : thank you all
13:52:05   From Heidi.Ullrich : AIs are noted at: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/Action+Items%3A+2019-04-23+ICANN65+Planning+Committee+Call
13:54:09   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : I see no place for it in the Policy Meeting thanks for the update
13:54:36   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : certainly not stand alone and not truly from the committee at all
13:54:43   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : thanks
13:55:29   From John Laprise : we're good
13:55:42   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : great ok sorry if I held you up with my question
13:55:43   From Hadia : Thank you Maureen and all
13:55:45   From Cheryl Langdon-Orr () : bye
13:55:46   From Hadia : bye

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