Action Items

1. Welcome and Review of Agenda (Cheryl) - 3 mins
Welcome was held
2. Roll Call (Staff) - 2 mins
Roll call was held
3. Review of Prepared material  (Cheryl and DT penholders) - 20 mins
CLO: We will try early in 2013 that the ALAC has a new set of rules to operate under.
AG: I am hoping that we will have a final set of comments within the next week or so. We may have a need for a final call once the comments are distributed, there may be a need to have another call after the initial call but that is unlikely.
AG: We need to be sure that any documents that are referenced in the document exist or have a placeholder within the document.
CLO: Can you please touch on the final document and the issue of the placeholders as well.
AG: I think we need a few number of volunteers to really go through the document and ensure our grammar, hyperlinks, content, etc. are in order.
TBJ: We need to work on the selection of a Board Member section. We also need to finish the work overall and compile all of our work into a single text.
TBJ: I think the writing needs to be done by a few volunteers but that the discussion needs to incorporate everyone.
CLO: We need to ensure that everyone working on this project has a clear and similar understanding of the project, its deadlines, and its goals.  
ED: We should be sure to use the wikifor this project.
A workspace is to be created for adjunct documents.
YL: I think the curret structure need to be more clearly defined.
YA: After a call, we can incorporate out text. We will need to have another call to talk about the new text.
AG: I don't think the new text will be difficult to write. The most difficult one to write would ne the ability to recall a member.
CLO: I am wondering if it may be of use to also point to the status of the RoPs.
CLO: I think it would be useful to have a briefing with the Chair and the wider community on the new RoPs.
4. Toward closure of WG including development of proposed text for wrapping up the WG and DT's as well as archiving of Work Spaces and materials planning (Cheryl) - 20 mins
CLO: We need to work on a dedline of when we expect this work to becompleted. We need to be aware of the upcoming holidays in the West and East.  
YL: I think the drafting teams need to have a few meetings in January. We can then work on the final dates.
TBJ: We needto finalize the text and give peope enought time to properly review the content.
AG: We need to be sure that the turn out for the vote on the final text is appropriately attended.
AG: I would prefer if my meetings take place in the week of Jan 7.
CLO: We need to aim that no later than the end of February that the ALAC will be voting or have already voted on the text. This will give the RALOs time to review the RoPs before Beijing so they can determine if there are any contradictory rules between the ALAC and the RALOs.
CLO: I would also like to ask  the penholders of the DTs to assist Holly to ensure that she is aware of the agreed upon timelines and that she is able to meet those timelines.
5. Scheduling of DT calls and next ROP WG call (Cheryl) - 10 mins
Duties and Metrics - week of the 7th; Duties and Metrics - week of the 7th; Definition and Structure - week of the 14th.
6. Any Other Business (Cheryl) - 5 mins
There was no other business.

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