Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the At-Large Public Interest Working Group Call held on Monday, 15 August 2016 at 13:00 UTC

  Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:

  Wolf Ludwig:The phone line is silent here?

  Wolf Ludwig:Thanks Yesim!

  Yesim Nazlar:my pleasure!

  Wolf Ludwig:Let's wait a few more minutes for others to join!

  Wolf Ludwig:Thanks

  Isaac Maposa:Hi Everyone

  Alberto Soto:Hola a todos! Hello everyone!!!

  Aída Noblia:Hello everyone

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome everyone!

  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, all!

  judith hellerstein:NIAll

  judith hellerstein:HI All

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:It's a holiday in many catholic countries

  judith hellerstein:What is the holiday?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Assumption of the Virgin Mary

  Alberto Soto:In argentina alos

  Alberto Soto:also

  Satish Babu:It's a national holiday in India, but for a different reason...:-)

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:

  judith hellerstein:Happy Birthday to India

  Satish Babu:Thanks Judith!

  Alberto Soto:Have you a good celebration!!

  Satish Babu:Gracias, Alberto

  Yesim Nazlar:Have a great celebration Satish!

  Satish Babu:Thanks Yesim!

  judith hellerstein:All Evan is in Geneva and does not have much time to give to NARALO

  judith hellerstein:We need another co-chair from NARALO

  Alan Greenberg:John Laprise might be interested.

  Heidi Ullrich:@Satish, congratulations!

  Satish Babu:Thanks Heidi!

  judith hellerstein:Glenn and I can discuss this and recommend some one

  Heidi Ullrich:The At-Large Public Interest Workspace is at:

  judith hellerstein:Afralo has many good people and he should address it to the group

  judith hellerstein:@daniel comes to mind

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Glenn!

  Heidi Ullrich:Creating a Consumer Agenda (draft) at:

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Yes, there is a real link between the two. What's good for comsumers is good for the public in the context that we are working in

  Glenn McKnight:I think  HOward  Deane of  Consumer Council of  Canada is logical.  He is a member

  Alan Greenberg:And someone who really wantsto get more involved.

  Wolf Ludwig:Good point Alberto!

  Wolf Ludwig:I would prefer zhe term users ...

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:re: consumers vs. users strictly speaking they have different rights but I think that in the context of the public interest I do not think that it is worth differentiating between the two as the public incorporates both consumers and users

  Bastiaan Goslings:I agree: when talking about public interest it should be about all members of a society

  Aída Noblia:Consumidor es más relacionado con el mercado de consumo

  Alan Greenberg:Technically, ALL USERS are consumers of Internet services.

  Wolf Ludwig:It must include all members of society -- that is ment under the PI

  Isaac Maposa:Agree with Alan, I think USERS will encompass the Consumers as well.

  Satish Babu:Public interest, according to the Random House Dictionary, is "1. the welfare or well-being of the general public; commonwealth.". Consumer is conditional upon consumption. How about public who are not yet users but would-be users?

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Evan!

  Evan:better late than never.

  Evan:Hi all.

  Evan:Midday is not easy for me.

  Evan:Midday (europe) that is

  Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Evan.

  Evan:I will repeat the point I have been making FOREVER. In ICANN parliance, "consumer" relates to consumers of domain names (ie, registrants). It does not extend to members of the public who do not buy domains, they are not in the ICANN money path and are therefore largesly igniored.

  Evan:Then again, in many circles within ICANN, tehere is a wide belief that every end user is a potentuial registrant who has not yet been convinced they must have a domain.

  Alberto Soto:@Evan, thanks for your explanation

  judith hellerstein:Welcome Evan

  Evan:IMO the "consumer" interests of ICANN are adequately represented by the non-contracted-party house of NCSG

  Aída Noblia:De acuerdo con Satish.Sería importante definir qué es el interés público desde el punto de vista de ICANN

  Alberto Soto:I prefer  work on the wiki...

  judith hellerstein:I agree with Evan

  judith hellerstein:on how he defines consumers but not necessarily that the NCSG is protecting consumer interests

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I am not so sure that the comsumers have been protected either. Neother consumers nor users, so far

  judith hellerstein:Yes @evan that is exactly the point

  Alberto Soto:@Olivier, +1

  Alan Greenberg:@Evan , you missed the discussion that consumers could well mean the consumers of internet services, not domains, and besides, regardless of the word definition, At-Large has a wider focus than domain name registrants.

  Evan:I am not saying that the NCPH is doing a good job of it, just that there is a channel within ICANN for those interests

  Evan:Yes, I saw the mail.

  Evan:My main fear about co-chairing is time commitment. The intetrest certainly exists.

  judith hellerstein:@evan he is looking to have co-chairs from each ralo

  Alberto Soto:Or services...

  Evan:Happy to put my name forward, subject to my time availability.

  judith hellerstein:@evan you can have a second in command for the times you can not make it- Maybe Garth can help you out

  judith hellerstein:or Howard Deane

  Satish Babu:+1 OCL

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:1. The Consumer Agenda (protection of comsumers) // 2. End User agenda (protection of end users) --- both having a legal component. // 3. Public Interest (not a legal component) --- three differne tthings, aren't they?

  Satish Babu:+1 Aida: we have to clarify "public iinterest" vs "ICANN public interest"

  judith hellerstein:@satish yes we do

  Heidi Ullrich:The bio of Ergys:

  judith hellerstein:thanks Heidi

  Heidi Ullrich:@Ergys, could you please provide links to the web/wiki space you have mentioned.

  Heidi Ullrich:or send them to the list following the call.

  Heidi Ullrich:The deadline was extended to 1 September

  Wolf Ludwig:Background noises are disturbing!

  Ergys Ramaj:The wikispace can be viewed here:

  Ergys Ramaj:Mailing list:

  Satish Babu:Thanks @Ergys!

  Alberto Soto:Thanks!! Bye, bye!!!

  judith hellerstein:bye all

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All!

  Satish Babu:Thanks and bye...have a good day!

  Yesim Nazlar:Thank you very much everyone for your participation!

  Aída Noblia:Thank you. Bye all

  Ergys Ramaj:Thank you!

  Evan:bye all

  Isaac Maposa:Bye everyone.

  Wolf Ludwig:Thanks and bye!

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