Date: Wednesday, 04 September 2024

Time: 14:00 - 15:30 UTC  (for the time in various time zones click here

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Zoom Room:

Passcode: #CPWG2345*

Real time transcription (RTT) available at: 

Action Items: EN

Recording: EN, ES, FR

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN

Transcript: EN, ES, FR


EN, ES & FR : Remmy Nweke, Abdou Karim Badjie, Abdulkarim Oloyede, Adebunmi Akinbo, Ahmad Aghar, Aicha Abbad, Marcelo Rodriguez, Aziz Hilali, Bill Jouris, Bukola Oronti, Eduardo Diaz, Jonathan Zuck, Justine Chew, Pari Esfandiari, Satish Babu, Shah Rahman, Tommi Karttaavi, Alan Greenberg, Alhaj Darajaati, Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet, Amanda Shozi, Amin Haxcha, Amrita Choudhury, Ashirwad Tripathy, Barkha Manral, Barrack otieno, Bazie Charles, Betty Fausta, Charles Mok, Christopher Wilkinson, Denise Hochbaum, Ejikeme Egbuogu, Emilia Zalewska, Eunice Perez Coello, Frank Anati, Frédéric Taes, Gerry George, Gloria Amofah-Addjekum, Godway Kubi, Gopal Tadepalli, Gordon Chillcott, Greg Shatan, Hadia Elminiawi, Harold Arcos, Ignacio Antonio Sanchez Gonzalez, Jahongir Jabborov, James Paek, Jasmine Ko, Judith Hellerstein, Juliana Harsianti, Lance Hinds, Laura Margolis, Lavish Mawuena Mensah, Louis Houle, Lyndell St. Ville, Michael Palage, Michaela Shapiro, Mouloud Khelif, Muriel Alapini, Mutegeki Cliff, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Parasar Sikdar, Pastor Peters Omoragbon, Patrick Kliza, Peter Mmbando, Priyatosh Jana, Nuno Guimaraes, Raymond Mamattah, Roberto Gaetano, Saima, Samiran Gupta, Sébastien Bachollet, Setondji Hounzandji, Seun Ojedeji, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Steinar Grøtterød, Vanda Scartezini, Waqar Ahmad, Yaa Kumi Asare-Bediako

Apologies: Andrew Chen (staff), Cheryl Langdon-Orr, John McCormac, Claire Craig, Yrjö Länsipuro, Avri Doria

Observer: None

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Sara Caplis, Maria Vilardo, Sabrina Mosquera, Brenda Brewer, Michelle DeSmyter

ES Interpreters: Claudia & Paula

FR Interpreters: Dominique & Maria

Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter

AGENDA. *****Final*****

Click tabs for languages - Haga clic en pestañas para idiomas - Cliquez sur les onglets pour les langues

    English (EN)

    1. Welcome and Introduction to the Meeting - Staff (2 minutes)

    2. Adoption of Agenda, Review of Action Items -Olivier Crépin-Leblond (3 minutes)

    3. Policy Workgroup and Small Team Updates (40 minutes)

    Transfer Policy Review Policy Development Process (TPR-PDP) - (10 minutes) 

    At-Large Workspace

    Topic for 4 September call

    GNSO-TPR WG recommendations to Change of Registrant Data (Rec #25-28)

    Steinar's recommendation is in favor of eliminating Section II from the Transfer Policy; instead, the working group recommends that a standalone “Change of Registrant Data” policy MUST be established, existing outside of the revised Transfer Policy. For the avoidance of doubt, the working group is not recommending a new PDP to establish this standalone policy; instead, the working group is recommending the Change of Registrant Data Policy be created as part of the implementation of these policy recommendations.


    At-Large Representatives

      • ALAC Appointed Representatives: Steinar Grøtterød, Daniel Nanghaka
      • ALAC Alternates: Raymond Mamattah, Lutz Donnerhacke
      • ALAC Observers: Chokri Ben Romdhane, Hans Bathija, K Mohan Raidu, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy

    Additional Resources

    GNSO SubPro Small Team / Small Team Plus - (15 minutes) - Justine Chew 

    At-Large Representative(s)

      • ALAC Liaison to the GNSO: Justine Chew
      • ALAC Subject Matter Expert (SME): Currently, Greg Shatan
      • ALAC SME Alternate: Currently, Avri Doria

    Additional Resources

    IANA Naming Function Review (IFR2) - (N/A) 

    At-Large Representative

      • ALAC Appointed Representative: Carlton Samuels 

    Additional Resources

    Registration Data Accuracy (RDA) Scoping Team - (N/A)

    At-Large Workspace

    At-Large Representatives

      • ALAC Appointed Representatives: Alan Greenberg, Michael Palage

    Additional Resources

    4. Implementation Review Team (IRT) Updates (20 minutes)

    Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Issues (PPSAI) IRT - (N/A)

    At-Large Representative

      • At-Large Representative: Alan Greenberg
      • At-Large Alternate: Greg Shatan
      • At-Large Participants: Carlton Samuels and Shah Zahidur Rahman

    Additional Resources

    Subsequent Procedures IRT - (20 minutes) - Justine Chew

    20240904v1 - Next Round_SubPro Update #19 for CPWG 04Sep2024.pdf

    At-Large Workspace on SubPro

    At-Large Representative(s)

      • ALAC Appointed Representative: Justine Chew 
      • ALAC Appointed Alternate: Cheryl Langdon-Orr

    Additional Resources

    5. Policy Statement Updates - Heidi Ullrich and all (10 minutes)

    a. Recently Ratified by the ALAC / Currently going through Ratification Process

    b. Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Public Comment Statement, or Correspondence)

    Statement/Correspondence/Advice Name

    Internal Deadlines

    Public Comment Close


    Assigned Working Group


    At-Large Workspace: Data Processing Specification for ICANN-Accredited Registries and Registrars

    • ICANN org seeks community input on draft Data Processing Specifications (DPS) applicable to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement and Registry Agreement. Pursuant to the Phase 1 Recommendations 19 and 20 of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data, ICANN org and a team convened by the Contracted Party House negotiated the terms of the DPS for which we now seek public comment. ICANN org is preparing to implement the DPS so contracted parties can begin utilizing it during the Registration Data Policy transition period (21 August 2024 - 20 August 2025). 
      • Does the CPWG and At-Large community wish to comment on this proceeding?


    At-Large Workspace: gTLD IDN Tables Review Process When Reference LGR is not available

    • Currently there are 26 script-based Ref. LGRs published and ICANN org is able to review IDN Tables in hundreds of languages written in these scripts. However, there are 161 scripts encoded in Unicode standard and many scripts do not have Ref. LGRs available. Feedback is requested on the Proposed Process to Review gTLD IDN Tables Without Reference Label Generation Rules.

      • The CPWG and At-Large community has agreed to review this public comment proceeding.

    Draft Statement:  

    Final Statement:  

    ALAC vote: to  


    Hadia Elminiawi Satish Babu Abdulkarim Ayopo Oloyede Harold Arcos 

    At-Large Workspace: IRP-IOT – Proposed updates to the IRP Supplementary Procedures

    • The Independent Review Process (IRP) provides for third-party review of Board or Staff actions (or inactions) alleged to be inconsistent with ICANN's Articles or Bylaws. The IRP Implementation Oversight Team (IRP-IOT) seeks input on its proposed updates to IRP Supplementary Procedures.
      • The OFB-WG has agreed to draft a statement for this public comment proceeding



    Open for ALAC comment (2-6 Sept)


    Pari Esfandiari Bukola Oronti Claire Craig Gregory Shatan 

    At-Large Workspace: Proposed Fundamental Bylaws Amendments Related to Grant Program

    • The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is seeking input on a proposed amendment to Article 4, Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the ICANN Bylaws. The proposed Bylaws amendment is designed to specifically exclude the use of the ICANN’s Reconsideration and Independent Review Processes (collectively, “Accountability Mechanisms”) to challenge decisions on individual applications in the ICANN Grant Program. This proposal replaces the earlier proposed amendments to Article 4, Section 4.1 to set out a general process for how the ICANN community can limit access to ICANN’s Accountability Mechanisms.

      • To be reviewed by the OFB-WG.

      Voting OFB-WG

    Judith Hellerstein 

    At-Large Workspace: Draft ICANN Strategic Plan and Operating Plan Framework for FY26-30

    • As the ICANN Board finalizes the draft Strategic Plan for FY26–30, your insights are crucial to ensuring its success and alignment with community needs. The Board and org need your feedback on the clarity and relevance of our vision, the appropriateness of the strategic objectives, and the detailed goals and strategies designed to achieve them. Additionally, we seek your input on the proposed progress indicators and identified strategic risks. Furthermore, your input on the key activities identified in the five-year Operating Plan Framework to achieve each draft strategy is also appreciated. Your comments will help the Board and org to refine and enhance the plan to better serve our community through our strategic objectives. 
      • To be reviewed by the OFB-WG.

      Final Review. ALAC ratification scheduled for 10-13 September. OFB-WG

    Claire Craig Cheryl Langdon-Orr Judith Hellerstein Bukola Oronti Hadia Elminiawi Vanda Scartezini 

    At-Large Workspace: Transfer Policy Review Working Group Initial Report 

    • Initial Draft Statement
      • Should the proposed text for Rec.#33 be altered OR can we accept the text as proposed? My preference is a more "stronger" wording making it possible for a Registrant to initiate a transfer dispute in the revised transfer policy.
    • Revised Recommendation #33 Text
    • The Initial Report on the Transfer Policy Review Policy Development Process (PDP) documents the Working Group’s efforts and preliminary recommendations for how to evolve and improve ICANN’s Transfer Policy. The PDP Working Group requests your input on this Initial Report, which covers a wide range of generic top-level domain (gTLD) transfer-related topics and proposes a variety of changes to the current Transfer Policy.
      • The CPWG has agreed to draft a statement for this public comment proceeding. 

    Draft Statement:  

    Final Statement:  

    ALAC vote: to  


    Steinar Grøtterød 

    c. Upcoming Public Comment Proceedings

    Improved GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Charter Amendment Process OFB-WG

    The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) charter revision process has been updated to reflect the continuous evolution of the ICANN community, ongoing implementation of Specific Review recommendations, and the review role of ICANN Board. These improvements will streamline charter revisions and allow GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies to continue their focus on policy development.

    Draft PTI FY26-30 Strategic Plan OFB-WG

    The Five-Year Strategic Plan establishes a vision and a set of strategic objectives in service of PTI's mission.

    Proposed Language for Draft Sections of the Next Round Applicant Guidebook (September)CPWG

    This Public Comment proceeding is the second in a series of proceedings that will seek input from the ICANN community on proposed language for selected sections of the Applicant Guidebook for the New gTLD Program: Next Round.

    Revised Operating Standards for Specific Reviews Draft OFB-WG

    Over the course of multiple Specific Reviews, challenges emerged with the process that impacted their effectiveness. To address these challenges, ICANN org developed process improvements that it socialized with the community. Based on community input, org revised the Operating Standards for Specific Reviews. This proceeding seeks community input on the Revised Operating Standards, in time for the next Accountability and Transparency Review.

    Proposed Internet Coordination Policy 2 (ICP-2) Version 2 Principles

    This document represents the first major step in the ASO AC’s work of revising ICP-2. It sets forth the core principles that ASO AC believes should be captured in the next version of ICP-2. 

    6. Presentation on the Draft Statement on the gTLD IDN Tables Review Process - Hadia Elminiawi and Harold Arcos (10 minutes)

    7. Any other business (AOB) - Olivier Crépin-Leblond and all (3 minutes) 

    • SubPro IRT Call #69: New gTLD Program Next Round Outreach & Engagement, Tue 10 September 2024, 13:00 UTC -  
    • ALAC Public Comment on Diacritics: It is appreciated. Some 40 comments have been posted on this important topic for UA - Louie Houle

    8.  Next Meeting - Olivier Crépin-Leblond and staff (2 minutes)

    • CPWG meetings are held weekly on Wednesdays, at rotating times of 14:00 & 19:00 UTC
    • Proposed Next Meeting: Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 19:00 UTC 

    CPWG Resources

    • No labels


    1. Questions to CPWG on GNSO-TPR recommendations 25-28

      A Google document with the proposed recommendations for charter questions 25-28 was distributed to the CPWG email list on Aug 28, 2024.

      These charter questions covers the Change of Registrant Data. The key question is whether a Change of Registrant Data should be in a standalone policy OR included in a revisited Transfer Policy.

      1. Result of the "poll":

        Question #1:

        Recommendation #26 propose to establish a standalone "Change of Registrant Policy", existing outside of the revisited Transfer Policy.

        (44%) I agree in establishing a standalone policy

        (21%) I disagree in establishing a standalone policy. A "Change of Registrant Data" policy should be included in a revisited Transfer Policy

        (28%) I am not sure

        (8%) Abstain

        Question #2:

        Recommendation #26.4 recommend eliminating a 60-day inter-Registrar transfer lock following a Change of Registrant data (material change).

        (16%) There should be no locks after a change of Registrant data

        (23%) The 60-days lock should remain

        (43%) There should be a lock but less than 60-days

        (16%) I am not sure

        (2%) Abstain

    2. IFR2 Update from Carlton Samuels:

      The primary focus was to reach a consensus on how to engage directly with the IANA Function’s direct customers to gather their input before the public comment period. It was agreed that the team will formally request time from TLD constituencies for community updates and feedback, and initiate informal discussions with interested participants at ICANN81.

      I inquired whether the recent announcement of ownership transfers of the IANA IPR might affect the new contract or contract term. The general consensus was that it wouldn’t, but the issue has been flagged for further review.

      We continue to revisit and finalize comments from the initial contract review. The next meeting is scheduled for 17 September at 18:00 UTC.