December 2013

Action Items from our December APRALO meeting

 1. MOU with APNIC.-  APRALO will have the whole month of January to send comments. 

The MOU draft can be found @ APRALO Draft MOU with APNIC    Goal: To have the official signing in Singapore.

If you have any comments, please, send those to Maureen and Holly during January, after that the final version will be prepared to be officially signed during Singapore meeting.

This version has mention of the meetings and training added, so this is without further comments, this is what will be signed in Singapore

2.  Requesting a volunteer for the Spotlight  for January 2014 ???
3.  Review of the APRALO Rules of Procedure :

The [consensus was taken] to endorse the review of the APRALO ROPs

The workspace (and charter) can be found @ APRALO Rules of Procedures Review 2013

4.  ICANN 49th Singapore - APRALO Showcase

Brainstorming ideas for the showcase on 4 Dec @  APRALO Singapore Showcase OC 2013-12-04

Any other ideas please add to the workspace, especially for any sponsorship of showcase accessories

information about ICANN 49 venue etc @ 

A draft showcase programme is @ APRALO 49th meeting - Singapore 2014 - APRALO Events

Emani is sponsoring 150 red lanyards which will have text "ICANN 49 - SINGAPORE. APRALO". Siranush will ask Emani to move on this

5. What budget is required for the Singapore Showcase? 

We are in the process of identifying some sponsors for this, and several people who participated in the call mentioned that already started the works on that, which is really appreciated and needed.

According to the suggestions, the Staff will post in the wiki space for Showcase ( approximate amount for catering budget and other items needed to be prepared for the event. 

If you have any ideas for the showcase or sponsorship, please notify me (Siranush Vardanyan at siranush_vardanyan@hotmail.combefore 10th of January 2014, which will be prior to the next monthly meeting of Showcase Organizing Committee.

Once there is a better idea of what is planned, with a draft budget, an action item will be taken to approach APNIC (and maybe auDA as well) for showcase support.

6. Singapore meeting - Multi-stakeholder forum on consumer metrics

-  Holly to request ideas on the mail list.

7. ALAC Metrics 

Please add more comments on workspace @  ALAC Could do workspace - ALAC Metrics - discussion

-  The deadline to submit comments is January 8th. (Before the next metrics meeting)

8. ALAC Finance and Budget Sub Committee:

There are two members representing the ALAC on the committee at the moment - Cheryl LO and Rafid Fatani.

CLO mentioned it would be good to have a third (regional)  member for the FBSC. Volunteer from among the APRALO ALSes?  

Those who have background in finance and are interested to serve in this committee, please, send your name to Siranush and/or ICANN staff by December 25, 2013.

To learn more about FBSC, please, visit the wiki space , direct link is here: ALAC Subcommittee on Finance and Budget

9. CROPP:  Community Regional Outreach Pilot programme

Our CROPP representative is ALi AlMeshal. Read about the programme @  Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (FY14)

We need to identify ASAP what are the major events taking place in APRALO region during the period

from February-June 2014 (we are already aware about APRICOT 2014). If you are aware of such events, which will meet the criteria of the program, please, send your suggestions via this mailing list. To learn more about the program, please, visit:    

10. ATLAS II meeting in London - (At Large Summit)

More information about the ATLAS II meeting @  ATLAS II Charter

The Summit is specifically for ICANN ALSes. One person will be invited from each ALS.

Please join a working group @  At-Large Summit Working Group

There will be a special webinar 2 hrs for the GA. with interpretation. (question)

11. NEXT APRALO meeting (Jan 2014)

Staff will send a doodle to APRALO for the last Tuesday of Jan