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Person(s) Responsible



Agree on Speakers and Content


14 February

@1/26: Proposed speakers - Vint Cerf and Markus Kummer ISOC's VP of Public Policy. Vint has been contacted but not confirmed. @2/24: done.





Confirm Speakers


21 February

@2/10: Vint has confirmed his participation.,@2/17: Staff needs to confirm Rod's participation, @2/24: done. @3/3:Staff will follow up on the invitation for Rod Beckstrom to introduce Vint Cerf at the Showcase event on behalf of NARALO. - IN PROGRESS





Sponsorship Letter


14 February


  • Draft letter


3 February

@1/26: Chris Grundemann will talk to his contacts at Google to find out who to contact for sponsorship request, @2/24:done.

  • Letter posted for comments


4 February

@2/10: done.

  • Finalize Letter


11 February

@2/10: done

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  • Send Letter to potential sponsors


14 February

@2/10: Darlene has sent letters to CIRA and TuCows. Chris was ready to send letter to Google., @2/17: Chris confirmed that Google will be sponsoring the event. Invoice logistics need to be defined. @2/24,@3/3: [1] Staff will follow up with ICANN's legal and meetings department whether ICANN could act as the "supplier" record for Google to cut a PO against.-  IN PROGRESS, [2]  Any decision about transportation to the Town Meeting?


Showcase Flyer


9 March


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  • Draft Flyer


16 February

@2/17: ICANN will be working on additional promotional material., @2/24: [1]Staff will talk to ICANN's meeting department to find ways to promote the event in advance of the ICANN conference, [2]  Staff will ask for printed version of the NARALO brochure in EN, FR and ES (Question: How many of each?) ,[3] Staff will ask meetings staff to provide flyers for the showcase on Saturday and Sunday, @3/3: [1] Staff spoke to the communications department and are proceding accordingly. Done.  [2] brochures  done, [3] Staff will ask meetings staff to provide flyers for the showcase on Saturday and Sunday, [4] Staff will ask meetings staff to promote the NARALO Showcase on TV monitors on Saturday through Monday. - IN PROGRESS


  • Flyer Posted for Comments


23 February

 @3/3: Open

  • Print Flyer


9 March


  • Distribute Flyer


13-14 March


ALS Templates/Wiki Pages


9 March


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  • Templates sent to ALSes


14 February

@1/26: [1]Darlene will collect the fact sheets from the ALS members., [2]Staff will prepare a draft NARALO showcase website /// @2/10: [1]Darlene has started , [2] done. 


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  • Deadline for completion of ALS templates/wiki pages


4 March

@2/17: Only 7 ALSs have sent their information., @2/24: Darlene will keep following up on the missing ALS factsheets. ,@3/3: [1] Darlene will follow up on the missing ALS factsheets.- IN PROGRESS.


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  • Printing of ALS templates/Finalization of wiki pages



 @3/3:[1]  Staff will also look at simpler URL for the San Francisco showcase such as - COMPLETED. [2] [2] Staff will ask meetings to add a link to the NARALO showcase on the main meetings website. - IN PROGRESS


Prepare Speakers' Notes (outlining themes)

Volunteer (with staff)

04 March

  • Prepare drafts


26 February

@2/17: define who is going to do this, @2/24: Staff will provide speaking notes for Rod

  • Finalize


2 March

@3/3:Staff will provide speaking notes for Rod - IN PROGRESS

  • Send to speakers


4 March




28 February


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  • Check with Meetings Staff/local catering


21 February

@1/26: [1]Staff will get in touch with meetings whether it would be possible to have the Showcase at 6:00 pm., [2]Staff will follow up with meetings whether there is budget for cocktails , @2/10: $1,000 to be allocated by ICANN


  • Finalize catering


28 February

@2/17: Google will be sponsoring the event. ICANN will add up to $1800 to the budged if necessary, @2/24:Staff will inform ICANN's meeting department that last minute additions for food and snacks are excepted., @3/3:Heidi will inform ICANN's meeting department that last minute additions for food and snacks are excepted.- COMPLETED, WAITING TO RECEIVE UPDATED BUDGET ESTIMATE

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Run-through with Speakers


14 March

@2/24: Need to coordinate with speakers - location and time, @3/3: [1] F/U speaker gift - Gisella will organize wine bottles from different continents for Vint. - IN PROGRESS, [2] Staff will ask meetings for pictures of the different meeting venues. - IN PROGRESS




14 March


Staff will also look at simpler URL for the San Francisco showcase such as - COMPLETED

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