Andrea Glandon: (10/21/2018 08:16) Welcome to ALAC and Regional Leaders Working Session 5 of 13 held on Sunday, 21 October 2018, 08:30-10:15.
  Andrea Glandon: (08:17) Hello, my name is Andrea and I will be monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the remote participants, ensuring that they are heard equally with those who are “in-room” participants
  Andrea Glandon: (08:17) When submitting a question that you want me to read out loud on the microphone in this session, please provide your name and affiliation if you are representing one, start your sentence with <QUESTION> and end it with <QUESTION>.
  Andrea Glandon: (08:17) When submitting a comment that you want me to read out loud on the microphone, once again provide your name and affiliation if you have one then start your sentence with a <COMMENT> and end it with <COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as partof “chat” and will not be read out loud on the mic.
  Andrea Glandon: (08:18) Any questions or comments provided outside of the session time will not be read aloud.
  Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (08:41) hello all
  Andrea Glandon: (08:41) Brief Review of Implementation Project, Procedures and Timeline(s)
  Glenn McKnight: (08:44) Thanks  Andrea
  Glenn McKnight: (08:44) Pictures of Day one  on Flickr
  Glenn McKnight: (08:45) Dont; forget to sign up for the booth 
  Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (08:45) thank you Glenn
  Glenn McKnight: (08:45)
  Glenn McKnight: (08:46) Anyone interested in the  PIR or   ISOC Boards  please speak to me
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:51) ARIWG Development plan
  Maureen Hilyard: (08:54) Priorities and Dependencies page
  Sebastien: (09:23) Can we have the link to the document Cheryl is talking about? ANd it maybe add to the page Maureen give us the link
  Heidi Ullrich: (09:24) @Seb, in progress
  Heidi Ullrich: (09:45) During the process of the At-Large Review, the ALAC committed to eight review implementation activities (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13 and 16) which the Board agreed to in their Resolution dated 23 June 2018.There were an additional five issues  (5, 6,, 8, 10, 11) raised in the At-Large Review which the ALAC considers important but are continuously being addressed as part of At-Large's ongoing activities.Three issues (12, 14 and 15) will be focused upon as applicable but there is no immediate ongoing activity.
  Heidi Ullrich: (09:49) Strategic plan info page:
  Sebastien: (09:50) Where are the Q from cc?
  Andrea Glandon: (09:52) @Sebastien, checking on this
  Heidi Ullrich: (09:53) ccNSO questions to the ALAC:         Does ALAC view activities in the area of internet governance as a part of ICANN’s mission and a strategic priority? What are the ALAC’s views on the roles of the different groups of ICANN in this area (Board’s, staff’s, communities, CCWG IG)? Has the ALAC considered possibilities to consolidate and coordinate all the different activities? How do they see the interaction between global, regional and national IG related activities?        What does the ALAC consider strategic priorities for the upcoming Strategic Plan?        What do you consider possible ways to optimize the ICANN budget spending?
  Heidi Ullrich: (09:58) RSSAC reports:
  Sebastien: (10:00) @John agree but not sure about time to read 50 pages in english before meeting with the RSSAC
  Sebastien: (10:01) RSSAC (Root Server System Advisory Committee) (15:15-16:00) with RSSAC Co-Chairs, Brad Verd and Tripti Sinha
  John Laprise: (10:01)
  Hadia Elminiawi - ALAC: (10:01) Thank you John
  Andrea Glandon: (10:10) @Sebastien, the questions fromt he ccNSO are listed on this wiki page in the agenda for that session
  Sebastien: (10:11) Why? Because: The audience of this proposal is the Board of Directors of the InternetCorporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the ICANN community, and morebroadly, the Internet community.
  Andrea Glandon: (10:14) Thank you for your participation!

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