
30 November 2016

Today, ICANN Staff announced, on behalf of the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) and in the spirit of increased transparency, the names and domiciles of all Candidates for the ICANN Board Director position selected by the At-Large Community. These Candidates submitted a completed Expression of Interest (EoI) by the deadline of 18 November 2016 at 23:59 UTC. The Candidates, listed in alphabetical order of the last name, are:

  • Sebastien Bachollet (France)
  • William Michael Cunningham (United States)
  • Hago Dafalla (Libya)
  • Alan Greenberg (Canada)
  • Nigel Phair (Australia)
  • Leon Felipe Sanchez Ambia (Mexico)

The BCEC is currently evaluating the EoIs submitted by the Candidates, as well as their References, in a thorough and confidential process. On 22 December 2016, the BCEC will publish the names of the BCEC slate of Candidates, as well as their EoI Forms, without disclosing any personal/private information. The BCEC slate will proceed to the next stage of the election, which will be organized by the Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC). The selected Candidate will serve for a three-year term, starting at the end of ICANN60, which will be the 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM).

For more information, please visit the At-Large Board Member Selection wiki workspace[]. The Call for Expressions of Interest (EoIs) can be found here[].

Any questions regarding the process should be directed by email to They will be answered as quickly as possible.

Heidi Ullrich, Ariel Liang, Terri Agnew, and Yeşim Nazlar

At-Large Board Member Selection Program Admin Staff

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