
27 October 2016

Provide Input to the CCT Review Team at ICANN57

The Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review team (CCT-RT) is at a critical stage in its work. After 10 months of meetings and discussions, the group will soon begin to share its findings. The CCT-RT invites all stakeholders to join a community engagement session at ICANN57 in Hyderabad, India on Friday, November 4 from 09:00-10:30 IST (time conversion here[]) in Hall 3 to share input on the Review Team's findings and help inform next steps.

Session Agenda

  1. CCT-RT Process update (09:00-09:05)
  2. Take-away from surveys/studies (09:05-09:20)
    • Global Consumer Survey and Global Domain Name Registrant Survey (Nielsen)
    • Economic Analysis on New gTLD Program's Competition Effects (Analysis Group)
    • Interviews (AM Global)
  3. CCT-RT narratives and high-level findings (09:20-10:00)
    • Competition & Consumer Choice followed by Q&A
    • Safeguards & Trust followed by Q&A
    • Application & Evaluation Process followed by Q&A
  4. Work plan & timeline (10:00-10:05)
  5. Open microphone (10:05-10:30)

How can I participate?

Join us[] in-person on Friday, November 4 from 09:00 - 10:30 IST (time conversion here[]) in Hall 3 or remotely via the Adobe Connect Room to voice your unique feedback. Audio transcripts of the session will be made available on the sessions detail page.[]

Suggestions can also be sent to the CCT-RT's dedicated mailing-list:, which is publicly archived.

What is the focus of the CCT Review?

The CCT Review is examining how the introduction or expansion of gTLDs has promoted competition, consumer trust and consumer choice in the domain name space. It is also examining the effectiveness of the application and evaluation procesess, as well as the safeguards put in place to mitigate issues involved in the introduction or expansion of gTLDs.

What are Reviews?

The CCT Review is a part of ICANN's "Specific Reviews." Specific Reviews are led by the global Internet community, and serve as a tool for the community to provide input into ICANN's processes. Specific Reviews look at past performance and current processes to make recommendations that will help ICANN improve future performance. The reviews take a fact-driven approach to measure progress and deliver a health-check that identifies recommendations for improvement.

How can I find out additional information?

Note: The CCT-RT will be holding a two-day face-to-face meeting on 2-3 November. For details on how to listen in or join in-person, visit here[].

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