News Alert

ICANN 2016 Nominating Committee Announces Selections

29 August 2016

The ICANN 2016 Nominating Committee is pleased to announce its selections for seven leadership positions within ICANN.

ICANN Board of Directors

At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)


Andrey Kolesnikov


Javier Rua-Jovet
North America

Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)


Erika Mann

Council of the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO)


Jian Zhang
Asia/Australia/Pacific Islands

Those selected will take up their positions after the end of ICANN's Annual General Meeting, which will take place during the ICANN Public Meeting scheduled for 3 – 9 November 2016 in Hyderabad, India.

The Nominating Committee is charged with recruiting and selecting a portion of ICANN's leadership. The Nominating Committee is mandated to ensure that ICANN's overall leadership is diverse in geography, culture, skills, experience and perspective. The basic criteria are that selectees are people of integrity, objectivity, sound judgment; support decision-making within groups; work effectively in English; understand ICANN's mission and operation; are committed to its success; have experience in world affairs; contribute to cultural, professional and geographic expertise; and can work long and hard, generally as volunteers, for the global public trust.

An Independent Body at the Community's Service

Discussing the 2016 Nominating Committee results, Stéphane Van Gelder, the Chair of the 2016 Nominating Committee, shared the following:

"As Chair, it is my honour, pleasure and duty to report that the 2016 Nominating Committee has completed the task assigned to it by the ICANN Community and made the selections shown above.

By the close of the application period on 20 March 2016, the 2016 Nominating Committee had received 105 applications for the seven positions it was tasked with filling.

This substantial growth in applications meant the 2016 Nominating Committee had to apply discipline to its processes and planning. The Nominating Committee members availed themselves admirably of the task the ICANN Community has entrusted them with. Their outstanding dedication shown by the fact that at the close of the official selection work, they decided to reconvene and continue working on issues such as process in order to provide future Nominating Committees with an even more solid base to work from.

I want to thank the Nominating Committee for its work and dedication, which included active participation in the drafting of the Committee's final report to provide in-depth information on the full cycle. The final report is meant as an official recording of this cycle, both for anyone interested in understanding how the Nominating Committee works and for future reference should Nominating Committees need this in the years to come.

I want to extend special thanks to our world class staff support, Joette Youkhanna and Jia Kimoto, to Yrjö Lansipuro for once again providing the Committee and the Community with journalist-level Report Cards on our work, and to Hans Petter Holen and Wolfgang Kleinwächter for supporting me on the Leadership Team throughout the year.

During this year's Annual General Meeting in Hyderabad in November, the Committee will present the ICANN Community with a Final Report detailing its work and providing in-depth data on the applications received.

Best regards,

Stéphane Van Gelder
2016 Nominating Committee Chair"

Regional Breakdown of Applicants

As noted above, the 2016 Nominating Committee received 105 applications from candidates all over the world (20 women and 85 men) during its open nomination period from 17 December 2015 to 20 March 2016.

The regional breakdown of this year's candidates is:

13 from Africa
30 from Asia/Australia/Pacific Islands
26 from Europe
11 from Latin America/Caribbean Islands
25 from North America

To learn more about the Nominating Committee, visit



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