Scope of Work:

Principle G; Recommendations 2, 3, 6, 12 and 20; Implementation Guidance F, H, P and R

  • Applicant’s Freedom of Expression: Examine whether GAC Advice, community processes, and reserved names impacted this goal.
  • String Similarity: Were string contention evaluation results consistent and effective in preventing user confusion? Were the string contention resolution mechanisms fair and efficient?
  • Objections: Review rules around standing, fees, objection consolidation, consistency of proceedings and outcomes. Review functions and role of the independent objector.  Consider oversight of process and appeal mechanisms.
  • Accountability Mechanisms: Examine whether dispute resolution and challenge processes provide adequate redress options or if additional redress options specific to the program are needed.
    • Note that the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) is comprehensively reviewing accountability mechanisms, so a portion of this topic may be beyond the scope of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
  • Community Applications: Was the overall approach to communities consistent with recommendations and implementation guidance? Did the Community Priority Evaluation process achieve its purpose and result in anticipated outcomes? Were the recommendations adequate for community protection?
  • Misc - The SubPro PDP WG, from discussions with the RPMs PDP WG, should be responsible for consideration of the PICDRP and the RRDRP, as these are DRPs that are NOT based on trademark rights.


Work Track 3 Initial Report Plan: WT3_InitialReportPlan.pdf

Principles, Recommendations, and Implementation Guidance: SubProWT3_PGR.docx

Proposed Order of Work: SubProWT3_WorkOrder.docx


Work Track 3 Issue Areas Working Document:


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