ICANN Meeting 55 Marrakech March 2016 – SSAC Liaison Report
(as at 10Mar16)
1. SSAC MEETING WITH ALAC. The briefing provided by Patrik Fältström, the SSAC Chair, on Sunday 18 October gave a summary of the most recently released SSAC Reports, available on the SSAC Reports and Advisories Webpage. Patrik spoke specifically about the following reports:
- SAC080: SSAC Approval of CCWG-Accountability Supplemental Final Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations dated 02 March 2016
- SAC079: SSAC Advisory on the Changing Nature of IPv4 Address Semantics dated 29 February 2016
- SAC078: SSAC Advisory on Uses of the Shared Global Domain Name Space dated 18 February 2016
- SAC077: SSAC Comment on gTLD Marketplace Health Index Proposal dated 22 January 2016
Patrik also advised of new Work Parties within SSAC that have been established to look into:
- Namespace Issues: This Work Party will continue on from SAC079 and examine a broader range of Namespace Issues. The exact scope is still being finalised.
- New gTLD Auction Proceeds: This Work Party will provide support to the SSAC Members participating in the CCWG on this topic (Lyman Chapin and Russ Mundy)
- IDN Harmonization: This Work Party will look into issues resulting from the lack of IDN harmonisation including but not limited to Trademark Clearing House, New gTLDs/Label Generation Rules, IDN ccTLD Fast Track.
2. SSAC INVOLVEMENT IN CCWG ON ACCOUNTABILITY. On 3Mar16, the day before the CCWG Accountability held its first meeting in Marrakech, the SSAC published SAC080 advising its approval of final draft report. SSAC was the first Community Group to do so.
As one of the two SSAC Representatives on the CCWG, I attended all scheduled sessions as detailed below.
CCWG Accountability Meetings
Friday 4 March
0800-1700: CCWG Accountability Working Session
Monday 5 March
1330-1500: CCWG Accountability Engagement Session
Thursday 10 March
0900-1200: CCWG Accountability Workstream 2 Working Session
The SSAC was briefed on CCWG Next Steps during the SSAC Private Meetings and confirmed that Lyman Chapin and I will continue serving as SSAC Members of the CCWG throughout Workstream 2. Depending on concurrent workload and expertise associated with the topic areas, some assistance from other SSAC Members may need to be requested.
3. MEETINGS ATTENDED IN MARRAKECH. In addition to the CCWG Accountability Meetings, I attended the following ALAC, SSAC and other general meetings and events:
SSAC Meetings
Sunday 6 March
1445-1515: SSAC Briefing to ALAC
Tuesday 8 March
0800-1800: SSAC Private Meetings
1400-1500: SSAC Meeting with Board
Wednesday 9 March
0900-1515: DNSSEC Workshop
Thursday 10 March
0800-0900: SSAC Public Meeting
ALAC Meetings
Saturday 5 March
0700-0900: ALT Meeting
0945-1230: ALAC Strategy Session Pt 1
1400-1715: ALAC Strategy Session Pt 1
1930-2230: ALT and RALO Chairs Dinner
Sunday 6 March
0945-1730: ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session
Monday 7 March
1900-2030: AFRALO Showcase
Wednesday 9 March
1515-1715: ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-up Meeting
Thursday 10 March
0700-0800: ALT Meeting
Other Sessions and Meetings
Monday 7 March
0830-0945: Welcome Ceremony
1000-1145: IANA Stewardship Transition Implementation Session
1515-1645: How It Works – Domain Name Registry Protocols
1700-1830: Public Forum 1
Tuesday 8 March
1900-2100: ccNSO Cocktail Party
Thursday 10 March
1330-1530: Public Forum 2
1600-1700: ICANN Public Board Meeting
1700-1900: Farewell Cocktail Party